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Introduction: Vedic astrology goes back thousands of years and can be found in the ancient Sanskrit texts of theHindus, the Vedas. It is different from Western, or Tropical astrology in many ways. The two systems have different dates for the astrological signs. The Vedic system uses a fixed zodiac (Sidereal) whereas the Western zodiac is relative to the Earth's tropics. At one time the dates were identical but over the centuries they have drifted apart by 23 degrees. Thus, the Vedic dates are more astronomically literal and correct.
When reading your horoscope be sure to note the correct dates for you. This system also places tremendous importance on the nodes of the Moon (Rahu & Ketu) and considers them "shadow planets".

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Planetary Transits for Summer, 1997

Amazing stories that validate Vedic Astrology

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