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Kitty Toilet Training 101
My name is SassyJazmine, and I will be your teacher for today.

Although I have not mastered the fine art of kitty toilet training, my human thinks that I would be very good at it. I am sure she is right. A litter free home is a good thing to be sure!

A litter free home, what a concept!!

No litter, no smelly cat box, no more sand on the floor, no more grumbling human at litter cleaning time

We are starting from "scratch" today, so here's how we do it, step by step Ý

The central idea here is to change from using the litter box to using the toilet. This is accomplished in a series of stages, you make a small change and then give yourself time to adjust, then you make another small change. If at any time you give up on the whole thing and just pee on the rug instead, you're pushing yourself too far too fast; back up a stage or two and try again, slower. Ý

It's important that you be comfortable with each step, so don't move on until each step has been accomplished! You may have to backtrack a step or two if you run into trouble. So don't push things too fast, the secret here is taking things nice and easy.




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Monday, 31-Dec-01 13:49:50 EST