New Years Eve

( one of my fav~s)

Late December, the trees were heavy with snow and the excitement of the holidays was still in the air. Icicles hung down past the windows of our cabin in the woods. Vannie and I had flown in for a week of skiing, and I was filled with her laughter and her smile.

The view was spectacular from the top of the mountain, Lake Tahoe sparkling like a jewel below us. A handful of casinos sat along the shore, and we spent several nights gambling and enjoying the noise, the crowds, and the lights.

We made love at night in front of the fire, and again in the morning beneath piles of quilts. I had to coax Vannie out of bed and onto the slopes each morning, her nose wrinkled against the cold, her tongue extended to catch snowflakes and let them melt. We kissed and teased each other as we rode the chair lift, high above the ground.

Saturday night was New Year’s Eve, and I wanted to make it special. There was a small French café set high above the lake, where we watched the sun drop behind the mountains, our fingers entwined on the table top. Vannie’s face glowed in the candlelight. We lingered over our drinks, and stared into each others’ eyes, saying the goofy things new lovers say. All I could think about was how beautiful and sexy she looked, and what it would be like later, making love to Vannie … how she would feel against me, on top of me, beneath me, in my arms. When dinner arrived, I reluctantly let go of her hand to make room for the plates.

I barely ate a thing. I was too busy watching Vannie eat, mesmerized by her body in tight jeans and a white silk shirt. Watching a beautiful woman eat is very sensual and mysteriously arousing, at least to me. Shiny forks moving into opened mouths … fingers and tongues dabbing at the edges of warm, ripe lips … delicate hands working together, picking things up, putting them down again, constantly in motion. I pushed my food around my plate while watching Vannie fondle her wineglass and lick chocolate mousse off her lips.

During dessert, I moved my chair closer to hers and sucked whipped cream from her fingertips. Smiling, she put her hand on my leg and began to trace a path towards my aching crotch. I thought about pulling her even closer and guiding her hand to my hardened cock, but I knew it would embarrass her in such a public place.

Claiming I had had a bit too much to drink, I asked her to drive us back to the cabin. Truth is, I wanted to be able to look at her and tease her. As she pulled onto the dark mountain road, I leaned over and kissed her ear, nibbled on her neck, and ran my fingers across her cheeks. Vannie playfully bit at my fingers, catching one between her teeth and flicking it with her tongue. My heart was pounding and my cock was throbbing, as I watched her concentrate on the unfamiliar road.

Just ahead was one of those scenic view places. Without saying a word, Vannie pulled off the road and parked. She turned towards me and took my face in her hands, kissing me passionately. I slid my hands across her silky blouse and she squirmed against me, making delicious little noises.

It was a clear night, and we could see moonlit snow and twinkling stars that seemed to go on forever. Vannie kept her hands on my face, and we kissed until we were dizzy and hot. As our tongues explored, I unbuttoned her shirt and slipped one hand inside her bra, teasing and twisting a hardened nipple. My other hand moved between her legs, massaging her through her pants. When I started unbuttoning her jeans, she tried to object but gave in with a gasp as my hand moved across her bare tummy and kept going.

Working my fingers lower, I discovered her wetness had soaked through her silk panties. Wet panties make me crazy …I wanted to rub my face against them, kiss and lick them, and rub them on my cock. I needed to feel more of that slick dampness, so I slid my fingers inside her, watching her face as she bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut with pleasure. I moved two fingers in and out of her wet pussy, rubbing her clit with the heel of my hand. Breathing heavily, Vannie rocked against my fingers until she came. And as soon as she did, she pulled away from me and started the engine, saying softly that I would have to wait for my turn.

Vannie tucked in her shirt and buttoned her jeans, and pulled back onto the road. Casually, she let her right hand fall into my lap, and ran her nails up and down my hard cock, teasing me the way she knew I liked to be teased. I brought her hand to my face and licked the inside of her wrist. I wanted to lay down with my head in her lap and just absorb her warm and sexy smell, but I knew better than to try. A light snow had begun to fall, and Vannie was suddenly all business, both hands on the wheel, impatient to get us home.

Fresh snow crunched under the tires as she drove up to the cabin, parking as close as she could get to the porch. Vannie straddled my lap, and we kissed and rubbed against each other until I wanted to throw her down in the snow and fuck her, hard. I had to get her inside the cabin, and my cock inside her hot pussy, and I couldn’t wait any longer.

We stumbled through the snow, slipping and sinking and holding each other tightly. When we reached the steps, I took her in my arms again and kissed her, probing her mouth with my tongue. Our breath made little clouds of steam every time we exhaled. Vannie ran her hands up and down my back, squeezing my butt, pulling me closer and pressing her breasts against me. I somehow managed to unlock the door and get us both inside. As promised, my neighbor had come over and lit a fire, so the room was incredibly warm and shadows flickered on the walls.

We fell together on the couch, undressing each other with hands and mouths. Vannie slowly pulled my sweater over my head, then ran her tongue from my chin to my navel. She nudged the bulge in my pants with her nose, and bit at me through my jeans. I was much less patient. Fumbling with buttons and boots, I quickly stripped her down to her sexy bra and panties, sheer and lacy white silk. I could see her dark nipples through her bra, her breasts spilling over the top. I circled her nipples with my tongue, and then bit each one gently, pulling it just a little with my teeth and waiting for her to moan before I let go.

Vannie slid to the floor, taking my pants with her. Her tongue circled the head of my cock, making it throb in her hand. She took me in her mouth for just a moment, then moved up and began to rub her wet panties against me. I reached down and slid her panties to one side, finally getting my cock inside. God, she felt good! She was more than ready for me, and began to tremble and moan. I stayed very still inside her while she came, letting her ride and grind against me, then fucked her hard and fast until my own orgasm rocked my body as her nails dug into my shoulders.

We laid together for a few minutes, catching our breath and enjoying the feeling. I was still aroused and hard, and wanted to give her more pleasure. I knelt on the floor and removed her bra and panties, then took her by the hand and led her out to the snowy deck, where we quickly climbed into the wooden hot tub. The jets pulsed against us, hot water caressing our bodies, with just our faces feeling the bite of the cold mountain air.

Vannie leaned back, her legs spread wide, and I rubbed my cock against her. I took a deep breath and went down on her under the water, sucking on her clit until I ran out of air. She held onto the sides as I raised her until the front of her body was ever so slightly above the water, her nipples glistening in the moonlight. I licked her clit and pushed my tongue deep inside her. Looking up, I saw a gentle steam rising off her body ... and my cock got even harder. Vannie wrapped her knees around my neck, floating in front of me and offering her delicious pussy.

I teased and touched and tasted, rolling her clit between my teeth and fucking her with my mouth, until she started to whimper, then I lowered her legs and thrust my cock into her. I rolled her on top of me, so that I could sit on the bench while Vannie moved up and down on my cock. We sucked on each others’ lips and tongues, our mouths pressed together, an endless and passionate kiss. The rhythm of our bodies meeting, the water splashing against us, and the sounds Vannie was making were absolute heaven. I rubbed her back, her butt, and her inner thighs. She rose up on her knees a bit, so that I could lick and bite her nipples.

Vannie wrapped her small hand around the base of my cock, stroking me as I moved in and out of her. My balls tightened as I thrust myself hard and deep inside her, and we came together in one incredible explosive orgasm, moaning and grinding ourselves into each other. Vannie leaned against me and I held her very close, and we kissed for what seemed like hours. I stayed inside her as we hugged and kissed and talked and enjoyed the closeness.

When the heat of the moment wore off, we began to feel the cold mountain air. I wrapped Vannie in a large, fluffy towel, and carried her into the cabin. We laid on a quilt in front of the fire, and I gently wiped the water from her flushed body, and then kissed her from head to toe, hundreds of tiny little kisses. Running my hands through her hair, I thought again how beautiful she was. I went to the kitchen for champagne and glasses, and noticed that it was well past midnight. We drank a toast to the new year, then Vannie snuggled against my chest and fell asleep in my arms. As I watched her sleep, I kissed her forehead and whispered softly "Happy New Year, sweet Vannie."



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