Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim
The biggest issue of our time is our state
of living among haram, sin, kufr and helping it to exist. We live among
homosexuality, among interest (usery), drugs, legislators, mushriks
and pagens, and crusaders. And what is worse is that we give support
to those who make legal all that Allah has ordered to be illegal. And
all that Allah Ta'ala has made legal, the same people make illegal and
we follow them blindly. What will be said of this on the day of judgement? Will Allah save us from our punishment because we were not ready to break our allegience to these kuuffar? Will Allah save us because we only wanted more time to save our money or needed to finish our studies? Will Allah save us because we were scared to leave the comfort of the western medicines and standards of living? Before we give the answer from Allah, let us give examples of how we give support to the enemies of Islam, the enemies of Allah and the enemies of our beloved Prophet (saw). Many of us must work in order to feed our families. When we go to work, our work helps to advance the company which gives its allegience to the state of the kuffar and their religion. It is very difficult to function without a bank account in which to cash in your pay checks. Your money transfers through that bank which is used to further advance the state of kuffar. Some Muslims are studying at the university to become solicitors (lawyers), doctors or other professionals or tradesman. The infrastructure of the state depends on edcuating its people to further its interest. Who builds roads, helps the schools, pays the taxes to support the military, gives the food, while the Islamic state has no one to even wipe the eyes of its crying and starving children. Whether indirectly or directly, or voluntarily or involuntarily, each and every Muslim living among the kuffar are giving their support and allegience. When women and children, and the Islamic state calls for your support, where are you? When your children are learning to imitate the kuffar by watching their telivision advertisements who is teaching them? When two men walk down the street holding hands and kissing one another, where is your objection? The muslims increase the numbers of the kuffar when they live among them, but who helps to increase the numbers of the believers who immigrated or fought to establish Allah's religion on the land? Who will give your wife meidcal treatment on the day of her sickness, and who will help your wife deliver your babies in the hospital? How will you practise the religion of Al-Islam when you are arrrested and who will take care of your family after speaking to forbid the wrong as Allah has ordered you to do so? Who is your neighbor and what will you do when they increase the volume to their music while you are trying to offer prayer? Who will you call on for help when someone breaks into your home? And Allah will say on that day, "When the angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: 'In what (plight) were you?' They reply: 'weak and oppressed were we in the earth.' They say: Was not the earth spacious enough for you to emigrate away (from evil)?' Such men will find their abode in Hell, what an evil refuge!" 4:97. In regards to our position today, living among the mushriks, pagans and enemies of Allah SWT, we are indeed living among those who make unlawful lawful and lawful, unlawful. The Prophet (saw) said, "I have distanced myself (I have dissociated myself) from those who live among the Mushriks." He (saw) also said, "Whoever lives with mushriks,and whoever stays amongst mushriks he is like them." Because this is a sign of help and a sign of cooperation. And he (saw) said, "The shortest minimum distance where a kafir and a muslim should see each other is the distance where you cannot see his light and he cannot see your light." So you are not infected by the culture of the kuffar, you must migrate away from their kufr. They legalise homosexuality, they bomb Muslims in other countries, and they starve to death thousands of Muslim women and children in the name of their religion called Democracy. And Muslims living in their lands must pay taxes to help these kuffar and often use their haram way of life, system of goverment, as well as ribah banking system to survive.
This is a khutbah by Usama bin Ladin. Usama bin Ladin left his Saudi citizen at the age of 22 and he left to go and fight against the Russians in Afghanistan. Being the son of a multi-billionaire, he went with a lot of wealth and he built roads, schools and hospitals for the Afghanis. And he became loved by the people for his sacrifice not only in wealth but also on the battlefield in killing the Russian soldiers who had invaded Afghanistan in the year between 1979 and 1980. So he partake he was on the front-line. And because of his stance against the presence of the American troops in the holy lands, he was stripped of his Saudi citizenship. He was living in the Sudan for a time. And because of the pressure from the West, USA, he was asked to leave the USA and now he has gained sanctuary in the one and only Islamic state in the world today and that is Afghanistan. He has given a speech in regards to the importance of liberating the Holy Land and insha'llah we will be translating this speech word for word because in our opinion everything he said is of extreme importance. Every word is like a gem it is of extreme importance. This speech of his is very important. He begun by saying: "All praise is due to Allah Lord of the Worlds, We praise Him and we seek His Help and we seek His Forgiveness. We seek refuge from Allah from the evil in ourselves and the vile consequences of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides there is none to lead him astray, and whomsoever Allah leave to go astray there is none to guide. I testify to the fact that there is nothing in the heavens above nor the earth below which deserves to be worshipped, except Allah He is One, He has no partners. Likewise, I testify to the fact that Muhammad ibn Abdullah is His Last Prophet and Messenger. We thank Allah abundantly for this great blessing Al-Islam. This is a great blessing which Allah has used to rescue us from the darkness of disbelief to the light of Iman (faith). Allah has blessed us in that He has sent onto us the Most Noble of His creation; Muhammad (saw). He his a mercy onto us. Allah has sent him to us after raising him up from among us. He Allah has revealed unto Muhammad (saw) the Most sacred Book and He has chosen the closest Angel Jabril (as) to transmit this book unto Muhammad (saw)." "You should understand that mankind, any person who does not follow the Holy Qu'ran and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), not only is he astray, but he should lead a wretched life. Because man was created weak as Allah has said in Surah 4:28, "He doesn't know what is beneficial for him or what is harmful onto him. However by follwing the divine example of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), he will achieve success by entering into the paradise by the will of Allah Ta'ala." "So concerning the life of this world, the Prophet (saw) has made it clear to us what's the way to inherit the paradise. Noone can deny that the most noble soul to set foot on the face of the earth was the Prophet Muhammad (saw). And he is the most noble both in this life and the hereafter. He is the seal of the prophets and the last Messenger. He is their Imam as he led them in salah at Jerusalem. He will be given the great intercession on the day of Judgement when all the prophets will refuse to intercede. And with all this what was his aim, what was his objective. With all this he wished to always be a Mujahid. And nothing else but except a Mujahid. He (saw) wished to always be a shaheed, a person who died on the battlefield fighting for Allah. He (saw) said in a hadith, 'By Allah in whose hand is my life, it is my desire to wage jihad fisibilillah and slain, then I come back and slain.' And he said this as much as ten times. This is the great shahaada, the great martydom, which the holy Prophet (saw) constantly yearns for. Hence, the happy person is the one who makes the holy Prophet (saw) his role model in life. In seeking martydom for Allah's sake. Not the man who piles up worldly incumberances and material things in this dunyia. And he comes to the hereafter with nothing to show. In regards to worship. Nothing to show in regards to sacrifice. Nothing to show in regards to jihad and martydom. This is the purpose of life, so we don't waiver to the right side or the left side, but our only goal is straight forward; shahaada dying for Allah, fighting for Allah, dying for Allah to make his word 'la ilaha illallah' the highest. The slogan of Allah la ilaha illallah the highest, and the kalama the slogan of kuffar the lowest of the low. Then he read the poetry, 'the high blow may be many times the high blows are many, but the short and swift blow which cause the enemy to bleed are the best of blows.' "Indeed this ummah has been affected with a great disaster, a great calamity since not seen in this ummah since the coming of our beloved Prophet (saw) and this calamity is that the holiest lands of Islam are being occupied by the Jews and the Christians. This disgrace never occurred before in the (Islamic) peninsula, not even in the days of the Mushrikeen. Call to mind Abraha, the Christian king of Ethiopia came with his army of 60,000 strong to destroy the Kabah before Islam. The Arabs, even though they were pagens, they stood up with whatever forces they had to repel the aggression of Abraha and his Christian army. A man called Abu Ragal volunteered to be his guide to lead him to the Kabah, the house of Allah Ta'ala. And Allah Ta'ala destroyed him, killed him on his way between Tahif and Makkah. Upon reaching Makkah, the elephants refused to go forward out of reverence and respect for the Kabah, the house of Allah. But the Christians of Ethiopia, did not take heed. Even after they saw the elephants refuse to go forward. They did not take heed from the sign. So they marched forward and proceed forward towards the Kabah. Upon marching forward, Allah Ta'ala sent against them birds pelting them with bake clay. So Allah said, 'Didn't you see how we dealt with the companions of the Elephant. Didn't we cause their evil strategy to go to waste. And we sent against them birds pelting them with stones of baked clay. Pelting with baked clay so that they became like vegetables squashed up.' This was a great miracle. This year is called the year of the Elephant. This is the year the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was born. When Abraha came with his army of 60,000 strong chritian men to demolish the house of Allah SWT. Today history has repeated itself. There is a new Abraha in our midst today. And a new Abu Ragal in our midst today, who wish to demolish the house of Allah Ta'ala. Abu Ragal who wish to lead the Jews and the Christians towards the sacred sight of Al-Islam. Who wish to let the Jews and the Christians enter the holiest land of Islam. Where are the men of this deen, the men of Islam? No one is coming forward to rescue Allah's deen; to rescue Allah's house. To purify Allah's holy land; to purify the sanctuary of Allah. As Muslims, we should all implement the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). We should all implement his commandment. When he was on his dying bed, he said: 'Drive out the Jews and the Christians from the (Islamic) peninsula. Drive out the pagens from the (Islamic) peninsula. No two religions must be found in the (Islamic) peninsula.' So even in this book Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women (p.36), When Sheikh bin Baz was asked the question about allowing a non-Muslim maid to come and work in the (Islamic) peninsula. His response was swift, 'It is not allowed to have a non-Muslims maid. It is not allowed to have a non-Muslim male or a non-Muslim male servant, or a worker who is a non-Muslim for anyone living in the (Islamic) peninsula. This is because the Prophet Muhammad (saw) ordered the Jews and the Christians to be expelled from that land. He ordered that only Muslims should be left there. Hew decreed upon his deathbed that all polytheists must be expelled from this peninsula. Furthermore, hiring disbelieving men and women is very dangerous for the Muslims, their faith, their behavior, and the upbringing of their children. Therefore, such must be prevented in obedience to Allah to glorify and His Messenger (saw). And to prevent a source of evil and immorality and Allah is the one who provides guidance.' So it is known of Islam by necessity that no two religions must be allowed in the (Islamic) peninsula. And if one female, non-Muslim kafir female was not allowed based upon this fatwa, how can we allow half a million American troops in the (Islamic) peninsula. So the American troops today, christians, jews, crusaders, prostitutes, lesbians, homosexuals, atheists, all these people are walking in the holy land where Allah Ta'ala has chosen to reveal the Al-Qu'ran; where Allah Ta'ala has chosen to reveal the deen where Makkah and Madina (is placed). So this house the kabah, Allah holds it in great respect and reverence. No salah is accepted from anyone unless he faces that house the kabah. Whenever you make hajj, your hajj is not accepted unless you face that house the kabah. So the question is what will be your excuse on the day of judgement? How can you exhonerate yourself. What will be your excuse when you stand in front of Allah and you are asked: what did you do to drive out the jews and the Christians from the (Islamic) peninsula? How can you allow kafirs; jews and the Christians to occupy the holiest land of Islam? What will be your excuse when you stand in front of Allah on judgment day when you will be asked this question? Today there is even a British consulate in Makkah. Although British is the greatest enemy to Islam and Muslims. The British was responsible for destroying the Caliphate system. They are the ones who created the Palestinian problem. They are the ones who created the Kashmiri problem. They are the ones who put the arms embargo on the Muslims of Bosnia so that two million Muslims were killed. They are the ones who are starving the Iraqi children today. And they are continuously dropping bombs on these innocent children of Iraq. Yet they have an embassy in Makkah in the holiest lands. So what will be your excuse when you stand in front of Allah and you are asked what did you do to cleanse the (Islamic) peninsula from jews and the Christians these occupying powers. The kafirs occupy Makkah and Madinah, and even Al-Quds, hence the first wajib compulsory act upon you after your declaration of faith, la ilaha ilillah Muhammadan rasoolullah (saw) is for you to fight and kill the Americans and the Jews and drive them out of the (Islamic) peninsula. Takbir! Allahu Akhbar. Takbir! Allahu Akhbar. Takbir! Allahu Akhbar. Then and only then will you be helping Islam. Then and only then you will be cleansing the holy places to help this deen and to remove your sins, which you have committed by carrying out this great path of Allah. Alhumdulillah thuma humdulillah. All praise is due to Allah who has made jihad compulsory upon all of us and who has made it the peak of the matter. So the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, in a hadith collected by At-Tirmidhi: 'The hair of this matter is Islam and it's pillar is Salah, and the peak of this matter is jihad.' Jihad was compulsory upon us brothers and sisters to liberate Muslim territories from kufr, from jews and Christians and their allies. The allies of the jews and the Christians meaning so-called Muslims who have apostated and have become allies of the (enemies of Islam). We have to liberate our lands from jews and Christians and their allies; their helpers and their stooges. Some may ask the question what's compulsory upon me regards to this deen. And how can I fight and kill the Americans, the jews and the Christians and drive them out of the holy land. We say to you the Sahaaba migrated, they abandoned and they immigrated. So what did they abandon and where did they migrate to? They abandoned their land, they abandoned their homeland, they abandoned their families, they abandoned their properties and they migrated to Madinah al-Marwa. But the link that holds the Muslims together, the bond that bonds us together is the bond of Iman, which is the strongest bond. So they left their country and established Al-Madinah at the holy hands of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). So it's incumbent on all the Muslims to ignore these borders and boundaries, which the kuffar have laid down between Muslim lands, the jews and the Christians, for the sole purpose of dividing us. So the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, we do not recognize that. The border between Yemen and the (Islamic) peninsula, we do not recognize that. The border between Egypt and Sudan, we do not recognize that. The border between Syria and Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, we do not recognize that, because the bond that binds us as Muslims; this ummah is 'la ilaha ilillah Muhammadan rasoolullah (saw)'. Allah does not look at your skin color, he doesn't look at your bodies, nor does he pay attention to your nationalities, but instead he looks at your heart. And these Muslim hearts are shining with revelation which is inside of them. Shining with the Qu'ran, shining with the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). The Sahaabas came from all places, left their land and came and no one said, 'how can I left Yemen.' . So the companions of the Prophet (saw) came from all places. They left their lands, their homes, their properties and they all made hijra to Madinah. This concept never came across their minds, because of their strength in Iman. They did not say how could I left the comfort of our homeland to fight alongside the Propeht (saw) at the battle of Ahzab against the kuffar who marched from all over to demolish the Islamic state of Madinah. They didn't say this, but they struggled over valleys, over mountains, over hills, until they all reached Madinah. So today, after the whole world was sunken in darkness of kufr, sins, oppression and jahiliya (ignorance), all these darknesses, a lamp emerged, a shining lamp in this darkness and that lamp is Afghanistan. Allah has blessed Afghanistan, the people of Afghanistan, after the crusaders have split it up into five sections to turn them against each other. They were able to unify the country under the Taliban and under the leadership of Amir Mu'mineen Mulanna Omar. So today, Afghanistan is the only country in the world today that has the Shari'ah. Therefore, it is compulsory upon on all the Muslims all over the world to help Afghanistan. And to make hijra to this land, because it is from this land that we will dispatch our armies all over the world to smash the kuffar all over the world (and spread Al-Islam). There is a hadith of the Rasool (saw) where he prophecised that Islam will come from this land; Afghanistan. So we pray and we beg Allah Ta'ala to enlist us among the soldiers to rise up to help this deen of His. Brothers and sisters in Islam, there are many Muslims who have forgotten that the jews and the Christians are the greatest enemies of Islam. Allah Ta'ala has commanded us to fight them, even when they are in their own lands. Capture them and tie them tight and prepare for them with every single every ambush under the heavens. These are the words of Allah commanding us to fight them even when they are in their own countries. And Allah Ta'ala has even commanded to us in another ayat, "where Allah Ta'ala says fight them who are closest to you and let them find harshness in you." So if you were commanded to fight them even when they are in their own countries, how can you have them in the holiest land of Islam? This land where Allah Ta'ala has chosen to reveal the Holy Qu'ran. inside of this land is Makkah, the land of holy revelation, the land of The Prophet (saw) where is musk is and where is grave is. It is incumbent upon us Muslims to remind the believers of the importance of killing these kafirs, fighting them and killing them and reminding them that they are our enemies. Brother and sisters let me remind you that all of you will die except the Shaheed. Allah said in Surah 3:169, "Don't think that those who are slain in the path of Allah are dead, Nay they are alive gaining sustenance from their Lord." Brothers and sisters, I must remind you about the importance of jihad, the importance of hijra, the importance of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong."
REPORT ON The headline of the [5/25/2000] Atlanta Journal-Constitution online report is sure to shake things up in the criminal investigation of Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin: "Al-Amin tape shows officers searched for wounded gunman." The transcript of the sheriff department's dispatch tape from the night of the shooting indicates that within minutes of the exchange of gunfire between deputies Ricky Kinchen and Aldranon English and their alleged assailant (identified as Imam Al-Amin), a 911 caller reported that a man was seen bleeding and begging for a ride five blocks from the scene of the shooting. It was also reported that police surrounded an abandoned house in Atlanta's West End where blood was found. The dispatch tape also reveals a number of discrepancies that may also prove to be troubling for the prosecution. According to the state, the strongest evidence against the Imam is that the weapons used to kill deputy Kinchen (a .223 caliber rifle and a 9mm handgun), and the alleged get away vehicle (a black Mercedes) were found in White Hall, Alabama, where the Imam was apprehended four days later. Additionally, and perhaps most significant, is the identification of the Imam by the surviving deputy (English). The strongest evidence, however, may also turn out to be the State's weakest link; as deputy English also reported that he shot the assailant (identified as Imam Jamil) in the stomach area. Guns and even a vehicle (discovered in a driving rainstorm) can easily be planted by rogue cops intent on getting their man. And as for eyewitness identification, ever since the Professor von Liszt experiment in Berlin, Germany in 1902 (and the many controlled studies conducted on the issue since that time), it's been documented that people under stress don't do well. As a lay person who has admittedly done a limited amount of research on this issue, if deputy English is in fact wrong in his identification of Imam Jamil as his assailant, it's possible that the misidentification resulted from a phenomenon known as "unconscious transference." But more on this later. Until then, the plot thickens. Contributed by El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan
KHUTBAH 09-June-2000 delivered by Sheikh Abu Hamza
My dear brothers and sisters, we will start by talking about the issues of the time, and then continue our lesson about the benefits which we can gain from the ayahs of the Qur`an, which we should be learning. One of the most important issues we have heard about this week is that of the suicide bombing, as the kuffar called it, in Chechnya. Which was done by a Chechen sister. In every army of the kuffar they have a brigade or battalion of sacrifice. In Egypt they call it "Fidaiyah", 'To sacrifice yourself for others'. Which constitutes well trained individuals who sacrifice themselves for their nation. When it comes to the mujahideen, they don't call it sacrificing, they do not call it "Fidaiyah". But when it comes to similar operations by the mujaahidin, they call it suicide, in order to create an aversion to such acts. The term suicide is known in Islam to mean, generally, punishment in the Hell Fire for whoever commits such an act. Allah (SWT) has called this type of operation martyrdom. An operation for the best of the people to become the best kind of martyres. They are not only in the front of the front, but in the front, when nobody is in the front. They are amongst the enemy. They go to where ever the first row of fighting is, where the mujahideen cannot go any further. Allah (S.W.T) has encouraged this type of operation in the Qur`an, and asked the believers to go and do it. We are encouraged to do such an operation because this is the only way the kuffar will be terrorised. We saw this in Lebanon. For what reason did America leave Lebanon? The reason was because of these suicide operations. A handful of people forced America to change a key policy, which was to protect their peace and democracy, and caused them to flee. Our sister filled a lorry with explosives, and drove it into a barracks. The result of which was that at least twenty seven were killed and many others injured. Everybody ran and until now people are still shaking. Since this operation, kuffar Putin has made himself directly in charge of everything that happens in Chechnya, because he does not want his soldiers to run anymore, "Enough deserted soldiers", he said. Similar operations like these, soon after they happen, will expel the Russians out of Chechnya. Now we look at what Islam says about this operation. The "mashyak" or the Sheikhs of humiliations, the Sheikhs who are prostituting themselves to the kuffar and apostate regimes, say it is suicide. But even Al-Azhar of Egypt, who has a very bad situation and standing with the Muslims said, "This is not a suicide this is a martyrdom operation." Not about this incident in Chechnya but about the operations which used to happen between Palestine and Israel. He said, "No, this is legitimate in Islam, this is acceptable, and these people are the best shaheed." Look at "Fathalbari" Imam Ibn Hajar As-Kalani in his explanation in Sahih-ul Bukhari. He narrated a hadith with a good chain saying, "Allah (S.W.T) laughs at a person who lunges an attack into the centre of the enemy . Then Allah (S.W.T) will laugh at him and say to his angels, "What does he think is going to happen to him?" This means that he knows definitely he is going to get killed. He could get killed, even before he can reach the enemy, by an arrow, or by a spear, or by hundreds of swords. So Allah laughs at him, laughs to him. And in the other hadith, Rasoolullah (s.a.w), "Whoever Allah laughs at, he will never be subject to the reckoning, and will enter paradise immediately." Allah laughs, not because He does not know what you will do, but because sometimes you know what will happen, even though it happens repeatedly, you still laugh. The situation is the like of somebody who is humiliating the whole of the Earth, the whole of creation. He is determined to meet Allah. He has to tunnel through the stomach of the kuffar to do this. It is permissible for him to do this with a shield. Rasoolullah (s.a.w.) himself, is known to have looked at two shields, considering which of the two is stronger, in order to teach us to take the reasons for what we want to happen in order that it may happen. But some people they like to do it in another way, they like to humiliate the kuffar, they like, even if they can wear shields and helmets, to leave them and fight the kuffar without them. To terrorise them. To point out to the kuffar that they are crazy about paradise as much as they, the kuffar, are about dunya, and are willing to show them. To strike in their midst without a shield. To terrorise. Many people, when they see a fighter attacking without a shield, they stand astonished until they are killed. They do not even move. Allah puts fear in their hearts. What we can gain from this hadith, is how important it is, to show Allah (S.W.T) that we love Him Ta'ala more than anything. The scholars they narrate such a hadith to encourage the believers. To tell the believers that, even if what they are doing is not going to kill a single kuffar, they will never forget such a scene. They will never forget that these people, they have a dangerous potential, they are capable of attacking unshielded, unprotected, driven by the hope they could kill them. These type of people cannot be fought. This is the action to take in order to instil fear in the hearts of the enemy. How are you going to instil fear in their hearts, you cannot tell them, "Please, can you, can you send me a kalashnikof, so I may fight you with it." If the kuffar knows you will fight them even with the kitchen knife, they will fear you. If they know you are not going to fight them until you have lasers, and you have nuclear power, and you have all of these. Then they will have no respect for you, because you have to kiss their feet, in order for them to give you a knife to kill them with. They will not do that. They know you do not have a mind of your own or your own methodology. You are still a slave to them. This kind of method is more accurate than a laser guided missile. This is a laser guided mujahid. This is a mujahid guided by the belief in Allah. A mujahid attracted not by a laser beam, but by Jannah, paradise. Attracted by the call of Allah (SWT). How can you fight such an army? Who can fight such an army? Who?... With more of these operations, the Russians will be expelled repeatedly insha'llah. Any army can be expelled. This sister has set an example. She was neither a Sheikh with knowledge, a person working for da`wah, nor a book author. A sister! Maybe she does not know a word of arabic. A Chechen sister. Maybe she does not wear a hijab even. But she knows her duty. When somebody is coming to kill her family, and she is a Muslim, and they are kuffar, she cannot compromise. Sisters do not want to compromise. How come Sheikhs are compromising? How shameful we are! Another Problem: Lebanon's False Victory Tackling another problem to show what is now concerning the scholars of Ahlul-Sunnah wal-jamaah. Which is what is happening now in Lebanon. Everybody is clapping and shouting about the victory of Hizbullah. Who's Hizbullah? They are a Shia`t group. What is a Shia`t group? We do not mean the Shia who support Imam Ali (RAA). We are talking about the Shia who curse the Sahaaba, the Shia who insult the Qur`an, or say the Qur`an is incomplete. The Shia not interested to make circles to learn knowledge, not interested to make circles except to curse the Sahaaba, and to plot against Ahlul-Sunnah wal-jamaah. The Shia of Lebanon who have invited Jews to gain, to incite Lebanon, so they can kick out the Palestinians, and Ahlul-Sunnah from there, and gain dominance for the first time in Lebanon. They used to have no existence before in Lebanon. Hizbullah started from Iran. They say they sent the first seed of Hizbullah from Iran. Why are the sunni Muslims not allowed to fight? When they are not allowed to fight by the regime why do they not fight their own regimes? These regimes, the kuffar regimes, or the Christian regimes, they only allow deviant people like the Shia, or like the 'Dorsises', people of this kind, to carry weapons. But sunni Muslims are not allowed to carry weapons, because they have an enmity against the enemies of Allah (SWT) that lasts forever. The Shia, once Israel invades, will not tackle them except politically, so they can have more of Palestine and take Palestine from Arafat in order to make it Shia. Now the Shia of Lebanon are witnessing, that their own grandparents, were kuffar because they were sunni. All the Shia in Lebanon and Syria did not come from Iran. The Iranian Shia influenced them to change their religion. Now they are witnesses to the fact, that their own grandparents, who were Sunni Muslims, were kuffar and Bid`as. We should not be happy about this victory. We should be happy about one thing. To expose our regimes. To show them resistance against Israel does work. It will work. If it works in the hands of the Shi'a, it will work in the hands of the Sunni people. They are the same people. Who are the Lebanese? The Palestinians? The Syrians? They are the descendents of Sunnis. It is only twenty years ago that they changed their religion. These are the people who fought the Mongols. These are the people who fought the Crusaders. These are the people who fought the Crusaders, the Mongols, and the Shia, at the same time, and they were victorious over all of them. The victory we are searching for is the victory of Sala'hideen Ayyubi. A victory which liberated Eqypt and Yemen from Shi'a, and liberated Sham, at the same time from the Crusaders. We are searching for Ahlul-Sunnah wal-jamaah to become vigilante and respect the leaders of the Mujaahidin. The people of Syria respect their leaders even if they do not know a verse of the Qu`ran. They become Sheikhs as soon as they put on a black turban and cloak, and they can do what they like, even become legislators, if they can obtain certification of their relation to Rasulullah (SAW). While the Sunni people, they only respect the taghut scholars, the scholars affiliated to the regimes. The scholars who are exalted and beautified by the enemies of Allah (SWT). We can learn from this event. This is a lesson for Ahlul-Sunnah wal-jamaah. There are mujahidin brothers in South Lebanon. The Hizbullah are not considered mujaahidin. They are only fighting to confine the the Islamic movement. They seek to make everybody Shia. The mujahidin are those simple, sincere hearted Muslims, who are fighting in the cause of Allah (SWT). Who have been shown, by this event, that they can also be victorious. We ask our Muslim Sunni brothers to strive hard. Brothers! You cannot wait for the Sheikhs to fight! If our Chechen sister waited for the Sheikhs to fight, she would have been raped, repeatedly, everyday, until she died from rape! Alhamdulillah Allah (SWT) decreed that she killed them. She ripped the enemies of Allah (SWT) apart! May Allah (SWT) accept it from her and grant her and her family al-Fardous and the company of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah (SAW).
OF SHI'A There are a total of five major Shi`a groups. These groups are known as Druze, Isma`iliyyah, Aaga Khaani, Zaidiyyah, Mutawalliyun and the Twelver. The Druze in particular are based in Lebanon and Syria and some of their beliefs are that alHaakim, the Faatimiyyah sect leader of Egypt and North Africa in the 11th century, was the physical manifestation of Allah on earth. They also believe that he was a prophet and that all dogs must be killed on the Earth. These people have their own secret rituals, as well as the fact that they don't pray and that they believe in reincarnation. These people are kuffar and are completely unrelated to Islam. The Isma`iliyyah have the same understanding that Allah is physically manifested on Earth in the form of one of the seven imaams that they follow. The belief is that the seventh imaam is the hidden imaam and those that come after are likewise the mahdi. These people are complete kuffar and are not Muslims. The Aagha Khaani have the exact same belief as the Isma`iliyyah but they believe that their sect, Aagha Khaani, is the pure and only real one. Aagha Khaan is believed to be related to the Prophet (SAW) and only people related to the Prophet (SAW) are allowed to rule. He has godly powers and Surat ulIkhlaas and Surat un-naas are claimed to be about him and that he is Allah. And the relation to the Prophet (SAW) must be through Hussain, no one else. No other relation is accepted. They are kuffar and have no relation to Islam. The Zaidiyyah are a group that was founded by Zaid ibn `Ali and is based on some of the teachings of Muhammad alBaaqir and Jaafir as-Saadiq. They are primarily Hanafi in fiqh and are almost completely based in Yemen. One of their well-known scholars is Shaikh ulIslam Muhammad ibn `Ali ash-Shawkaani. The Mutawalliyun were founded by Al `Allamah Muhammad Jawaad Shirri from Iraaq and these people left the Twelver movement. Shaikh Shirri spoke to these people from the bottom of his heart. He would give khutbah in Tehran for years and the major Shi`a `ulama would tell the common people not to pray behind him. He continued on and they grew to respect him. As time went on, many of them came to the belief of Ahl us-Sunna and left the Twelver movement. When Shirri left Iraaq to come to the United States, the Mutawalliyun followed and came to Detroit, Michigan with him. They are now spreading the da`awa of Ahl us-Sunna in the US. He is one of the great scholars of Islam and is well respected by the knowledgeable ones of Islam. The reason why the Zaidiyyah are still classed as Shi`a is their belief about leadership. Their belief is that all governments today should be patterned after the khilaafa of `Ali, since it was the most recent of the four rightly guided khulafaa.' Unlike all the other Shi`a sects, they accept all the previous khulafaa and they don't make it a condition that you have to be related to Muhammad in order to be a khalifa. They also belief the Qur'an is unchanged and they don't follow any interpretation on the text of the Qur'an not based on the Prophet and the Sahaaba. These people have been known in history for their bravery and have fought against the Khawaarij of Umaan as well as the other Shi`a for centuries. They are our brothers in Islam and they are good Muslims. As regards just the Twelver Shi`a, they fall into three categories: The first category are the `ulama or their scholars. These people are the ones that write the books and give their people information about the Shi`a way, as they are the movement's propagators. They are also people of knowledge, who know the Arabic language and among them are those who say that the Qur'an has been changed and/or is incomplete and that Jibril made a mistake when he came to Muhammad instead of 'Ali. Among their other excesses are that they curse the Sahaaba and that they have changed some laws of the Qur'an, for example, instead of cutting the hand for theft, they merely cut one finger. And instead of getting married as a sacrament, they use temporary marriage, which has become a form of prostitution. Some of the major Twelver scholars are `Allamah Tabataba'i, Khumaini, Murtada Mutahhaari, `Ali Shari`aati and many others. This group is outside of the fold and thus are kuffar. The second category are the people of the population that believe in the what the `ulama are teaching and they have knowledge, so they know what is kufr and imaan. Some of these people are the Shi`a scholars of tomorrow. They are closed to the elders of the movement and they know the Arabic text as well as many verses from the Qur'an like their teachers. Some are the Shi`a 'mujaahidin' like the Army of Spilled Blood and so forth. They are kuffar. The third category are those that are culturally Shi'a. They are told by their parents that they are shi'a, so they say that they are Shi`a. So while they may tell you that they are Shi`a, and they do some Shi`a acts, such as celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (SAW), lashing themselves or things like this, under careful examination, it is found that they have some beliefs of Ahl us-Sunna and some deviant beliefs. However, they do not believe in the major kufr of the Shi`a and many of the rituals they just mimic blindly. Many of these people just need good education, and if taught properly about Allah's mercy on them, they will leave the Shi`a movement. This third group are ignorant and have some bid`ii traits, but they are not kuffar.
SYRIA; Hafiz Asad What he should be remembered for: Hafiz Asad took power after 1967 by doing a coup in 1970. He was chief of the army in Syria where he actually sold the Heights of Golan to Israel for the evil of money. Asad deserted the heights with his army, after facing the soldiers of his enemy who were more scared of the Muslims. After running away out of fear of losing the war, he allowed the Israelis to occupy the land to his disgrace. However, instead of going to martial court for his crime.Today the jews continue to occupy the Golan Heights and many Muslims have been kicked out of their homes or persecuted by the Israeli police. When the Muslim botherhood raised up to speak out against his kufr and obcsenity, he massacred them. Asad flattened mosques killing 50,000 sunni muslims in the same way known by the Christian Crusaders. In Hamat, Halab,and al-Gisser Muslims were massacred. Although Asad, has called himself an aliwe ( the people who worship Ali [r.a] and believe in the Imams who propagate this, as well as reincarnation), but it is a well known fact that he is a 'nausari' ( the people who are not even related to islam ). The nausari marry their blood relations and have hatred against any form of Islam. Asad was helped into power by the French, the biggest enemies of Islam. Sunni Muslim sisters in his prison managed to smuggle a letter in an appeal to the Mujahideen and Muslim nation to destroy the prison and leave them, because they were shameful to ever face any community after being raped repeatedly on a daily basis. Many of these sisters have delivered babies from these heroneous crimes and their children reside in prison with them. Asad has now left the earth, with his body giving nourishment to the maggots. His greatest achievement in his lifetime was restoring monarchy to the Syrian government once again. This should serve as an example to those who say be patient and wait for our rulers to change or that kindness to them will correct their ways. We answer back with the words of Allah, "And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: 'Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help." 4:75 and, "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them, and heal the breasts of a believing people, and And remove the anger of their (believers) hearts." 9:14-15 May Allah ta'ala fill his grave with fire and put him with the pharoan, and curse his body to rot forever and ever. And for those who celebrated his death aware of his evil and atrocities against muslims, we ask Allah to curse them as well, unless they repent and fight in the Cause of Allah. We rejoice and gloat over his death and his wedding to the maggots and snakes of the graves. The year 2000 has been very good for muslims because of the deaths of the tyrants and evil scholars, such as: Husain of Jordan
Ibn Umar reported that Allah's Messenger said, "Establish your lines (straight), for indeed the angels (pray) in lines. Align your shoulders, close the gaps, yield your hands to your brothers, and do not leave any gaps for Shaytan. Whoever connects a line, Allah maintains him, and whoever breaks a line, Allah cuts him off. (Ahmed, Abu Dawud, an-Nasaa'e and others; see Sahih ul-Jaami no. 1187) Anyone who has prayed with different groups of people probably have experienced the follwoing situation: When you line up for prayer, the person next to you prevents your feet from touching theirs. If you try to move closer to them, they move away, if you persist trouble will most likely erupt. The evidence for standing four fingers away? Most people who stand away from their neighbor during group prayer do so simply out of custom. It would not be fair to claim that it is based upon a certain madthhab, for one will not fing it bas taught in any of the source of books for the mathhabs. For example, in the famous Hanifee fiqh book, "Hasshiyah"" by Ibn 'Ababiddayn, the only mention of one not touching the feet of their neighbor during the group prayer, is in the case of a man who is praying with his wife! Similarily, it is not mentioned in "al-Um" by ash-Shaaf'ee. However, the opinion stating that it is allowable for one to stand four fingers width away from the person praying next to them is collected in some comparative fiqh books(1). This opinion, we hope to show, is pure baseless conjecture, and furthermore implementating it violates numerous general and specific texts which govern how to stand in line for group prayers. Additionally, the manner in which the companions prayed in the presence of the Prophet (s.a.w.), is an evidence for the Muslims to follow. Especially when he (s.a.w.) said, "For surely I can see you from behind my back...(Al-Bukharee). And he (s.a.w.) said after commanding the companions to correct their lines. Were they to have not followed his command properly, or if they were excessive, then he, being able to see them in that state surely would have corrected them further. And this is the argument agianst those who claim that concern over this matter constitutes excessivenenss. Furthermore, this opinion is one that requires the praying to do an additional act, that is, to move away. Were he to stand still when the person next to him put his foot next to his, he would be doing less, and less action is the rule in prayer unless there is an evidence otherwise! THis is especially true in the light of the texts, as we will prove if Allah (SWT) allows. The Command to Straighten the Rows and Close the Gaps, and that it is Wajib. The Prophet (s.a.w.), "Make good your standing in the rows during prayer." (Ahmed and Ibn Hibaan. Authenticated by al-Albaanee in Saheeh ul-Jaami no.195). And, "establish your lines (straight), an dconsolidate." (al-Bukaharee, Muslim and others) Imam Baghawee comments on the word "taraassoow" (translated here as consolidate) saying, "His (s.a.w.) saying taraassoow means to cling together until there are no gaps between you. As Allah (SWT) said, 'Surely, Allah loves thos who fight in His cause in ranks as if they were were a solidified (marsoosan) wall.' As-Saff 61:4. Meaning they join together with each other. In this is the clear evidence that the Imam should turn towards the people commanding them to straightne their lines."2 The Prophet (s.a.w.) also said, Straighten your lines, for indeed straightening the lines is part of the completeness of the prayer. Al-Bukharee and Muslim, about which ash-Shawkanee, noted"From this it is understood that straightening the lines is wajib." (Nayul-ul-Aawtaar) And he commanded, "Close the gaps...(Ahmed, Abu Dawood, an-Nasaa'ee and others See ul-Jaami no. 1187). Ordering the action by way of a verb accompanied by the "laam" of command Among the well known signs of an obligation or wajib, in usool-ul-fiqh, is when the commanding verb is preceded by the way of Arabic letter laam. This type of laam is known as laam al-amr, or the commanding laam. Whenever it is used then we understand that the address is an obligation, unless it is accompanied by an act or saying which indicates that it is only recommended. In the following texts, such as laam precedes the verb, letting us know that the statement is a coommand. "Establish your lines (straight)", in one narration, or "Allah will cause dissension in your hearts." (Abu Dawood, Ibn Hibaan. Authentic, see Saheeh at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb no. 512, and the addition with Abu Dawood, see ul-Jaami no. 1191. Dissensin Upon Your Faces "And straighten your lines or Allah will cause dissension to appear upon your faces." Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others. Imam an-Nawee explains as follows, "Meaning that anger, animosity and disagreement will appear in the hearts. As when it is said, 'So and so's face changed towards me.' It means, 'his face shows his dislike for me.' So their differing in their rows is an apparent type of dissension, and outwardly evident differences are the cause for the inner dissension." 3 Mentioning the "Laa" of prohibition The laa of prohibition is called such becase it means, "Do not do such and such." In all cases of prohibition (nahee), then it is implies that the act is haram, unless it is accompanied by an act or say which indicates that is only disliked. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "Do not leave gaps for Shaitan." Abu Dawood, an-Nasa'ee and others. Sahih ul-Jami no. 1189. "Do not differ, or your hearts will dissent." Muslim, Ahmed, an-Nasa'ee and others. "Do not make your chests irregular, or your hearts will dissent." Ibn Khuzaymah see Sahih at-Tagheeb wat Tarheeb no. 513 "Do not let your lines be irregular or your hearts will dissent." Abu Dawood, an-Nasa'ee and others. See Sahih at-Tagheeb wat Tarheeb no. 513 Warning Against the Gaps The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "Beware of the gap. Meaning in prayer at-Tabarani in al-Kabir and others, see as Sahih no. 1757 Gaps Invite the Shaitan The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "Straighten your lines, and align your shoulders, and yield your hands to your brothers, and close the gaps, for indeed the Shaitan comes between you through them, just as the small lamb does. Ahmed, at-Tabarani and others, Sahih 4. Severe Warning of Being Cut off From Allah "Whoever connects a line, he is maintained by Allah, and whoever breaks a line, Allah cuts him off." And such a severe warning would not be issued for a deed that is simply recommended. The Behaviour of the Companions Hitting the Feet Umar and Bilal (r.a.) are reported to have hit the feet of people in order to straighten their lines 5. And as Ibn Hazm noted, "they would not hit anyone unless he felt an obligation. Straighten The Lines" Explained Anas (r.a.) reported that in al-Madinah, he was asked whether he found anything to have changed from the time of the Prophet (s.a.w.), to which he replied, "I have not found any changes except that you do not straighten your lines rows properly." Al-Bukhari It would be enough for us to understand his saying, "tageemoona as-sufoof" to mean simply, your lines are zig-zagged and you don't straighten them. But the following narration of Anas enlightens us to the true meaning of straightening your lines. After standing for prayer, before the takbeer Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.) faced the people and said, "Straighten your lines and consolidate, for indeed I see you from behind my back." Two seperate narrations from Al Bukhari and Muslim. In one narration, Anas added, "I saw that one of us would connect his shoulder to the shoulder of his companion, and his heel to his heel, and if one of you were to do this today, one of you would flee as if he were an untamable donkey" 6. An-Nu'man bin Basheer said, "So I saw a man clinging his shoulder to his companion's shoulder, and his foot to his foot, and his ankle to his ankle." Al-Bukhari. The argument that Straightening the lines prevents concentration After all of what we have noted, some people insist that standing closely to one another during prayer causes them to have distracting thoughts. Due to this problem, they believe that their prayer is more apt to be accepted if they stand away from the person next to them. However, this is a poor excuse, because ones's lack of ability to concentrate during prayer is not a reason for him to encourage Shaitan to enter the ranks; And clearly the command as well as the virtue is with the people who pray close not seperately as the Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "The best of you is the one with the friendliest shoulder in prayer. Abu Dawood, Sahih ul-Jami no. 3264
Muhammad Husni Mubaarak was born in the city of Kafr alMasalha in Northern Egypt in 1928 and was the son of an inspector of the Minister of Justice in the beauracratic and oppressive regime of King Faruq, who at that time was ruling Egypt. Mubaarak would later grow up to go to the National Aviation Academy of Egypt and the Frunze Aviation Academy in Moscow, along with learning Russian, and become a first class aviator. He started off being one of the key players behind the overthrow of the Egyptian government in 1952, but previous to then, he was a decorated aviator and war hero in the 1948 against Israel, thus his fame was widespread. After the takeover of the government from Faruq, Mubaarak was put in place as one of the top ministers in the new military government. As time went on, he would become one of the most important men in the oligarchy that was ruling Egypt. In his tenure as a minister in the government, he was known even then for his brutality and for his hatred displayed against the Muslim groups. This makes perfect sense due to his racial dilemma. After the collapse of the khilaafa system in 1924, the Muslims who were racially Turkish and the Muslims who were racially Arab fell out. This had far reaching effects even in Egypt. This relates to Mubaarak because he is of mostly Turkish extraction, thus he felt some of the backlash against those of Turkish extraction as 'interlopers.' However, he did feel some of the benefits from European circles as being 'special' due to his light skin. He would prove himself again as an apt warrior in the wars of 1952, 1958, 1967 and 1973 against Israel, all of which were a complete failure except one. Although the Egyptians were crushed repeatedly by a Jewish coalition force, Young Husni showed great courage. With this courage, however, came the thirst for more power. He began to elevate in the ranks of the military as a general. After the death of Gamal Abdun-Naasir on September 28, 1970, Mubaarak became the Vice-president of the newly crowned Pharoah of the Nile, President Muhammad Ahmad Anwar as-Sadaat. It was in this time that Mubaarak was put over entire regiments and seen as a stabilising force for the militarily incompetent Sadaat. General Mubaarak would at last quench his thirst for power when on October 5, 1981, at an anniversary parade celebrating Egypt's success in the 1973 War, Sadaat was assassinated by the brother of a jailed Islamic scholar. That day Mubaarak was mysteriously absent from his post and many believe the ineffective security at the parade was a deliberate power move by Mubaarak. Only Allah knows. Once in power, Mubaarak re-arrested most of the Islamic scholars that had been released in the time of Sadaat as an attempt at good will. This was the new policy of Egypt for the new age. The new president continued on with his policy of terror by keeping Egypt under martial law, which had not been lifted since 1952, when the government had been overthrown! More and more of the public sector of the labour department was being sold off, which put most of the aspiring doctors and chemists out of a job. With this, foreign investors could be courted and a prosperous future of pocketing the gross national product of Egypt could begin. The profits from tourism were pocketed by Mubaarak and his wife Suzanne, who is herself half-Welsh. From 1981 on, if it didn't seem possible that things could get worse, they did. The poverty soared and drud abuse went out of control. But there was no action from the great ruler of the Nile. But these moves of his were not without consequences. From his takeover in 1981, all the way to the present time, there have been a total of 11 assassination attempts on his life, in which the most recent caused injury to his chest and cut a ligament in his arm. But it must be remembered that Husni is a special type of tyrant. He is an accomplised war general, a decorated aviator that has survived many wars and a shrewd businessman to boot. The Muslim brothers that are currently in a Civil War against him have worked hard, but patience must be a key. These oppressors didn't come to power overnight, so their removal shouldn't be expected to be overnight. We, and the brothers, must buckle down and prepare for a long and bloody struggle.
In this world of stereotypes about Islam, our women tend to be the targets. As always, they are targeted as dim witted, uneducated and completely without a mind of their own. But some women who spoke up recently don't appear to see things that way. Upon meeting them, a kaafir woman doing journalist work, was completely thrown off by their appearance and their attitude. She at first met the Muslim sisters completely veiled, different coloured niqaabs, but all completely covered with the exception of the eyes. However, once they emerged inside of the house, this journalist found all of them to be from Chicago, New York, North Carolina, all in the United States. Not only were these women 'all American girls' who had become Muslims, but they were also very happy with it and not at all the frumpy and oppressed house maids that Muslim women are made to be in this world. All the women that spoke to the journalist had come to know of Islam through SIRH and other related institutions. All of them are married to men from Kuwait and not a single one of them thought about returning to the United States except in a missionary capacity. Many of them spoke of the hope and joy that they had found in the salvation of Islam. One of them, Debbie Harris, explained, "Islam has given me such peace of mind. WHen I accepted Islam, it was as if somebody opened up by heart and put back new life." To the horror of the journalist, Debbie continued on and said, "For example, if I want to know how late a woman can stay out, the Qur'an tells me. It says whose permission I need when I want to go out. Whatever I need in my everyday life, it is there, as straightforward as a cookbook." This is unbelievable to the Western mind, which sees itself as free and could never imagine a human being wanting to be told what to do. We should keep in mind that these statements are coming from Muslim women who were once a part of the 'most free society on Earth,' yet still felt the need to search for some sort of fulfillment. One of the women, Imaan, originally from Portland, Oregon, came to Islam through meeting Muslims. She then found a book about the life of Muhammad. When she brought the book to the Church, as she was a Christian at the time, the elder told her that she was reading the book of the Devil and that she should turn over the book for him to cast it into the flames. When she later informed her family that she was studying Islam, they said that she was going into a cult. At this time, she was still teaching Sunday school. But the moment of truth soon came. During one of her classes, she told the children that she was reading about Muhammad. When the church authorities learned of this, she was fired immediately and the children were never informed why. After two years, she became a strong Muslim and has remained so ever since. Since that time, she has left the United States and plans to spend the rest of her life in the Muslim world with her husband. Our last example is Brenda, who shocked the Christian journalist (whose name is Jan Goodwin) the most when she said that she found Christianity to be incomplete and that the Bible has lost much of its credibility due to inconsistencies. In all of the bad news that we hear about Islam and all of the hateful propaganda, people like those we mentioned above are still becoming Muslims, not by video, not by radio, but simply through word of mouth. Allah certainly guides who He wills and it is He who has said, "It is He who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, for it to be dominant over all other religions, no matter how much the kuffar may hate it." Surat us-Saff, ayah 9. Islam will continue to spread, and irrespective of how
many CNNs or BBCs there are, people will face the Qibla and will bow
their heads in submission, in deference to the Shaitan and his henchman.
May Allah help all of us.
It has still been 24 years and the regime of Husni Mubaarak continues to employ a Jew in its' government. There has been no attempt to hide it the government has actually been quite bold in its' equal opportunity stance. The one in question, Deputy Prime Minister Yosef Waali Shitiqa Mizaar is the grandson of one of the chief Rabbis of Egypt. However, he has been moonlighting under the name of Yusuf Wali. When he was found out in 1996, after 20 years as the Deputy Prime Minister, he admitted that he was Jewish but that now he is Muslim. It is fascinating that in the past 20 years, Egypt has also been edging closer and closer to Israel, and that Mr. Yosef was in power during that time. Jihaan Sadaat, wife of former President Anwar Sadaat, collected funds for the University of Ben Gurion in Israel and prostituted herself off to the West with ease. It makes you wonder just how much of a part the Jews play in Middle Eastern politics.
FINAL NOTE This publication is not aimed at separating or causing too much debate among sincere Muslims. Without news from truthful sources, the only alternative is to take from our enemies; those who enjoin falsehood and forbid truth. Insha'llah, our aim is to provide Islamic education, news and discussion to incite the believers into action. We are working toward the sincere education of Muslims, while continuing to learn and champion the way of the Prophet (SAW) and those Rightly Guided (RAA). How can you help? By telling others about this website and helping to distribute this information. Encourage Muslims to ask questions and participate on our discussion board. In addition, be patient with us when we are revising and preparing new content. Get the word out in your community that we are not funded by anyone other than Allah -- alhamdulillah. Thus, our opinions come from our understanding of the opinions of the Siddiqun, not from government scholars, evil rulers, and kuffar. Finally, make continious du`aa for the Mujaahidin and the Ummah that Allah grant all of us victory and reward.