After A  Long Day  !! 

Part One


As the day continues at work, I start to think about how nice a hot bath at home would feel. I have worked hard all day and my muscles are tight and need to relax. 

At 4pm I clock out and head to my vehicle, smiling thinking of our whirl pool tub and about you and how nice it would be to share a bath together. I get in and start it, pull out of the parking lot thinking about what fun we can have. All the way home I sing and smile to the radio, wanting to get home as fast as I can. It is not a far drive to our house, but today I make it in no time flat. 

I pull into the garage, closing the door behind me. Walk into our house and check messages, which thank goodness there aren't any. As I walk through the house, I start pulling off clothes, leaving a trail of them into our bedroom, then our adjoining bathroom. 

I quickly rinse out the tub, then start filling it with hot steamy water, knowing it will take a bit to get full. I go back into our kitchen getting a glass of water in only my black undies and matching bra. I can feel my body already relaxing some, but know that the bath will help much more. 

I down my glass of water, spilling a drop that slides down my chin and lands in between my breasts. Chilling me as it continues downward to my tummy. The sensation feels so good that I deliberately spill another couple of drops down, sucking in a breath as I feel it run down my tummy and collecting in my panties and sliding lower, running over my smooth pussy and lips. I close my eyes as I feel my body start to throb with unreleased passion, feeling my nipples start to harden at the thoughts that are racing through my brain. I quickly set the glass down and walk back to our bathroom. 

The water in the tub is just about the right height. I strip off my bra and undies, tossing them about the room. I step in and catch my breath, cause the water is very hot, but not hot enough to hurt. I slowly lower myself into the water, relaxing. Feeling my muscles turn to mush at the feel of the hot water soaking into them. I close my eyes, relaxing back and turn off the facet with my feet. Gathering my wash cloth and getting it wet then slowly rubbing it around my flushed face, relaxing even more. 

I then run my cloth down my arms and chest, feeling it run over my nipples, sending sparks through my body at the contact. I glide it back over them, wanting to feel the sensations again. Awww...yes, that is what I have been waiting for, those wonderful sensations of my body feeling loving touches and caresses. 

I leave the cloth to float in the water and bring my hands back to my aching breasts. Gathering them together, lightly caressing them with my strong hands. Circling the nipples with my fingers, making them harden more. Then taking my nipples between my fingers and rolling them, tugging on them. I moan softly at my touches, wanting to feel more. 

I slide my hands down my belly as I widen my legs out into the tub, feeling the hotness of the water wash over my hairless mound. I slowly slide my fingers over my pussy, feeling it tingle at my touch. I massage my lips with my hand, lightly running them between, grazing my bud. When I happen to graze it, my body responds with quivers at my touch. I spread open my lips now, sliding my fingers over my clit, making those quivers stronger, feeling my body respond with growing passion. I slowly slide two fingers into myself, feeling my muscles respond to them, contracting and wanting more. 

As I feel my body responding to my hands I know of another thing that will get me even hotter. I withdraw my hands from my pussy, and push a button that is next to me on the tub. Water starts to stream out of the jets, making lots of bubbles and stirring the water. My blood running in my veins starts to stir at the thought of those jets, knowing what kind of pleasure it will receive from them. I relax back and let the jets and the water stir around my body. I also continue to run my hands over my body, feeling it respond and relax. I have put another towel beside the tub, so I will not get water all over for what I have planned next in my bath. 

I slowly slide my body to the front of the tub, where there is a jet at the front right of it. I put the towel just outside around where I will put my legs up out of the tub. I lift my legs so that they are out and lean back into the water, so that I will have better access to the jet that is just at the right level of my throbbing pussy. 

I have turned the jets off, while I have moved so that it will be easier to position myself there in front of it. I then, turn on the jet, feeling it burst out and hit my pussy, moaning at the first caress of it. Now my hips start to move my pussy around the jet, feeling it force its way into my hot core all the way into me. This is the feeling I have been waiting for, the hot water pistoning into me as your hard cock would, as we make love. 

I rock my hips back and forth on the stream, feeling it hit deep inside me, grazing that one spot that just sends me higher than any other. I rock them down too, for it to stream onto my clit, sending more delicious shocks through my body. I close my eyes, as I feel my body building and building its pleasure. 

As I have my eyes closed and am concentrating on my pleasure, I have not heard you come home. As you drove into the garage, home from work, you have thought about me and the pleasure you will have when you see me. You walk into the house and see my clothes all over and smile. You know that I have had a hard day and am probably in our tub relaxing. And you know me too well and walk, into our room, hearing the jets running in the bathroom. 

You smile wickedly and start undressing yourself, knowing that your presence will not be noticed just yet, After you have removed most of your clothes, but leave your boxers on, feeling yourself grow hard in them at the thought of me in the tub. I have closed the door, but you slowly open it peering in. As you look in you are not surprised to see it all hazy and know that I have not been in there long. But you do notice that the mirrors around the tub are clouded over. 

You slowly step in to the room, close the door softly behind you, not wanting to disturb me. As you can see that I am caught up in my passionate embrace with the jet. I have not yet sensed your presence and continue to pump myself on the jet, wanting release and not stopping until I reach it. 

I conjure your image in my brain and think of the jet being your cock thrusting deeply into me over and over. Wanting to feel myself contract strongly around your cock. This thought makes a moan pass over my lips and your body responds to it with a jerk of its own. Your cock growing harder in your boxers as you watch me in the tub. Knowing that I am getting lots of pleasure from the jet, and whatever thoughts are running through my brain. 

Then you see me tense and my toes cross out of the tub as I feel my body release around the jets. Contracting and straining as my orgasm hits me. I release a loud moan as it comes upon me, holding myself there against the jet, feeling it pump into me. Then slowly drifting down back into the tub, feeling my body tingle from the after affects. 

As my release has come upon me, you have slid your hand into your boxers, needing to stroke your cock as I came. Wanting to feel the same, coming along with me. You have succeeded in your desire and cumming in your boxers just as I did around the jet. 

As I float back into the water, I sense that I am not alone. I open my eyes to catch yours looking at me in the mirror. I slowly smile and say hello with my eyes, not having the voice to do it with at the moment. You smile back and start to walk toward me. I then notice a very wet spot in your boxers and grin knowing that you came at the sight of me coming on the jet. When you have reached me you lower your lips to mine and we kiss deeply. Loving the feel of each others tongues in our mouths sliding against one another, tasting.

To Be Continued .........


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