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Serving through Good Sportsmanship


Service through Sportsmanship for Both

The Golden Rules for Both:


1. Always play fair and keep mewrself from hissing.

2.Do unto others as mew have them do unto mew!!

3.Have fun and remefur that in the end mew are furriends!

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CLAW University, Sports College
Your Personal Entertainment Center | Homemade Toys | Making Tracks | Hunting Spiders | Good Sportsmanship
Outdoor Debate | Pawball | Squirrel Fishing | Hampering | Kitty Solitaire | Kitty Potty Training | Home Alone | Hide and Seek
Bird Hunting | Three Kinds of Mice | Kitty Camouflage | Ghost Hunting | Bags and Boxs | Hunting Small Animals | Hunting  



Friday, 16-Aug-02 11:05:33 EDT