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Want to know all about your favourite SUPERNOVA staff members?

Please note, this part of the site is brand new and under construction, so please... bear with us.

Tom Woodhall
Thomas was Co-Camp Chief for SUPERNOVA 2000. He's a great all around guy from the 64th Hamilton Venturers and has been in scouting since as soon as his parents could get him out of the house and into that beaver uniform! Tom works at "The Keg" in Hamilton.

Likes: betting, girls that give him hats with his name on them, Queen's University (might like to go there next year), bikes and anything related to them, camping and power, POWER I SAY!!!
Aspiration: James Bond, but sexier... 2nd choice: Engineer.

Dale Williams
a.k.a. Little White Boy. Dale was Co-Chief with Tom last year and did a great job! He's from the 27th Burlington Venturers and even spent a term in the group as president. Not only has he served as president, Dale has also been with SUPERNOVA since the very beginning!
Dale has a ton of spirit for SUPERNOVA and more energy than most others in the group combined!

The "Cheese"
The Cheese was a prominent figure at Supernova 2000 as a VERY active member of our security team. Cheese (I don't even know his real name anymore...) is from the 64th Hamilton Venturers and joined the SUPERNOVA team in '99 when the 64th came on board to help us out. Cheese somehow always manages to smile and keep the people around him happy while doing his job and more without being asked. Thanks! (Look for a photo of the Cheese in our upcoming photo gallery)

Adam Philip
This year's money man Adam did a job that could knock the socks off of Donald Trump! Adam was everywhere and probably the most responsible one involved (a title he's held many times before...). Adam's been with the 27th a long time now and even conned his younger brother into it! Adam has served as president, treasurer and quartermaster of our group. His job isn't an easy one but he does it so well, which is why we won't let him leave his position... even though he begged... and pleaded. Ok, actually, we have him tied up in the basement till next year to make sure he doesn't get away. Sorry, buddy!

Alison Ouellette
Smart as she is sweet, Alison has been our mother, our cook and our good common sense throughout the years. She plays a vital role each year in Supernova by helping to keep sanity and order - not an easy task with this staff! Alison has been with the 27th for years now, we can't figure out why she keeps coming back, but boy are we happy she does! She's served as secretary and assistant advisor at various times in the 27th history and is an active member of the planning committee for SN 2001. She's studying to be a nurse at Mohawk College in Hamilton and just recently bought a new car! :) congrats babe!

Adam Pipe
Pipe is an interesting character... See this is how the whole 27th/64th pairing came to be! 27th met the 64th guys at the first Supernova, but they really caught our attention at closing, when Adam sang "You make me feel like a Natural Woman" to Brett from the 17th Guelph Venturers. We decided this was a group to be reckoned with and eventually the two groups merged into one big happy family! Adam's been with the 64th longer than he can remember and was head of security at SN 2000.

Allison Daley
Allison, oh, Allison. She's really Spaceman Spud's mother! Bet you didn't know that, now did you?? But really, we wouldn't have the little guy without her! Allison is another ancient member of the 27th and has served her well through the years as secretary, treasurer, assistant advisor and dedicated Supernova planner. Allison attends Queen's University in Kingston and is doing very well for herself! She's started a new Rover crew there, where she is first mate... or matey (arrr....) or whatever she decides to call herself... she's a little wierd if you ask me! But we love her, so she'll get sucked into SN 2001 planning for sure.

Geoff McLaren
The only true Founding Father of the 27th Burlington Venturers to show up on this page. Geoff's been with the Venturers going on 9 years now. Though he doesn't make meetings or all the camps anymore, he's still involved with Supernova and makes and effort to come out when he can. Once coined "27th's Mike Harris" Geoff saw the group through prosperous times as treasurer and through the dark reign of Scott's brief stint as Emperor. Always ready to order around a gopher, go for an early timmy's run and a damn fine broomball operator, Geoff is appreciated by the 27th, if for no other reason than being the only one with some control over Allan!

Chris Hampton
It was under Chris's year as President that Supernova was born. He's been at each one since, helping out wherever he can. Chris is always the one to make people smile, and destress tense situations by pointing out the fact that we're all being jackasses... a lot. Chris is a great guy, a fun chef and source of a million and one laughs! Chris is now studying at university (though, I don't remember which one! eep!) and has just finished his 2nd year. Look for him at SN 2001! I'm sure we'll trick him into going.

David Philip
a.k.a. "Gopher". This guy finished his gophership ages ago, but somehow I don't think he realizes it! Dave was always around to do anything that needed to be done. He had a hand in the set up and running of almost every event throughout the weekend. Dave got sucked into this group because of his older brother Adam, and though he's only been with the 27th a short while, he's already become an essential part of the group. Apart from that Dave is a pretty quiet sort of guy, doesn't bug anyone, is always positive and friendly... Mind, you Gophers don't talk much either.

Mark Sedore
What can I say about Mark? He's possibly one of the most interesting people I've ever met through Scouting, and he's always ready to make you smile. :) I won't say a lot about Mark here, because the message he left in the guestbook says more than i ever could. Happy Reading...

Allan Vickers
Well now, here's one of the most interesting bios I've ever written. Many of you will remember Al from old jamfests... Whether it was a bikini top and lipstick, a polar bear dip, lingerie and pudding or the complete inability to believe that any car in a carbash is "bashed up enough", Allan has always brought that special something to the 27th. (Oh, and all those references are from Jamfests past... if you want t he rest of the story, well, you'll have to wait for the tell-all book, we just don't have that much space on this site!) Anyway, Allan has always seen to it that the 27th is happy, well known, well fed - is that cornish game hen i smell? - and above all: INTERESTING! Thanks Al, The last 7 years have been great..

Gail Vickers
Yep, that's the same last name alright! Allan got married this last November, and Gail is the beautiful bride. SN 2000 was her first Supernova with hopefully many more to follow! (Oh, and for those of you wondering who would write the tell-all book I said was coming, well...) But seriously, Gail is a great addition to our happy little family: she's got guts, spunk, and (thankfully!) energy enough to deal with Allan! :) And hey, anyone willing to wade through garbage with us to fundraise is ALLRIGHT by me!

Erika Kuehnel
Ok, Ok, Tom made a good point in that, I've had a good long chance to poke fun at everyone else, but I've left myself out so far... So, here goes: My name's Erika and I attend Queen's University in Kingston. I've been with the 27th something like 5 or 6 years now. I've been Secretary, Treasurer, Assisstant Advisor, Supernova Planner and Official Pain in the Ass at various times throughout my membership. I, like many others in the group consider Supernova my baby and i love it! I'm responsible for the first two Car Rallys (including the first wrong direction one) and I'll be doing the 2001 Rally as well. I've only recently taken over this webpage, and I hope you guys all like it, and us. We'll see you at SN 2002.

Stephen Gardner
A Queen's Rover and, in general, a wonderful man. Stephen is a former Boy Scouts of America member who hails from the lovely city of Boston. He's smart, funny, understanding and single ladies... He's helped us out tons by working his shifts and then some. I only hope we can sucker him into another year! Eh, I'm sure if we promise him non-residence food he'll have to follow his stomach's and intestine's desires...

Wil Brown
Wil is our "other" american, hailing from the thriving metropolis of Tilsonburg, Ontario. He came to Queen's to debate philosophical matters, play his saxaphone and have only 12 hours of class (darned arts students...). Little did he know that Allison would brainwash him, er, convince him... ya, that's it... to join the Queen's rovers and become her slave. Well, she did and he's great at his job. We're happy that Wil will be joining us in 2002 and will NOT be going to his band formal. You hear me Wil?? You're coming to SN!!!

Chris Gleave
I can't believe I've left Chris off here for so long! Chris was an original member of the 27th Burlington Venturers and is currently affiliated with the Queen's Rovers in some way. He's been at many a Supernova and is always ready to offer advice... even if we don't want it. But seriously, Chris has gotten used to the ridiculous mood swings of the executive and is always ready to let us vent to him. For that Chris, we love ya. ps. can you drive to SN2002? greeeeat...

Pat Simpson
A relatively recent addition to the supernova team, Pat may not have around for the first year or two, but he is certainly in the heart of things now! Pat is a great guy because he's always willing to put in 110%, and he can reach things on high shelves. What can I say? With the exception of Tom, the executive is all 5'9" or shorter... Anyway, Pat has completed his education and is working as an oil & gas technician and spends lots of time with his sweetie Alison Ouellette. We love ya guys!

And new to the staff in 2002...

Alex Lee
A former guiding member, we've convinced Alex to come over to our side, even if just for a weekend! Alex has come to many Supernovas as a camper and this will be her first time as a staff member. She's gone through all the levels of guiding and has volunteered for years with different groups. She'll be easily identified over the weekend as the one covered in leopard print!

Steph Moore
And representing the vegetarian option, Steph Moore is a Queen's Rover with a really big smile and a lot of enthusiasm. This will be her first Supernova, and she's diving right into the thick of it as staff... I wonder if she realizes what's in store for her?? It's okay though, since we're sure she can handle anything we toss her way. Thanks for coming on board Steph!

Samil Chagpar
Our next new staff member is a Queen's Rover and vegetarian too. He just recently ran in a student government election at Queen's and we wish him lots of luck in his new position. He's a great guy about to experience what (I believe) is his first venturee. He couldn't have chosen a better one and we're sure he'll love every minute of it! And, hey, if he doesn't, he'll have to at least finish out the weekend... it's a looong walk back to Kingston.

Jen Frazer
Wanna talk dedicated? Well Jen here is coming up to camp to help out with the knowledge that she has an anatomy bellringer on Monday! She's a super spirited girl and tons of fun, but resist the urge to hang out with her on Saturday night... she's got to study!

Heather Orr
Yet another Queen's student, Heather is a housemate of Allison and Erika's. After hearing about Supernova endlessly for the last three years, she's decided to come see it first hand in an attempt to shut Erika up. We're thrilled that she's coming and we can't wait to show her what a great party Supernova is!

And returning to the staff in 2002...

Aaron Gruber
After a brief hiatus saving the world from certain doom, one of our favourite security guys is BACK! Aaron's jazzed about Supernova, so you can bet he'll be all over the place this year! Aaron's working in Burlington now and is easily identified by his personalized license plate "RAWR". Wherever bright security vests are to be found, that's where Aaron will be! Look for him at SN2002.

Lauren Woodhall
Yep, that's Tom's little sister. Don't worry, she's much cooler. ;) Lauren is a great person to have on staff as she is as dependable as she is friendly. She was thrown in the SN mix a while back and now we just don't know what we'd do without her. Thanks for coming back Lauren! We'll see you in April.

Wanna SEE your favourite SN staff and events? Check out the Brand New Photo Gallery!

more staff info to come!! stay tuned...

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