Well yesterday, I had
some not so nice things to say about hope. Consider that a little tantrum. At
the end of the day...I was writing a thank you note to my counselor....rather
than being on the phone with her, convincing me to go to the hospital.
Therefore...I think hope rocks...because I did eventually prove exactly how
healthy I am. The most I was depressed was for a few hours. But after that...I
just wasn't upset...I couldn't get upset. Because I knew in my heart of hearts...I
was so healthy, I was better...and that shit happens sometimes.
I had hoped that because I did everything right this year (get the financial
hold off by getting loans and paying off everything), that I would be rewarded
with getting to register almost on time. But the cold reality became that I
did not get what I hoped for due to new school rules.
And I just didn't understand- how I could have done everything right...and still
been screwed. What I failed to see, was in reality hope carried me through and
proved that I was healing and healthy. Because at the end of the day, my spirits
were high and I was in my own room, and not a hospital
I did do everything right...and because of that, I have peace of mind and I
can hold my head up high. And that is worth everything I went through.
Bobb even called me at about seven thirty to check on me, and I just laughed...because
if she had called me an hour earlier, she might have gotten me crying...but
instead I had just gotten off the phone with my boyfriend...and I realized how
fine things were. And I told her that...and how I wanted to believe in the irrational
thoughts- so of course she kicked the rational thoughts into high gear. The
phone call became more about laughs than tears.
And that proved to me that I do have a support system now- a very large one.
My favorite prof and I have grown very close, and she was with me every step
of the way yesterday. I have friends...I do not have to do this all alone anymore.
And that my enough to make me cry.
"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and
try to do the right thing, the dawn will come."
-Anne Lamott
I did show up...and did the right when I woke up this morning...things
were okay. Life is sweet and does go on. I didn't get exactly what I wanted...but
some power in the universe made me realize that I didn't need to get what I
wanted...I got a much greater gift instead. The gift of knowing I am healed.
And the best gift of realize I am not alone anymore.
Today is Easter...and one year ago today, plus one day...I was admitted to the
psychiatric hospital again. What I didn't know then...was that it would be for
the last time and would turn out to be the most healing. It's where they got
the meds right- finally getting Lithium, but even more importantly, it's where
I found myself.
This year, I am
in Florida with my family for a few days for Easter. A stark contrast to last
year when my family said I was not their daughter and they left me out to dry.
I admit, it is very difficult to be around them right now, because I do remember
last year- and how they did not support me. I've tried bringing it up a few
times, but they just don't understand. I wish I was at my "home" right
now, and around the people that stood by me through my darkest hour. Because
I want to talk about it, I want to celebrate living. But I can't do that here
because they don't "get it." And that's okay, but I am sad about it.
Anyway...the fact remains now that I made it. I kept on living. Even through
recent events when someone sought to bring me down for some unknown reason.
I thought about fighting it, but honestly, I felt, the truth will set you free-
and it has. I know who I am...and my friends know who I am. The lies were shown
to have quite a few flaws...mainly I think because this person underestimated
how much I care for others...and how love can always win against hate. I don't
hate this person, though people tell me I should. This person has their reasons
for their behavior...and basically I don't care. I'm living my life- happy and
healthy. I don't go through my days hating or spreading vicious rumors...I go
through my days just being me, and trying to help...whether its working with
my favorite kiddo's (with autism) or on Second Chances. And just living life-
going out with friends, studying, doing fun stuff! If I was out for just myself,
I'm sure I wouldn't be doing either of those. Plus, I've met so many people
from my website...and I have found such wonderful friendships, it's awesome.
But enough of that. My brothers are down at the pool right now...I love them
so much- we have had a great few days together. They truly are the light of
my life, I don't know what I would do without them. Though one sad note- my
oldest youngest brother found out there was no Easter Bunny this year. However,
he made it a point to mention that he DOES believe in Santa- phew! You know
that once one of them falls, the rest are not too far behind. He does seem excited
to keep it going for my other younger brother, so that is good.
And that's about it for me right now. I'm very tired and in a funny mood. Just
hard reflecting on a year ago...and how different things are now. But life and
love have prevailed...and that is incredible. Bobb always told me life is sweet...and
now I know it and believe in that. I walked through hell to get here...almost
ended my journey numerous times...but just kept going. And always will...because
life is sweet!
Happy Easter everyone.
Alright, time
for a semi-long post…or maybe I will surprise you and make is short…but that’s
dreaming :-) So lately, a lot of good things have been happening. About three
weeks ago I saw a sign up for playing Powder Puff football for my dorm…and suddenly
Bobb’s voice entered my mind- the times she would tell me to just get involved,
do the things I love to do- go for it. So I signed up. And it was such a great
I met some awesome girls from my dorm playing- we were awesome- known as the
team with all the heart. We were not as big as other teams- but had no trouble
knocking people around and scoring some touchdowns. But what is more- we bonded.
And for once…I realized that people liked me for me! Also in the past…I have
always been good at athletics, but instead of being liked for that- people hated
me. I was one of the start players of this football team- and they loved me
for it…they supported me instead of bringing me down. It was awesome…and many
of us are good friends now- its incredible really. How healing.
What I remember of the past is that I was always afraid. I was afraid that people
wouldn’t like me, so it was easier just to hide away and pretend to be someone
I was not (an introvert heh- I am sooo not). But slowly over the last few months
I’ve been going out onto new territory…and finding out that people do like me…for
just being me. That I am not my illness- that does not need to consume my life.
It IS a part of who I am…but it is NOT what defines me. I define who I am…I
go out and do the things I love to do…and I just be myself…and the rest falls
into place. I never got that before, but I sure as hell do now.
I know a few people have been grappling with the “who am I” question, and it
is such an important one. That is the question that very nearly killed me. I’ll
never forget when Bobb looked at me and said…you don’t even know what you like.
And she was right, I didn’t. So we set out to discover what I like…and ultimately
who I was.
And I found myself. I found that I am one hell of a passionate individual. My
mom recently commented to me, that she was talking to a friend of hers and was
saying what set me apart from so many was that I took a stand on issues and
believed in them very deeply, yet I can do so with an open mind. My football
team found that out when the opposing team tried some cheat tactics, and I called
them out on it- my reaction was priceless…and you know what- it gave my team
even more drive and faith- to see me go out on a limb and really hold strong.
I have learned my values within myself…and that has allowed me to become who
I was always meant to be. I can fight for the things I believe in- including
my family- and I could do that because I have such a strong sense of self.
And I’ll end it here :-) But I have to say…it was Bobb’s undying faith in me
that got me here. As I told her, “you didn’t give up on me…and so how could
I have given up on myself when someone believed so firmly in me.”
And I believe in you guys…always have and always will. And I hope that can give
you strength as well- that Second Chances (the message board)
does believe in you- and that is more than me, more than one person- it is all
of us.
There has been so much I wanted to say tonight.
Though it came out jumbled, and now I’m attempting to organize it…in between
running Mental Health Awareness Week, my job, school and life. But this is important,
at least I think so.
I said these words out loud today to myself…I am healed. With an ‘ed’ not an ‘ing.’ It made sense too. It’s surreal sometimes, to think that I am healed, that I did it…I made it. Sometimes I think it’s a joke, that I’m just nuts again. But then I know it is real…because I have people telling me so…I am ending therapy with Bobb…I take my meds that keep me even…I eat, I sleep…I have friends…I have a life. I was recently visiting Sunny, and that’s when I realized I was healed. I was reading some rants out loud to her…because apparently the rants are waaaay better when I read them…something about facial expressions and side comments :-) Hehe. But I’ve gone back over the rants, and well…I have lots to say now. I am going to start with getting help…getting stuck…but not staying in the dark.
I read a book over break while staying with Sunny, Murphy’s Boy. And being a dumbass, I forgot it at home, but I still remember some of the quotes. At least what they were about. A couple times, the kid talked about how it was easier to stay in the dark, rather than get better. That crazy was easier…as weird as that sounds- I know you all know it.
I remember the times myself…when it was just easier to not care, to not get up in the morning. To not try and get better. I kept wondering why I should try to get better…when bad stuff kept happening. I wrote this once, ”Please, will somebody tell me who the girl behind the smile is? Who the girl reflected in the mirror is? I just need to find myself in my eyes. I need to know who I am. I had it, I had it for a while...but again it has disappeared...I just couldn't hold on. Why couldn't I hold on? It keeps coming back and bringing my life to a screeching halt. I can't take this anymore. It's ruining the times that are supposed to be good. I just want to be happy...for the first time in my life I want to be the one to be happy. I can't take this Depression anymore. I thought I was strong, but I'm not. If I can make it through this bout...I don't think I can make it through another. It has to stop now, one way or another. That much I'm sure of.”
It seemed I got glimpses, but never stayed there. I know now what was wrong…but I didn’t while I was going through it. I told Sunny tonight, “we are not given a crystal ball, just hope.” Sure, if I knew what I know now…great! But the fact remains I didn’t. When I started with Bobb…I had no idea where we were going, how close I was to the end and what would happen. But I had done depression over and over again, what did I have to lose by trust her.
said it best in her book, ”Most difficult to put into words, but in many ways
the essence of everything: He taught me that the road from suicide to life is
cold and colder and colder still, but- with steely effort, the grace of God,
and an inevitable break in the weather- that I could make it.”
In order to heal- I did some drastic things. I did things I had never done before-
I became independent. I told my parents to keep their money, that I would make
it on my own. I would NOT give in to guilt trips and manipulations. Week after
week my mom tried to hurt me with her words, and week after week Bobb was there
to pick up the pieces and give me some worth back. Most of you have followed
my story for a number of years and have been there for the trials and tears.
Despite having a ‘following’ I walked the path alone. I had no friends and no
family. As strange as that sound- that helped to heal me.
I had to tear my family apart to put them back together. And I had to break
myself down to finally become who I am. Hard? Oh yes, the hardest thing I will
ever have to do for the rest of my life. To let go of my family…despite all
the abuse- they are still family…and for a while I had to let go. And in the
end…either love would win or it wouldn’t. But I had to know if we had a shot
at love- but I couldn’t do that with a foundation of lies. And somehow…somehow…therapy
helped me to put my family back together…with a foundation of love, not lies…and
on my terms- not theirs.
I was not so different from you all. I laid down some nights and wanted to lay
there forever. I wanted to give up, stop trying to heal. Hell even with Bobb,
I still went to the hospital four more times…I cut more…I overdosed more. And
that was with the best therapist in the world. But you know what? ONE person
believe in me…one person willed me to live…and with that kind of firm belief
in me and that I had a life to live…how could I not have hope? That is why I
send you all to therapy…that is why I try so hard to get you there. Is it worth
it? More than words can say.
Yes…Bobb got me back in touch with my feelings and pulled me away from numbness.
And because of that, I got angry- very angry. And the rage built…and the feelings
built. They showed themselves in all kinds of forms- cutting, suicide, yelling,
working to death. But the point was- they were there and I was learning to harness
the feelings. So you see…doing all that stuff…I was just in the process of learning
to control my feelings- that is what therapy needed to teach me…because I never
got that as a child.
I love this quote about therapy, ”But, ineffably, psychotherapy heals. It makes
some sense of the confusion, rains in the terrifying thoughts and feelings,
returns some control and hope and possibility of learning from it all. Pills
cannot, do not, ease one back into reality; they only bring one back headlong,
careening, and faster than can be endured at times. Psychotherapy is a sanctuary;
it is a battleground; it is a place I have been psychotic, neurotic, elated,
confused, and despairing beyond belief. But, always, it is where I have believed-or
have learned to believe- that I might someday be able to contend with all of
It says it all there. This is what I wrote to Bobb in a recent letter to her,
“ you managed to piece me back together, I do not know. I was such
a broken little girl coming to you with false bravado. I had a false sense of
self, haunted eyes and an empty heart- too bruised or broken to feel anything.
I was firmly enmeshed in self sabotage and didn’t see any reason to let go of
that, no proof that anything else worked. I was a ghost in a brittle body that
survived the ravages of war.
And yet…you folded me up into your arms and just began to talk. To offer up
perhaps another path on my journey. The one that would not be easy and the one
that would require more strength and courage than I knew was in me. But you
promised to be there every step of the way and to never let go. And you didn’t.
Through all the shit I put you through, you never let go. There were so many
times you could have not cared as much as you did…and it was those times that
were the most healing. You didn’t give up on me…and so how could I have given
up on myself when someone believed so firmly in me.”
wanted to give up so many times. I did in fact. I just got lucky and had a few
life lines…I did make it to the ER. And as much as I ever wanted to die, I was
so full of life. And I had this stubborn hope inside me that never died…that
maybe one day, I would live life instead of survive it.
And then today came. This week came. And I felt peace…I felt hurt…I felt sadness-
I felt it all. And it was wonderful. I looked my mother in her eyes and told
her I was sexually abused. And felt no shame, only strength.
I say goodbye to therapy in three more sessions. And as hard as you can imagine
saying goodbye to Bobb is…I realized that therapy was a remaining symbol of
a broken life. A broken life that is not mine anymore. Saying goodbye to therapy
is like saying goodbye to my old self. And it is giving me renewed confidence;
I realize that I am strong enough to stand on my own two feet, I trust myself
to make sound and rational decisions. I trust myself to live.
I have a very strong sense of self now. I know where the blame falls in my life
for the shit that happened. I make choices these days…and I accept responsibility
for the bad ones and fix it. Life is no longer about life or death…it is just
about living. No mistake I make is the end of the world.
I was always afraid of therapy…for what it could unlock or unleash. I thought
that I would crush under the terrible feelings that had been mounting all those
years. And I thought that being crazy was easier. But when at the end of the
road…you realize crazy kept you from living life. Can life be happy when all
you’ve known is pain? Can peace come to you at night instead of nightmares?
Can you really and truly feel the feelings without flipping out? These are questions
that never had answers. Until now. Yes. To all of them. So this is my post for
therapy…for getting help- for helping yourself, even if it’s tough. Because
it is…finding yourself…healing from such broken pasts…those are life journey’s.
But it is worth it. I know that now.
I am healed. I know that now. For once in my life…I see a future- a long one and a happy one. It’s incredible to me and I know I will have more on this later. But…just had to get this out.
Today was a major day for me. I guess you could
say it is almost the last leg of my healing journey. Or maybe it is. At any
rate…the time came for me to discuss the sexual abuse I suffered as a child
with my mom. I pretty much knew that she had no idea about the sexual abuse,
so this is basically coming from way out there for her. Now, she did severely
emotionally and physically abuse me as a child- so not all is well on her side
of things either. But to her credit, I never told about the abuse.
So the first thing I did when I got back from Michigan was give her some poems
to read. As you all recall, I wrote my mom a letter, just telling her various
things- like did you love me even when I was nuts…and where were you when I
needed you most. I also sent some poems.
This time however, I made sure the poem, No One Was There, was included. That
poem is specifically about being raped…and then Lost Fight is about sexual abuse
as well, though masked a bit more. She read it…and there is no other interpretation.
So from Friday on, she has suspected, but just had no idea. She told me once,
I think on Saturday- I am so scared for what you might tell me…and for what
that may mean for our relationship.
So when I thought about it…being scared was on the good side of possible emotions
my mom could have with this news. But…I think we were both scared and did not
get around to talking about it. Then when I was slated to leave, I was in my
room packing and we were dancing around the issue. But…I had enough.
I finally said…mom…what is it that you want to ask me? After reading my poems?
Well, she had a weird response…like…’you had sex with someone,’ or something
like that. I find it odd…I guess she could not bring herself to say the words.
But I just looked her in the eye and said that it was something like that, I
was forced…and then I said it, “Mom, I was sexually abused as a child.” Now…if
you think about it…those are eight powerful words. I think my mom went into
shock. We danced around who it was- she actually thought it was my father- I
was like what?!!! No way! We danced around that issue for the next half hour,
until I told her. She had no idea it would have been my cousin…and she thought
it would have been someone older.
Another problem she had- I told her right before I was supposed to leave…she
was thinking she needed hours to talk to me about this. Now, since I’m a therapy
graduate (almost), I’m used to heavy talking for an hour then nothing etc. But
anyway…I point blank told her that telling her was more for ME than HER. And
that I had to wear a happy mask for over ten years…so I did not feel bad that
she felt like she would have to wear a mask for a while. That made her quiet
and reflective. I think this is the first time she has known me to be so strong
and letting her know my needs. Later she did remark…telling me is more for you
than for me, isn’t it. I said yes, because it was.
She did ask the dreaded question- why didn’t you tell me. So we got into a bit
there- the family situation at the time etc. She took it all in…was defensive
at times…but as a whole- nothing like the mother I knew a year ago, or even
six months ago. Plus, I held my ground…and would NOT take any blame or shame
or any of that. I was the child…the blame lies with the abusers.
A small tangent- we talked on and off about other things too, just my past,
but not specifics. She kept seeming to want to tell me “why” she was the way
she was or “why” certain things happened. But again, I held my ground and told
her simply…the why was not important to me. Everything happened…regardless of
why. And I have healed from it- those are questions I don’t need to ask, and
answers I don’t need to hear. I think that is the difference between therapy
and not going to therapy…for my mom- she still needs that. I don’t…I can let
go without that. I think that was hard for her. It was funny…I watched her use
CD’s quite a bit ;-) I am going to send her a CD packet, she could use it hehe.
But…at the end of the day…she said that she loved me. And said she believed
me and would have believed me then (which hindsight is 20/20, we’ll never know).
But the fact remains she didn’t blame me…and she didn’t turn cold on me. And
when I drove home tonight, I thought to myself…I have my family back.
And I do on some level. The secrets are out- there are no more. I have a confidence
in myself I’ve never had before…that my worth is not based on what my mother
thinks….or what other’s think. And it seemed natural to tell my mom now…to begin
the last chapter in my healing journey. I find it interesting…that on some level
I think I healed my mom as well. Because I changed- I forced her to change…or
lose me forever. And though my mom severely abused me…she did not know any better.
That is no excuse, and I don’t let her out on that one…but underlying everything…she
loved me in her own way. And instead of choosing to lose me forever…she did
choose to change with me…and I do give her credit for that. It does restore
some worth back into me.
My mom was not there when I needed it most. When I was testing the rope to hang
myself…I was alone. And as I clung to life again and again, she was no where
to be found. She even told me once, that I was not her daughter. For 21 years
she hurt me more than she ever helped me. Yet, somehow I always loved her…and
I couldn’t give up. I swear- I tried to give up on her…but a longing for a mother
never goes away. And at one point…I did resign myself to live with such a hole…and
I think I could have. And that was the turning point I think for both of us.
At some point she realized too, that I was not giving up. And that I was a force
to reckon with.
Do I forgive her now? No, I haven’t. Will I? I can’t say for sure. But I know
that my future with her does not need to be based on the past. I don’t need
to drudge it up…because that is what I spent the last two and a half years doing.
And I’m okay…I ‘get it.’ And that allows me have a relationship with her.
We are rediscovering each other- building our relationship out of love…not because
we have to, or out of guilt or lies…but love. Did I get my family back? Yeah…I
did. How? Hope.
I never thought it was possible- and I mean never. I thought…this was it…family
would always be this hole…this thing I would never get. But something can be
said for hope…faith…and love. And of course…being one hell of a stubborn ‘nut.’
Glad I always had that going for me :-)
And that’s my story…guess it’s time for the epilogue soon. My final secret,
sexual abuse, is out in the open. I no longer hide from it and I have conquered
that monster. And as I drove home…these lyrics made all the sense in the world,
and I will close with them:
“And the best ones were the ones I got to keep as I grew strong,
And the days that opened up until my whole life could belong,
And now I'm getting the answers, when I don't need them anymore,
I'm finding the pictures, and I finally know what I kept them for,
I remember, I can see them, see them smiling, see them stuck,
See them try, I wish them luck and all the blessings."
”It’s not a release, not a reward, it’s the blessings,
It’s the gift of what you notice more”