Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim
This newsletter needs your help and support. In this newsletter you will not find any compromises with the Allah's commands or the Sunnah of the Rasoolullah sulla allahu alahi wasalaam. Allah SWT says: "Let there arise from among you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining alMa'ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding alMunkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are successful." 3:104 When Allah tells us to enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, this is a command that has certain obligations with regard to worship. Remember the story of a man who use to pray, and Allah sent Angel Jabril to destroy a city and he was there. Allah said to Angel Jabil, "start with this man first." And all of the scholars agree that this man destroyed along with the group of kufr for not forbidding the wrong. He watched the wrongdoers and said nothing. If this man was destroyed for this, then what about us? Among us are people who legalize homosexuality and all other evil acts in front of our very eyes while we do nothing. Evil acts are committed and legalized around our children and we allow it with our lack of action. What will happen to our children? What about our women when they must travel to get groceries and they see naked men? Our state is helped even by those who give speeches about Islam with designer thobes and we do nothing. And Allah SWT says: "O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion (Islam), Allah will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him; stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the Way of Allah, and never afraid of the blame of blamers. That is the Grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He wills." 5:54 Support the Al-Jihaad Newsletter online by telling others of what you have read, constantly reminding the believers. And support Al-Jihaad Newsletter online by acting on what you read and confirm is the truth. And support Al-Jihaad by discussing what you read on our message board.
LANDS HAVE A BRITISH CONUSLATE "No two religions can co-exist in the Holy Lands." Prophet Muhammad (SAW) "Those who believe fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut (Shaitan, Jews, etc.). So fight you against the friends of the Shaytan; ever feeble is the plot of the Shaytan" Surah anNisaa' ayah 76 BBC reported the terrible and sad news that its' British government has opened a consulate in the Makkah Mukarraamah. Thus, the world evil powers have crossed another milestone in the completion of their vile and base arrangement for conquering and subduing the Islamic world. Britain is without a doubt, a Judeo-Christian country. Its foreign policies, prejudice and hatred towards Islam and Muslims are not obscure from anyone. Their co-op conspiracies and usurping activities against the Holy Land and the Muslim countries, its part in the elimination of the Ottoman Empire in Turkey, and its recent enactment of the Terrorism 2000 Act aimed at Muslims clearly shows its aggressive opposition to Islam. And Allah The Most High says: "And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion if they can. And whomsoever of you turns back, then all his deeds will be lost in this world and the hereafter, and their abode shall be the hellfire to remain therein forever." 2:217 To allow the enemies of Islam to open a consulate in the Holy Land means that pure and sacred soil is handed to an impure Jewish controlled Christian country where they can raise their flags with crosses on them. According to the international laws of the kuffar, "within the boundary of a consulate the law of that country reigns supreme." Without the permission of the Consulate, to enter inside its doors is thought to be against the diplomatic norms, in fact, a crime. This means that all Shari`a of the Holy Land becomes nullified as it pertains to those who are on the property of the British Consulate in the alHaramain ash-Sharifain (The Two Holy Sanctuaries). This means that there is a go ahead for homosexuals, spying, terror campaigns and all the things that the kuffar are known to do. And why must it be it Makkah? Why not Riyadh? Just this act here shows their belligerence towards the Muslim people. There has been a go ahead for foreigners to buy land due to the fact that the Muslims are too scared. With this fear in the hearts of the Muslims, the Jews then come and purchase the land, then trade it among themselves, giving it to an adulterer, a homosexual or whoever they wish. In this time, we have also come to learn that the Jews have begun to ask for Khybar and other areas they used to establish before they were forced from the Peninsula, which was accepted by the Saudi government and the UN, but will have to take place at an unreleased time in the future. We should know that these tactics began in the exact same fashion as Palestine, before its occupation. But all of their objectives could not have been realized, without two years ago, where they sounded the shofar (a ram's horn that the Jews use for ceremonies) as they re-entered the Peninsula for the first time in over 1300 years. And Allah The Most High says: And He Ta`ala further says: In the fourteen-hundred years of Islamic history this catastrophe has never happened that these filthy mushrikin (pagans) have received permission for free traveling within the borders of alHaramain ash-Sharifain, and they have also been given a part of the land with property rights in the Arabian peninsula. What will these ill intentioned people do there? We are wondering, has anyone poured water, ammonia or sulfuric acid on the heads of the `ulama of the Peninsula so they could come from their air-conditioned caves and tell us the hukm (judgment) of the land that is protecting kufr with the sword. What type of conspiracies, besides their impure presence, filthy and sinful activities will they soil the Haramain? One shudders to think about what Allah will do to us because of our unwilliness to fight them and kick them out as we have been ordered. Will we meet the same punishment that the Jews experienced when they disobeyed Allah? And Allah The Most High says in 9:39: They have done it once before... The only reason for the creation of a Jewish Zionist state in Palestine (by colonists, the British, America and France) was to start an ongoing armed conflict with the Muslims and create terror for the Muslims in the religion. After the creation of Israel, they and their (Jewish) controlled allies then set in motion such basic and collective plans against the Muslim world which are a cause of deep sorrow and pain for the believers even to this day. And Allah SWT says: "And those who disbelieve are allies of one another, (and) if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block) there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism) and oppression on the earth, and a great mischief and corruption." 8:73 Being perfectly aware of the mentality of the Muslims, Britain has appointed a Pakistani-born British citizen with a Muslim name, Muhammad Ahmad as its Counsel General and helper. The reason for the opening of the consulate is said to facilitate the British hujjaj (pilgrims). Before this, the British claimed a diplomatic mission in Palestine was needed because the Jews were in minority there and it was needed to provide protection and to diffuse any misunderstanding about them among the local Muslims. Gradually, this diplomatic mission emerged as a headquarters for the activities to usurp the Bait-ul-Maqdis. This was a stab in the back for Muslims, and this move provided such services to the Jews without which they would not have been able to achieve their base and ulterior motives. O Muslims of the World! During your lifetime this second catastrophe has hit the Islamic World. The first was the arrival of armed Jews and Christians on the Holy Land of alQuds. It is now binding on all Believers to raise their swords against the Saudi Government and their allies, fighting those who defy the commands of Allah SWT and His Messenger (saw), until all Religion is for Allah. It is now time to fight for peace, which means the enemies of Islam must be put down. Any person who poses as a Muslim to help the enemies of Islam must return to Allah to be judged immediately. And Allah Ta'ala has commanded: "O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh against them, their abode is Hell, - and worst indeed is that destination." 9:73 and Believers obey Allah and His Rasool.
ON SALE By taking a look through her long history, we learn that Egypt has abandoned its' agricultural and farming programmes, sold many lands, and borrowed a lot of money to start and integrate the public sector, which owns all of the industry throughout the country. But since the revolution of Col. Gamal `Abdun-Naasir in 1952 until now, the evil Free Officers have bankrupted the country in the public sector. Egypt remains constantly in a negative state of billions of dollars, which amounts to a debt of more than $100,000 per Muslim living within her borders. This year, the Egyptian thieves in authority have decided to sell the entire public sector, which in short means the whole wealth of Egypt has been given to private investors. Now most of the country has been sold. As a result, many of the high ranking and senior workers who were at one time engineers, doctors and specialists working in the public sector for the benefit of the Egyptian people, have lost employment due to the greedy investors who want to lower costs and bring in their own labour. It is a very common scene now to find a nuclear engineer selling slippers next to the Masjid or a chemical scientist selling batteries, as well as children's' toys and toilet paper. This is a clear example of a typical tyrannical regime, as Allah (SWT) has said, "They destroy everything." The only hope for Egypt now is Islamic revolution and the sharp sword against these kaafir rulers with their allies and supporters.
By taking a look through her long history, we learn that Egypt has abandoned its' agricultural and farming programmes, sold many lands, and borrowed a lot of money to start and integrate the public sector, which owns all of the industry throughout the country. But since the revolution of Col. Gamal `Abdun-Naasir in 1952 until now, the evil Free Officers have bankrupted the country in the public sector. Egypt remains constantly in a negative state of billions of dollars, which amounts to a debt of more than $100,000 per Muslim living within her borders. This year, the Egyptian thieves in authority have decided to sell the entire public sector, which in short means the whole wealth of Egypt has been given to private investors. Now most of the country has been sold. As a result, many of the high ranking and senior workers who were at one time engineers, doctors and specialists working in the public sector for the benefit of the Egyptian people, have lost employment due to the greedy investors who want to lower costs and bring in their own labour. It is a very common scene now to find a nuclear engineer selling slippers next to the Masjid or a chemical scientist selling batteries, as well as children's' toys and toilet paper. This is a clear example of a typical tyrannical regime, as Allah (SWT) has said, "They destroy everything." The only hope for Egypt now is Islamic revolution and the sharp sword against these kaafir rulers with their allies and supporters.
NEED FOR SHARIAH "Surely, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Qu'ran in order to rule amongst people…" The Need for Shari`a by Imam Abu Hamza Al-Misri and edited by Ibn `Umar. In this crucial time, the sincere Muslim who wants to help the Ummah needs to know what action to take. What can he do, how is he to do it and what methodology should he take in doing this task? What is the need for the Shari`a? How to bring the Shari`a in our own lives and what type of people can support the struggle is an important question that needs a decisive answer. All of these things this book venture to answer. This book is not just about Muslims in particular, but it is a petition to the world. Whether you are Jewish, Christian, Muslim or otherwise, everyone wants to live a secure and happy life and wants the best for their loved ones. Islam offers not only the discipline of safety, but builds in those who are Muslim, and even those live under Islam, a discipline and respect for the order that God has set humanity. This book sells for a modest £2 UK and $4 US. There are brothers in your area who already have their copy. Get yours by calling.
Name: Sulaimaan ibn `Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn `AbdulWahhaab
Background: One of the grandsons of al`Allamah Muhammad ibn `AbdulWahhaab, brother Sulaimaan was born in the year 1200 AH (1786 AD) in the city of Dar`iyah. He was an exemplary example of Islam, much like his father and his ancestors before him. He would become so renowned for his knowledge of Islam that he would be given the titles alHaafiz (the Memoriser), the Muhaddith (the hadith scholar), alFaqih (the fiqh scholar) and the Mujtahid (the one who makes ijtihaad and passes fataawa). He started in his youth by studying the biography of the transmitters of hadith as well as the science of fiqh and tafsir. At one point he was named one of the great memorisers of Qur’an. He began by taking his knowledge from his father, then he continued on to study under the supervision of Shaikh Hamad ibn Mu`ammar and his people, like Shaikh Hussain, Shaikh `Ali, Shaikh Hussain ibn Ghannaam, Shaikh `Abdullah ibn Faadil, Shaikh `Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Khamis, Shaikh `Abdullah ibn alGharib and many others. This would not quench his desire, and he would later go on to receive ijaaza (permission to teach) from the Grand Qaadi and Shaikh ulIslam of the Zaidiyyah sect, Shaikh Muhammad ibn `Ali ash-Shawkaani. All of this showed his talent and tremendous memory in the way of hadith and the knowledge of their narrators. In his life, not only was he studying, but he was enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong vigorously. He never missed an opportunity to speak against oppression. He never feared the blame of the blamers in any sense and was called by some the head of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong in his time. He would pay dearly for this, however. The hypocrites of the Peninsula would tell people such as Ibrahim Pasha, the son of Muhammad `Ali Pasha, who conquered Egypt and began to secularise and let the Freemasons run about free without a chain. When they informed Ibrahim Pasha, this brought great trouble for young Sulaimaan. After the shaikh entered Dar`iyah and Pasha and his group conquered over him, then Ibrahim Pasha took the noble shaikh and had the army of the Peninsula fire all of their bullets into him, which riddled his body with bullets. Al`Allamah Sulaiman died at the tender age of 33 in the year 1233 AH (1818 AD) as a martyr in the cause of Allah, may Allah punish the tyrants and the false rulers. His works: The most well known book of the great al`Allamah is Taysir ul`Aziz alHamid, which is the sharh (explanation) of Kitaab ut-Tawhid by his grandfather Shaikh ulIslam Muhammad ibn `AbdulWahhaab. His contemporaries: Some of the great shaikh’s contemporaries were his brothers, such as `Abdullah, `Abdur-Rahmaan, `Ali and his father, `Abdullah ibn Muhammad. During his time, Shah Muhammad Isma`il was striving in the earth and making jihaad against the hypocrites, British and other enemies in the land of India. This was a great scholar and these men were part of this time. The great Shaikh ulIslam Muhammad ibn `Ali ash-Shawkaani, was also well known in this time. The knowledge that he would impart on his apt pupil, namely Shaikh Sulaimaan, would be priceless. Insha'llah we will cover Shaikh Muhammad Ibn `Abdul Wahhaab in our next issue.
Are Today's Jews And Christians People of the Book Question: I have been hearing some people say that the Jews and Christians are People of the Book. And since they are people of the book, we are not to call them kuffar, mushrikun (pagans) or any other derogatory terms, because Allah called them the People of the Book. May we call the Jews and Christians kuffar or pagans? Answer: This question is not unknown. It is part of a growing population of ignorant and unknowing Muslims that have been swept into the interfaith movement. Those in this interfaith movement do not seek to offend their unbelieving friends, so they have given them honourable and majestic titles, rather than the ones of humiliation that Allah has assigned to them, And the Jews say that `Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah and the Christians say that the Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their words with their mouths and they mouth the words of those who are kuffar from before. Allah curse them for what they lie about. They have taken their priests and their rabbis as lords besides Allah. The Messiah, the son of Mary did not order with anything except that they worship one god. There is no god but He. Glory be to Him from what they are associating in shirk (polytheism). Surat ut-Tawba, ayah 31-32 Allah has also said, Only the most ignorant and animal minded individuals would insist that prophet killers (Jews) and Jesus worshippers (Christians) deserve the same right as us. If you want to know the rights of Jews and Christians, read Surat ut-Tawba, ayah 29. Question: Even though the Jews and the Christians are kuffar, there are some among them that mean well and have good intentions. There have been people that have died like Mother Theresa, Princess Diana and other celebrities that have done a lot of good for people like the sick, poor and so on. Does Allah accept their deeds or not? Answer: Allah, Glorified and Exalted, indeed only accepts the deeds of the righteous. But no doubt there are some righteous people among the kuffar in their deeds and the acts of charity that they do. The Most Exalted has words for those kuffar that are workers of good deeds, And those that are kuffar, their deeds are like a mirage in the desert. The thirsty one comes, reckoning that he will have the contentment of water, until he when he came to it, he found nothing in it. But he finds Allah with him, who will pay him his due. And Allah is quick in taking account! Surat un-Nur, ayah 39 The likeness of those who are kuffar in their Lord, their deeds are like ashes, on which the wind blows on harshly. They will not be able to get anything from what they earned. Surah Ibrahim, ayah 18 If anyone was to ever be safe from among the kuffar, then it should be Abu Taalib, who supported the Prophet (SAW) all the life that he lived. This is why he had the lightest punishment out of all of the kuffar, as mentioned in Sahih Muslim, which are two shoes made of fire. What of Amina and `Abdullah, the parents of the Prophet (SAW)? Their good deeds as kuffar were far greater than these base human beings mentioned above. Yet when asked about their status, the Prophet (SAW) replied that they were in the fire. Question: Is it permissible for women to come to the masjid? > Answer: It is perfectly permissible for women to come to the masjid. The Prophet (SAW) has said, When the wife of one of you asks permission of you to go to the masjid, then do not forbid them. Sahih alBukhaari, hadith 5238 When your women ask permission from you at night to go to the masjid, then give them permission. Sahih alBukhaari, hadith 874 Do not forbid the female slaves of Allah from the masjid of Allah. Sahih Muslim, 134-140 However, the Messenger (SAW) did say to the sisters, to avoid the fitnah and being hassled when they come out of their houses, The best masjid for women is the corner of their houses. Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, V. 6, hadith 297 Do not forbid the your women from the masjid, but their houses are better for them. Abu Dawud, hadith 567, Musnad Ahmad, V. 2, hadith 76, 77 Although it is perfectly lawful for a sister to come to the masjid and pray with the permission of her husband or her male relatives, it is better in general that they pray in the house. This is to avoid the danger of free mixing, as well as the danger of being bothered by strangers when they emerge from their houses. And on top of all of this, their reward for praying at home is 27 times greater than praying in jama`ah in the Masjid.
2000 ACT
"The disbelievers will continue to fight you until you turn back from your religion" 2:217 Imagine sitting around at your home and discussing the word "Jihad" with a group of your friends. Ten minutes later, you hear a banging at your door. Now you are staring face to face at barrage of heavily armed British police who are screaming at you to lie on the ground. Your children are in shock, the family cat has been killed, and the women have gone into an unbearable chaos. Your whole world has been turned upside down. Now, imagine driving to your local Masjid under investigation for sending money to Afghanistan to support "terrorism". The Masjid has always maintained that it sends money to support the orphans and those who are victims of war, rather than military offensives. However, the Masjid has also noted that it has a duty to judge according the laws of Shari`a and does not recognize or support the methods applied for the use of the word "Terrorism," while it contradicts Shari`a. While you, the believer in Islam, would support any Imam who upholds the Shari`a, your intention was to go and pray. You are dressed in a black `amaamah (turban) and full sunna clothing. All of sudden twenty police cars surround you and your family ordering you to get out of your car immediately. They grab your wife with force and smack your children These are potential situations that could happen as a result of recently passed laws. How should Muslims respond? A conference is planned for Sunday, May 14th at Finsbury Park Masjid to discuss the Terrorism 2000 Act. This bill was designed to limit your freedom, your choices and most of all, to prevent you from supporting the Shari`a. Israeli nationals send billions of dollars from the US, UK, France, Germany, and other places abroad to support Israel's forced occupation of Muslim lands and they are not questioned. Israel has engaged in covert and overt terrorism for many years, but the United Nations has remained quiet. In addition to this, they have enhanced and are revamping their nuclear capabilities, which is a threat not just against Muslims, but humanity at large. Now that Muslims have shown an awakening for Shari`a, despite massive attempts to show Islamic law as an evil and oppressive system, US and Britain have prepared "Terrorism" legislation to prevent its support by Muslims living in western countries.
The Russian commanders are begging the West for military support. Their entire military fleets are being wiped out by Mujaahidin forces according to a CNN News report on April 25, 2000. These commanders of the Russian kaafir armies who were once raping and slaughtering innocent women and children are now facing the soldiers of Allah. And Allah SWT says: "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people, And remove the anger of their (believers') hearts. Allah accepts the repentance of whom He wills." 9:14 -15. As a result of this humiliation and harsh punishment carried out as commanded from the verses Allah SWT by the Noble Mujaahidin, these enemies of Allah have been reduced to blaming and squabbling with each other. The Prophet (saw) said, " I've been commanded to fight them until Allah alone is worshipped, and humiliation is under the blade of my spear. And whoever disobeys my order is humiliated." So while the Mujaahidin are experiencing nobility, prestige and honor from Allah, the Muslims here in the UK, US and other parts of the world, except Afghanistan are facing dire humiliation.
The first of a series of lectures on Islamic History launched with more than two dozen attending. No leaflets were distributed and no money was spent on advertising the event. The lecture coordinators received approval from the Mosque officials, but were told they were not allowed to use the microphone for announcement. The second lecture received a larger circle increasing to nearly forty listeners. Ibn `Umar who has lectured on other topics throughout UK has a particular interest in Islamic History and concludes that many Muslims are totally unaware of the events leading up to the break up and distribution of Muslim lands. In addition, many Muslims and non-Muslims have a misunderstanding of Khilaafa system and how they have benefited from its existence in the world. The Islamic History Lecture Series starts every Saturday at Regents Park Masjid shortly after Asr prayer, and ends forty minutes after. The coordinators are hoping that this event attracts both young and old, and continues as a regular part of the Central Mosque activities. "A complete understanding of our history, as well as its analysis is greatly needed today," one person commented. We would also like to mention that once a month, Shaikh Abu Hamza will come to answer questions, clear the doubts about jihaad as well as to participate in the circle. We also invite brothers to come to the Finsbury Park Masjid. Tapes are available for those who miss out by calling 07947-151-504.
FINAL NOTE This publication is not aimed at separating or causing too much debate among sincere Muslims. Without news from truthful sources, the only alternative is to take from our enemies; those who enjoin falsehood and forbid truth. Insha'llah, our aim is to provide Islamic education, news and discussion to incite the believers into action. We are working toward the sincere education of Muslims, while continuing to learn and champion the way of the Prophet (SAW) and those Rightly Guided (RAA). How can you help? By telling others about this website and helping to distribute this information. Encourage Muslims to ask questions and participate on our discussion board. In addition, be patient with us when we are revising and preparing new content. Get the word out in your community that we are not funded by anyone other than Allah -- alhamdulillah. Thus, our opinions come from our understanding of the opinions of the Siddiqun, not from government scholars, evil rulers, and kuffar. Finally, make continious du`aa for the Mujaahidin and the Ummah that Allah grant all of us victory and reward.