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Kitty Solitaire

Creative games

After you've played with all the toys you found, and taken a power nap, there are some great games that the human has kindly left for you to play.

Curtain Climb: This game can be played with window curtains, showers curtains, and in a pinch, long hanging clothes in the closet. To play, simply take a running start, and launch yourself at the curtain and scamper as far up as you can. The first one to sit on the curtain rod wins!

Bill Paying Bingo: This is played in whatever room the human uses as an office. Find the pile of bills (you know, the folded papers they are always moaning and groaning about). Knock them onto the floor, and arrange them in a relatively square pattern. You can fill in any gaps with catalogues or floppy disks. Jump back onto the desk and bat pens, pencils, paper clips or tacks onto the Bill Square, attempting to cover bills in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line.

Newspaper Nesting: This is one of my favorites. Spread the newspapers and/or magazines artfully across the living room floor. I like to try for a "tent effect" so that I can burrow inside. Then shred or crumple the paper into a comfortable napping spot. Nap until the next game starts.

Books! Bookshelf Diving: This game should always be played before Literary Lounging (see below). Climb to the highest available bookshelf. Pick your favorite titles and knock them onto the floor. Launch yourself from this lofty perch onto the sofa or floor. Points are awarded for distance and style.

Literary Lounging: This is a good game to play just before the humans are due home. Arrange the pile of books on the floor in an aesthetic grouping. Make sure the top book is open. Drape yourself across the pile in such a way that it appears you are reading.

Flowers Floral Redesign: If you human leaves cut flowers or floral arrangements around the house, it is perfectly acceptable to sniff, taste, and realign the flowers to meet your superior sensibilities. Be careful not to break or upset the container however, as you might get your paws wet, which could require extended grooming.

Time for another brief litter box break, and then it is on to our Advanced Studies section!
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Saturday, 08-Dec-01 08:43:13 EST