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Welcome to Ada-Malaysia

Ada-Malaysia is a non-profit organization with main objectives and activities listed below. The organization is presently in her inception. Anyone who has interests in Ada and likes to share, is invited to join Ada-Malaysia.

All Ada-Malaysia related topics, activities, outcomes, comments, suggestions will be listed on this site. Ada-Malaysia invite you to visit this site frequently.

Main Objectives

  • To promote Ada awareness in Malaysia.
  • To proliferate Ada usage.
  • To provide information and resources related to Ada.
  • To organize Ada related conference, forum, seminar, exhibition, workshop and other promotional activities.


  • Design Ada-Malaysia logo.
  • Form Ada-Malaysia organizing committee.
  • Define constitution.

The 1st organizing meeting was a success with the following outcome:
Speech :SIGAda Chairman
SIGAda Vice Chair for Liaison
Committee :Click here

We sincerely thank Dr. Ben Brosgol, Chairman of SIGAda and Prof. S. Ron Oliver, Vice Chair for Liaison for their supporting speeches, Ir. Han Rademaker for chairing the meeting, and those who had spent their valuable time to attend the meeting.  


The 4th organizing meeting will be held at:
Date :July 4, 1998
Time :11:00 AM

For more information, suggestion, comment or registration, please email:


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© November 10, 1997 Lexical Integration (M) Sdn Bhd.
Last updated on March 5, 1998.