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Now A Monthly Publication


Is It Saddam or Islam They Are After?

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Stop The Kufr And Help Muslims

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The Best Example For Muslims

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Genocide Against The Muslims of Iraq

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China's Execution of Muslims In China

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Britain Lowers The Age of Homosexual Consent

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Yemen Government Exposes Itself

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Six Brothers Held In Yemen

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Hussein of Jordon Is Dead

Go Here

In This Issue:
I s s u e N o. 07?

Issue of the Time

Previous Issue Next Issue

Al-Jihaad Issue 0000

Final Note:
What do we want?



Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

Dear Muslims:


In reading through this work from the past, you will find that not much has changed
with regard to the United States, Israel and United Nations. United Nations barely
condemned Israel after killing more than 100 rock-throwing Muslims from

Yesterday, Iraq, then Sudan and Afghanistan, and now today, as we work to bring
past articles from Supporters of Shariah, Palestine is under yet more attacks. This
time the intifada must continue. Jews must leave Muslim land by choice, otherwise
they will leave in a coffin. It has happened once before that the Muslims said
enough is enough and fought the enemies driving them back to whence they came.

However, this time there will be no fighting our enemies back to their own land. It
will be death to the last Israeli buried deep in the soil of Muslim land. Palestine will
be the massive grave yard for Israeli's and the children of Muslims will once again
be safe from their terror.

The United States is warned to keep away and clear from the area. Palestine is a
targeted area with the killers of children being the target. And we enocourage every
Muslim to make du'aa that the Mujahidin slaughter every last one of them and that
the intifada continue even with the death of Israel to include Yasr Arafat, Hosni
Mubarak, King Fahad, and all other apostate rulers.

May Allah curse them and give the Mujhaidin victory over our enemies. Ameen.


In reviewing this article, it was sudden evidence and reminder that we must make
hijrah, by all means. As America and their puppet Umbrella the United Nations
continue to murder women and babies in Iraq, Muslims who denounce their
terrorism, are given the title terrorist. Almost like calling the wolf who eats the lamb
the victim when he has been shot.

We must make hijrah away from our enemies, then plan to fight against their reign
of terror. Otherwise, they will continue their reign of terror to murder women and
children with Islamic culture. They will continue to pass laws seeking to legalise
homosexuality and permiscuity. They will continue to label Muslims as terrorists,
dump them in prison and torture them, as they are now doing with the men in stuck
in Yemeni prison for being in the right religion and at the wrong place.

We must act upon what we know is right. We either fight or flight. But we cannot
sit still and do nothing, if we fear Allah's punishment.



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Is It Saddam or Islam They Are After?

Saddam is a non-Muslim leader made by one of the biggest enemies of Islam, the
former Soviet Union.

He has systematically removed the Shariah (Islamic law) from Iraq and continues to
oppress Muslims, all with the aid and blessing of the enemies of Islam.

He tortures his people, eventually killing them mentally or physically.

He is like a gold mine to the West. They use him to occupy our (Muslim) lands,
and thereby enjoying easy control of the area; all handed to them on a plate!

The Western countries work with Saddam to deprive the area of money, dignity,
safety and above all Islam .

The U.S.A owes a great favour to both Saddam and his soldiers, for insulting Islam
and Muslims by displaying their cowardice and lack of honour during the Gulf
war.This lack of courage served to mask the even greater weakness of the
American soldiers who have always fled the battle field as in Vietnam, Lebanon
and Somalia.

Both the sanctity of Muslims and the wealth of the area are the responsibility of
each individual according to their ability. Some can defend these by their tongues,
some by money and others by Jihad (martyrdom Insha-Allah).

The best of Muslims are those who can do all of these against Saddam and the
invaders of the area. Muslims have now lost everything except their Islam. We are
now in danger of even losing our faith if we continue to turn a blind eye on the
situation. The scenario of Saddam will probably be repeated with slightly different
actions. Our answer should always be that:

“We will defend Islam against Saddam or any enemy of the law of Islam”

On the Authority of Jabir Ibn Abdullah ,who said that the Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W) ordered us to hit with this( and he pointed towards the sword) who ever
goes out of this ( and he pointed towards the Quran) Al-Fatawa of Ibn Taimiyah




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Stop The Kufr And Help Muslims

Allah Says: “...And he amongst you that turns to them( for friendship and or
protection) is of them...” (Sura 5 v 51)

“If only they had believed in Allah, in the Prophet, And in what hath been revealed
to him, never would they have taken them for friends and protectors...”(Sura 5 v.

Any regime which assists the Kafirs (e.g financially or by use of their land) to
torture, hurt or kill the Muslim people, such as we have witnessed in Iraq, has
committed a major Kufr(disbelief) and has shown a clear enmity to Allah, Islam
and Muslims.

It is Fardh (compulsory) for every Muslim in this region to stop these kinds of Kufr
and remove such Non-Muslim regimes and all Kafir(non-Muslim) forces from the
Muslim lands.

Muslims who live in non-Muslim lands such as Europe and America, should help
their fellow Muslims who are oppressed in places such as Iraq and Palestine, by
every possible Islamic means. Otherwise their existence in the non-Muslim lands
becomes haram(unlawful). As the Prophet(s.a.w.) said, “I have disassociated from
anyone who lives amongst pagans”( Tabarrani )

Doing or thinking otherwise will result in hypocrisy or Riddah( apostasy ).

Supporters of Shariah Fatwa IRAQ2 15/2/98 SHEIKH ABU- HAMZA











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The Best Example For Muslims

United Nations & Morality

Addressing the massive Eid congregation, the Interior Minister Mulla Khairullah
Khairkhwa said that “The U.N. is always talking of human rights, but in actual fact
its foundation has been built on the promotion of shamelessness and indecency.”

Eid Prayer

Ameer-Al-Mu'mineen lead 600,000 in historical Eid prayer in Kandahar, the
Taliban headquarters in southern Afghanistan.

Da'wa & Tableegh

Taliban Minister of Information, Mulla Ameer Khan Muttaqi said in a telephone
conversation that a large scale program of Tableegh and Da'wa has been started
throughout the country. This would teach people the importance of Shariah and
Jihad, as well as the “international conspiracy against Islam and Muslims”!

U.N. helps rebels- Exposing their true nature.

Radio Kabul has expressed its anger at the anti-Islamic role of the United Nations.
The U.N. has protested at the 'blockade' of Bhamiyan, which is in rebel hands,
even though Iranian planes arrive there daily to deliver supplies. Other areas, such
as Ghowrband which are pro-Taliban and are facing severe food shortages are
being ignored. Comment:Once again demonstrates that the United Nations is in
reality the United Satans, against Islam!

U.S.A supports anti-Taliban forces.

America along with other anti- Islamic countries is using the neighbouring countries
of Afghanistan ,especially Iran, to create disturbances within Afghanistan. One of
the ways this is being done is by flooding the anti- Taliban areas with American
dollars.Some provinces which have received dollars are Sarobi, Kunnar ,
Laghman, Qundooz, and Jalalabad. The Taliban have said that their pure Islamic-
government has become a thorn in the side of the enemies of Islam. They are
therefore bent upon destroying it.

“Ameer-Al-Mu'mineen” refuses luxurious gifts.

A wealthy Arab Sheikh haspresented the gift of 12 expensive cars to Mulla Omar
Mujahid. These were refused by the Ameer for his personal use and handed them
over to various government department for official use. The Ameer has also refused
to grant a meeting to the Arab Sheikh.

Comment: Like'The Sahabah'(companions of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) he
lives a simple life,preferring to avoid luxuries. He himself lives in a mud house built
partly with his own hands.

“The negotiating table has never solved any problem of the Muslim Ummah” said
Sipah Salar(Commander in Chief) of the Taliban. Commenting upon the news of
negotiations between Taliban and the opposition alliance as stated by the media,
Mulla Daadullah said that the solution for all the problems being faced by the
Muslim Ummah is Jihaad -fi-sabilillah as ordered by Allah Ta'ala. He further
added, “The reason why such talks have always failed is that the Muslims waived
Jihaad in favour of these talks. Giving up Jihaad is the real cause of defeat and
humiliation, as stated by the Holy Qur'an. It is a Hadeeth that when you give up
Jihaad,dishonour and shame will be set over you.The dishonour will be yours till
you take up Jihaad again.”

Taken from an informal interview given to a correspondent of Dha'rb-I-M'umin













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Genocide Against The Muslims of Iraq

America Steps Up Bombing of Iraq

America and Britain have continued air strikes on both military and civilian targets
in the Iraqi no-fly zone, showing no signs of drawing the mission to a close.

There are 24,100 US troops in the Gulf, 201 military aircraft and 22 naval ships,
including eight warships capable of firing Tomahawk cruise missiles. Before the
bombing began, US forces in the region included the USS Enterprise aircraft
carrier, patrolling Gulf waters with an accompanying naval battle group armed with
several hundred cruise missiles, a total of 21 ships including eight capable of firing
Tomahawk cruise missiles, more than 200 aircraft, including B52 bombers and B1
stealth bombers, and some 24,000 service personnel, including 2,400 army
personnel who make up part of the US task force in Kuwait.

Britain is giving the US the most military support. The UK has 12 tornado aircraft
in Kuwait, six Jaguar bombers in Turkey, which could be used in bombing raids.
Britain has also deployed ships and military personnel in the Persian Gulf.


The Kuffar West is once again attacking the Ummah with full force and no
opposition, but for a few words of protest sounding from the mouths of a handful.
The Ummah is in a pitiful state, and it is imperative that we awake from our state of
slumber, and put effort in to stopping them.

SOS would like to repeat it’s advice which was given to the Muslims in Britain, first
mentioned at the ISLAMIC REVIVAL PART II. It is vital that we in Britain,
especially those studying in Universities and Colleges, realise that with the skills we
pick up, we must start to think of ways of defending ourselves. Simply because we
in Britain are not being bombarded day after day, does not mean we turn a blind
eye to what is happening in the world. Does Allah (s.w.t) not tell us in the Qur’an,
that the Believers are Brothers, one to another. The Prophet (saw) told us the
Ummah is like one body, whereby if a part of it is hurting, the rest feels the pain.

All praise is due to Allah (s.w.t) that today, we have many Brothers and Sisters
within the education system studying disciplines such as Engineering, in all it’s
forms, medicine, and the like. What use are we and how will we justify ourselves in
front of Allah (s.w.t) when we are using this precious knowledge to help the Kuffar.
It is an absolute disgrace that it is left to uneducated Brothers in the Muslim Lands,
who do not have anywhere near the access to information we have, being left to
think up systems for defending themselves. At the Islamic Revival, Sheikh Abu
Hamza unveiled the Anti-aeroplane Net, which has been designed by our Brothers
in Afghanistan. These nets will increase the hazard and risk to flying, and are a
response to the destructive inventions of the infidel West, such as the nuclear
bomb, which kills men, women, children and the elderly indiscriminately.

No distinction is made between civilians and non-civilians. It is for this reason we
say, if we cannot share in the welfare and safety of Earth, let us all share the
poverty and danger resulting from man-made law. These nets, if mass produced,
can cost less than £10, and are undetected by radar. They can be launched from
any point, and move to anywhere in the world. We urge all brothers and sisters to
also begin thinking of designs and techniques such as these, because the time for
talking has long since passed.











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China's Execution of Muslims In China

Eight Muslims executed in Xinjiang. The Chinese authorities revealed eight people
have been executed in the mainly Muslim north-western province of Xinjiang for
taking part in what they called "illegal religious terrorist activities".

Another forty-five Brothers were given suspended death sentences, life
imprisonment or lesser prison sentences. The executions come at a time of tension
between the majority Uighur Muslim population in Xinjiang, which China accuses
of "separatist activities", and Chinese who have moved into Xinjiang from
elsewhere. It is believed that the Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang have been involved in
Jihad and this has been increasing in recent years, often encouraged by ethnic
Uighurs among their newly independent Central Asian neighbours.


Muslims in China have been oppressed for such a long time, denied of their rights
to their Islamic identity. Even possession of the Qur’an and books of Sunnah have
been prohibited. The Qur’an is in fact banned. Every sixty Muslims share a Qur’an
in secrecy, and people are forced to teach their children the Deen in secret at 2:00
in the morning. Regardless of this, their children are speaking good Arabic, they
have a lot of repsect for the Qur’an and are willing to sacrifice for Islam,
Alhamdulillah. That is the beginning of the struggle and we urge Muslims to try to
help and get the message of those brothers out. We are waiting for further reports
to come from some SOS members who are presently in the region.









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Britain Lowers The Age of Homosexual Consent

British Government Says "Not in our back-yard, in our back-side."

The Bill lowering the homosexual age of consent to 16 has cleared the House of
Commons. MPs voted to give the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill a third
reading by 281 votes to 82, a government majority of 199. The Bill equalises the
gay age of consent with that for humans. MPs were allowed a free vote on the

During the debate a government amendment to ensure that children under 16 who
have homosexual sex with filthy men over the age of consent should no longer face
prosecution was backed by 274 votes to 64, a majority of 210.

Home Office Prankster of State Paul Boateng said the move would protect
children, particularly boys, from predatory older people. Boateng said the Bill was
about "equality before the law, respect for vulnerability and trust". He warned the
Lords not to try to overturn the Bill but to listen to the "democratically expressed"
wish of the Commons. Liberal Democrat Evan Harris said equalising the age of
consent was necessary to improve sexual health among young homosexuals. Dr
Harris, a former hospital doctor, warned: "Where you criminalise any activity and
drive it underground, you are not able to give the information that people are
entitled to. What is needed is more education".


This is clear evidence backing our view that Britain is a toilet, and nothing more. It
also shows clearly that the people in the House of Commons are child-abusers and
molesters, and they fulfil their own desires by producing such a law, as well as
others. Girls are unable to get legally married until they are 16. The fact that now
gays are able to commit fahishah at the same age now is obnoxious. We realise
how Christian this country is and how far from Christ they really are. They call it
being gay. We call it digging out filth from boys back-sides. The reality is that such
acts cause AIDs, and other viruses, which the Kuffar get as some recompense for
their actions, in this world.


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Yemen Government Exposes Itself

Torture In Yemen

The Defence team in Yemen are pushing for an end to the trial, based on the
absolutely ludicrous actions the Yemeni Authorities have perpetrated. They have
not only shown total disregard for Allah’s Shariah, but seem incapable of following
their own laws aswell. The false statements which were forced out of the Brothers,
after humiliation upon humiliation was unleashed on them, is enough that the case
must be thrown out of the window. The Prosecution at present are arguing for the
continuation of the trial, and this will be decided probably before the distribution of
this months newsletter. Whatever decision is made, the Yemeni Government has
exposed itself, showing the world that it does not deserve to rule even a square
metre of Allah’s Earth, let alone part of the Arabian Peninsula.



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Six Brothers Held In Yemen

Malik Nasser

Says he had been punched, kicked and slapped to the face and body, he had been
handcuffed behind his back and made to stand for five days without food, if he fell
asleep they would beat him to keep him awake. He was beaten with the buckle of
a belt until he lost consciousness, and then had cold water thrown over him. He had
been trussed like a chicken with a pole of wood passed over his bound arms and
under his knees so that he could be suspended by the pole between two desks.
They would then beat his feet whilst they rotated him.

He also complained of having been kicked and told to run away, they then kicked
him again when he refused to run and cocked a Kalashnikov at his head.

He also alleges they passed an electric shock through his thumbs using a truncheon
type instrument which had two small metal raised points against which his thumbs
had been pressed.

Mohsin Galain

Similarly complained of being bound and kept sleep deprived and food deprived
whilst standing for five days. Says he was beaten on his legs and body with a
truncheon and also punched and slapped. Had a gun put to his head and threatened
with it if he did not say what they wanted. Also alleges they stripped him and
fondled his genitalia, says they masturbated in front of him and one of the police
men put his penis in Mohsins mouth. Says they tried to pull his toe nail off with a
plier type instrument.

Also alleges the same type of electric shock treatment as described previously and
also of being hung by the pole as described earlier and beaten on his hands and
feet. Was noted to have the markings described earlier on his feet, also had a
number of scars on the front of both his legs. Three to four criss-crossed markings
around his ankles and wrists. Both big toe nails were completely blue-black in
discolouration and swollen. He was also noted to be rubbing his thumbs
intermittently. During the interview he kept crying and looking at the floor and side
to side, he made no eye contact.


Described similar physical abuse as the previous two, also says he had a coke
bottle rammed down his throat, was told " if you don’t talk I will kill you ". Also
threatened that they would " shove a bottle up his back-side ".

Complained of frontal headaches, and pain in his " kidneys ". seemed frightened,
talking in only half sentences, speech seemed to take two steps forward and then
one step back. Talk was incoherent at times and the lawyer was unable to take
notes at times because of this.

Noted to have similar markings on his wrist and ankles. Also his left big toe was
half blackened.

Samad Ahmed

Same physical abuse as that described for Malik.

Bruises as described earlier on both arms. Left little toe blackened and raised.
Soles of foot hardened to touch and yellow around the outside. Bruised chest wall
on his left side from beneath his arm-pit down to the bottom of his rib cage. Three
to four half centimetre thick overlapping ark red markings on his wrist.

Noted to have a dozen or so dark red spots just larger than a pin prick over the
distal phalanx of both his thumbs, each with a surrounding yellowish area.
Complained of it hurting when he breathed on his right side and also of his chest
making funny noises when he breathed. This pain could have been potentially
serious as Samad has a history of a spontaneous pneumothorax which can easily

Shahid Butt

Complaining of being beaten and verbally abused from the moment they were
arrested. Also made to stand without food and sleep for five days whilst
handcuffed, says he had to go to the toilet standing. Punched to the chest,
blindfolded and beaten to the head, chest and stomach. Says he as was hit with a
stick over his abdomen and his lower thighs whilst he was standing. Says they were
using " cow stunners". Looks to have lost approximately three stones mainly on his
upper body according to his brother. Wide shuffling gait when he entered the room,
seemed to be dragging his feet slightly.

Complained of pain in his head and neck, felt dizzy if he got up too quickly, nearly
passed out at the end of the interview when he got up to leave. Complained of a
pressure feeling in his head, also of palpitations every time his door opens thinking
they have come back for more. Cannot sleep properly, can hear Samads and
Mohsins screams in his head, and sees their eyes, says the guards would wake him
up before they began torturing the two of them so that Shahid would have to listen
to them. Used to be able to sleep only in the dark, now cannot sleep in the dark
has to have some sort of light. Can only sleep for ten to fifteen minute stints at one

Ghulam Hussain

Did not complain of any physical abuse. Says they made him listen to the others
crying and screaming and then threatened him with the same. Said " wished they
had killed him in those days ", bound for the first five days and deprived of sleep
and food.

Dr. Saddaf Alam
Chairman Mediconcern
General Practitioner, Oldham
Dated 9th February, 1999.


The families have been denied visits to the brothers. In the words of the Judge, the
reason for this was "Some of the Detainees called me a Donkey-faced Ass". This
shocking response was revealed by Reuters. It is a clear indication that speaking
the truth leads to further punishment. We believe that whatever decision is reached
regarding the Brothers is nothing short of political. We would like the Brothers to
play their cards Islamically, by asking only Allah (s.w.t) and the Believers for
support. The struggle is long and bloody, and even if they are martyred, their blood
will never go in vain. It will only encourage others to join the caravan.


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Hussein of Jordon Is Dead


This year has started with the death of Mr. Hussein, the Amir of Bahrain and the
wife of King Fahad, and more to come, Insha’Allah. By the year 2000, we are
heading for a new generation of tyrants and obviously a consequent weakening of
their empires and more division. If these people ruled by the Shariah, rather than
opposing and hindering the law of Allah (s.w.t), we would certainly feel upset about
their deaths. Unfortunately, the situation is that another of Shaytan’s henchmen has
died, and are happy that he takes his place in the queue for the doors of hell.

During the funeral of Hussein, a lot of Brothers and Sisters were arrested as they
were deemed a threat to the fifty or so Kaffir dogs who came to pay tribute to his
dirty body. At one time he said about Rabin of Israel after he was killed, "He is my
brother". The fact that Rabin is the brother of monkeys, explains why Allah (s.w.t)
made Hussein also look so.



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What Do We Want?

This publication is not aimed at separating or causing too much debate among sincere Muslims. Without news from truthful sources, the only alternative is to take from our enemies; those who enjoin falsehood and forbid truth. Insha'llah, our aim is to provide Islamic education, news and discussion to incite the believers into action. We are working toward the sincere education of Muslims, while continuing to learn and champion the way of the Prophet (SAW) and those Rightly Guided (RAA).

How can you help?

By telling others about this website and helping to distribute this information. Encourage Muslims to ask questions and participate on our discussion board. In addition, be patient with us when we are revising and preparing new content. Get the word out in your community that we are not funded by anyone other than Allah -- alhamdulillah. Thus, our opinions come from our understanding of the opinions of the Siddiqun, not from government scholars, evil rulers, and kuffar.

Finally, make continious du`aa for the Mujaahidin and the Ummah that Allah grant all of us victory and reward.


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