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Hide and Seek Playing Hide and Seek with Your Human

You hide and they seek your hiding place. This can be a very entertaining game that can be played over and over. Hide under the bed, in the closet, behind the sofa, anywhere that they can not see you. But you have to be very quiet, or they will find you very fast.

Other Fun Things To Do

Pillow Toss: Have you ever noticed what your meowmie does when she changes the sheets on the bed? Have you ever noticed that she puts other "clothes" on the pillows? The next time she does that, grab onto the pillow and don't let go. The greatest wrestling match will ensue, but if you do it to long, you may get "dressed" along with the pillow.

Peek-A-Boo: Hide just out of sight, when your human starts looking for you, peek around the corner, just a tiny bit, and then snuggle back in for a nice long nap while your human hunts for you. Be sure to peek out every once in a while, just to keep the game interesting.

The Staring Game: How often have you had a stare-down contest with your human? The human eye isn't built to go without blinking for long periods of time, but our eyes can. So this is one game where you will win every time. Just sit in the middle of the room and stare, unblinking, at your victim. First they will try to ignore you, then try to outstare you, which of course, they can't.

Follow Me: This is a fun little game, where you try to get your human to follow you. It is relatively simple, just walk one step in front of your human, stop suddenly every now and then, and then continue to walk them down the hall or across the room. But you must be very careful not to get stepped on.

Tell Me A Story: This is an entertaining little game where you "talk" your human into telling you a little story. Snuggle up real close, and talk to your human, they like this, and will do just about anything to keep you talking, including telling you all kinds of entertaining stories. Of course they are human stories, but fun none the less.

It is time for the Exam. You may want to review the class....

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CLAW University, Sports College

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Tuesday, 08-Jan-02 09:59:34 EST