Long Night !!

She looked at the pile of work on her desk, then looked at her watch. It was 2:00 in the morning when she realized that once more this week she would be putting in another all-nighter. She stood up and stretched, the empty office looming before her. She walked back to the coffee machine for yet another refill. It was dark in most of the office, because her boss wanted to conserve on the electric bill. She could not help but feel tired and used and old. She wandered back to her desk and switched the music station over from classic rock of the 70's (which kept her awake) to mellow favourites. She thought to herself, "Just a couple of minutes of rest, and I can continue." 

She laid her head on her arms, and closed her eyes. "Not for long," she promised herself. 

She felt his strong hands on her shoulders. He couldn't be there, but she felt him nonetheless. His hands pulled her hair gently out of the way, and kneaded at her knotted shoulders. "God, that feels good," she smiled. His fingers massaged her neck, inching up the back of her skull. They pressed in at her temples gently, rubbing in circles. His hands covered her head and laced through her hair - combing and detangling as if with a brush. She sighed deeply. She felt him lean down, and felt his hot breath in her ear. "I love you." 

He turned her chair around, and pulled her up to him. Even if she had absolutely no strength in her legs, she knew he would support her. He hugged her to him - he was so warm. His hands stroked her face as she looked up into his eyes. She closed her eyes, and his mouth fell upon hers. The kiss was so tender, so loving. Their lips parted and their tongues probed. She felt a flush creep over her body as she responded to his kiss. Her arms held him tightly, afraid that he might disappear suddently... but he stayed. She felt her body melt into his as their kisses became more passionate. She wanted him so badly. 

"I need you now," he whispered to her. She nodded, and they walked hand in hand to a dark corner of the office. 

He undressed her slowly, allowing his fingers to touch her body delicately as he unbuttoned her blouse. She moaned - wanting him to touch her more, trying to move toward him - but he held her back tenderly. He slid her blouse off of her arms, then brought his hands up over her stomach and breasts. He massaged her through her bra and leaned down to kiss her. She leaned her head back giving him access to her neck, his hands moving to her shoulders holding her there while he kissed and licked and sucked on her neck. Her hands moved down to feel and caress him. 

He removed her bra, and bent down to suck on her breasts. She felt weak. As he bathed her with his tongue, he unzipped and removed her skirt, pulling it and her hose and her panties down together, sliding his hands down her legs. She stepped out of them, standing naked in front of him. She wanted to help him undress, but he shook his head. He unbuttoned the buttons of his shirt and pulled it off. He stared into her eyes as he unzipped his jeans, and let them fall to the floor. He removed his briefs. Then he made a pillow of their clothes and laid her down upon it. 

She reached for him, and he came down to her. She reveled in the feel of the body on top of her, pushing against her. The hair on his chest brushed against her breasts, making her nipples hard and sensitive. When they kissed, she sucked in his tongue and teased it with hers... licking and sucking the tip of it as she would the tip of his cock. Her legs wrapped around his, and she pressed herself against him. Her hands spread out over his back, tracing hard patterns in the smoothness. 

He covered her with kisses and the sounds of their passion filled the office. 

He teased her body with his kisses. She moved in slow, penetrating circles against him, beckoning him into her. Her teeth grazed his neck, and her tongue lapped at his chest. 

He entered her slowly, allowing her only a little of himself at a time... in and out... deeper each time. When he was deep inside her, he paused. She gripped him with her muscles and made him groan. He kissed her deeply, then moved up on his hands. So slowly he made love to her, bending down to suck on her breast or bite her shoulder. She gripped him and savoured the feelings that he gave her. She listened to his breathing, to the sounds of him moving in and out of her. She whispered, "Oh yes," as he pushed her against the floor. She opened her eyes and stared into his until his mouth met hers, then closed them again to feel his tongue exploring her. 

His breathing became more ragged as he fought to maintain his rhythm. She urged him to go faster. "Please," she begged him. He moved faster, filling her again and again, so deeply against the hardness of the office floor. He rubbed against her with every stroke, sending shocks through her body. She closed her eyes and tensed. Almost... almost. She could not hold back. Her fingernails left the mark of her orgasm on his body. She clutched at him and he came inside her. She held him tightly. 

She raised her head from her arms and looked at her watch. It read 2:05. She slowly looked around the darkness of the office. She switched the radio back to the classic rock of the 70's station and went back to work. She would make it through this night.

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