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A class by Murph


I am Murph and this is my class on hunting. I have decided to do this class in four parts.
1.What kind of small furry animals to hunt.
2.What kind of small furry animals not to hunt.
3.Hunting techniques.
Pay attention and be sure to read all the pages in this class. Let's begin.



Mice and other rodents and rodent-like animals may carry diseases or parasites that cats can get. Some animals may have eaten poison, and if we eat them, we run the risk of getting poisoned ourselves!

Part One
What kind of small furry animals are good to hunt ?


This is a mouse. They can come in different colors. Don't let the color fool you. The white ones taste just as good as the gray ones.In the house they can be found in the walls, under the stove, behind the cupboard door, or under the fridge. Outside they can be found under the porch, in wood piles and in the garage or shed, or any where that kibbles or bird seed is stored.

This is a rat. It is a larger version of the mouse. Rats, however, don't usually live in the house. Unless they are pets. If they are a human's pet you had better leave them alone or your human may be very unhappy with you. Outside they live in storm sewers, wood piles, or under sheds or garages. They taste very good but you have to be careful. They have very sharp teeth and when cornered will fight.

Rabbits are sometimes called bunnies by soft hearted humans. These are very tasty, especially the young ones. Don't be fooled by its weak looking sweet expression. It can run and dodge better than anything. You have to be very fast to catch a full grown rabbit.

These obnoxious chittering creatures, live in the trees. They sit in the tree and make horrible noises and dare you to come after them. You have to be extra careful with them. They have very sharp teeth and claws. They can also run along the high wires and jump from tree branch to tree branch.


These are just a few of the small animals you might find to hunt. There are others but you will have more fun if you find them on your own.


page 2


CLAW University, Sports College

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Bird Hunting | Three Kinds of Mice | Kitty Camouflage | Ghost Hunting | Bags and Boxs | Hunting Small Animals | Hunting  


Wednesday, 23-Apr-03 14:01:43 EDT