Serving through Good Sportsmanship
Well, we see that mew decided to come in for a short review before taking the exam. Go ahead and prop up mewr feet and study for the wonderpurr exam!!!!
We will have several parts of the exam. Being that this is a furry important class, we decided to have three sections. The first is true and false, the second is multiple guess, and the last is essay. Mew will need to have read all of the material for this class in order to make a C. In order to make a B, mew will need to use some recall. And finally, in order to make an A, higher order thinking is necessary and at least a 250 word essay. Below are some examples of what might be on the test. Study them hard, and unlike the exam the answers are provided with the reasoning behind them!
True or False:
1) The definition of service is thinking about mewrself more then anyone else.
Answer: False- the definition of service is thinking about others before mewrself. Putting others before mewrself.
2)We should always think about who wins and place the others in the locker room. After all the winner should go around bragging about their accomplishments.
Answer: False -- the winner should not brag about their accomplishments but be of service to the one who did not win by watching the feelings of the other kitten.Matching:
1) Mew are the loser of the game,mew should:
A.Call the other kitten a cheater.
B. Serve the other kitten by catgratulating them on their victory and celebrating wif them.
C. Hiss at the other kitten.
D. None of the above.
Answer: B is the correct answer because mew should concatulate the winner and celebrate along wif them because mew also won since mew gave mewr best.
Mew are going to play a game of pompom soccer. Describe the golden rules of the winner, the loser, and both. Be specific and mew a minimum of 250 words. Answers will very but will be pertaining to the content of the material!!!Back | Exam
Friday, 16-Aug-02 11:05:32 EDT