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9. Michael and Marjorie

Michael was a man who liked pigeons,
Marjorie, she was the girl next door,
They fell in love in 1940,
Were married in the closing years of the 2nd World War.

Michael worked hard in a factory,
Marjorie stayed at home with the kid;
The kid grew up and became a preacher,
But neither of them understood just why he did.

Michael and Marjorie,
Marjorie and Michael,
Seldom went to church,
Never read the Bible;
Oh yes,..
They'd had the child baptised,
Didn't everybody?
Now there he was,
Standing in a pulpit,
Talking about revival,
Revival, revival.

Michael said he couldn't understand it,
Marjorie once said she thought she knew,
How that child of theirs got religion,
And now that he'd got it, what should they do?

Michael spends a lot of time with his pigeons,
Marjorie likes to knit and watch T.V.
Sometimes they hold hands and watch the sunset,
Behing it all they suspect there's something they don't see.

Michael and Marjorie...

10. Watch out for the traffic
1. Here comes a lorry load
Of nuclear arms,
The president assures us,
They're not meant to harm.
We're only keeping them
For our own protection,
If you suggest anything else,
You're making the wrong connection.
So you stand and watch the lorry go by.
Who cares how many may ultimately die?
If you're standing in the middle of the road,
Watch out for the traffic.

2. There goes a trainload of nuclear waste,
It's solidly packed so it's really quite safe,
They're going to drop it down to the depths of the sea,
But how many centuries before it starts to leak?
So you stand and watch the train go by,
Will your children's grandchildren ever ask you why?
If you're standing in the middle of the road,
Watch out for the traffic.

3.  There goes a shipload of toxic waste,
They're shipping it out to Africa or some other place,
It's a way of helping them overcome their national debt,
They've agreed to let us help them,
So no-one will be upset.
It's in their own interests to capitalise our dirt,
Dispose of it safely and no-one will get hurt,
If you're standing in the middle of the road,
Watch out for the traffic.

Watch out for the traffic.
You get a lot of death on the road these days.
Watch out for the traffic.