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I asked several people I've had some incredible feedback from over the years to write their stories down. My intention is to show the many incredible applications of Vedic Astrology and its value. After seven years of studying Vedic Astrology I am constantly humbled by the value and accuracy of this divine science. If any of you have similar stories--please let me know!
Thanks so much to all who have contributed!
May God and his cosmos shower you with all the love in the Universe!!


(my own testimonial)
I have an amazing testimonial of my own regarding Vedic Astrology!! I have known ever since I could read my own chart that 1997 was "Mr.Right" year. Try as I might to make this happen sooner, it did not. December 29th the love of my life came back into the picture. It has been quite an incredible journey. Also, several months before that I looked at my chart and thought, "Hmmm. I'm moving somewhere in 1997...I wonder where." I am in a Rahu period--Rahu rules the Southwest and deserts. I also have Rahu transitting my Moon creating a lot of emotional changes. Well, my sweetheart lives in New Mexico, as does my sister and her family. I have decided to relocate to New Mexico in October!


(renewed wedding vows) - (business trip)

"Carol Tisch's knowledge of astrology is incredible! My husband and I were going to renew our vows last summer and we told Carol of the date that we had picked which was three months in the future. Carol warned us that it would be an awful time for our marriage and that it was the worst possible time to renew our vows but since we had already invited many, many people, we decided to pray about it. We told God that if it was indeed a terrible time, to make it clear and obvious. If we didn't get a sign we would go ahead and get married. One month later we found out that my mother was dying of cancer. I had to move home and take care of her. During the time we were supposed to be getting married, we were holding her memorial service. It would have clearly been an awful time to renew our vows and proved to be one of the most difficult weekends of our marriage.

"Another situation where Carol was totally accurate regarded an important business trip. Carol gave me some important business dates to fly to Los Angeles for a series of meetings saying that it would be an unprecedented time for me in terms of ease and abundance. I went for the dates that she recommended, went to L.A., did my business and never had such a huge flow of success in that area of my life. I will forever more consult Carol and Vedic Astrology in this way."

Linda Sivertsen, Writer


"I went to Carol emotionally drained after my boyfriend had suddenly and inexplicably broken off our four year relationship. With her knowledge of planetary energies, she assured me of a greater system at work and added a perspective I was unable to see by myself. I went with a sense that the future was hopeless and left realizing the "bigger picture". Her certainty that hings would remain the same for some time but eventually work themselved out proved to be 100% accurate. After weeks of predicted communication cut off, we got back together and now, a year and one half later, are engaged and living in a house we recently bought together."

Karen Seeburg, Casting Director

(relationship breakup and resolution)

"I was involved in a very intense relationship for about two and one half years. We had a very deep connection on many levels and we talked often about marriage and making a life together. Despite our connection, I felt troubled by the relationship and could not quite understand why, and so I broke it off.
"About two years later, and after much soul-searching, I decided that I had made a serious mistake in ending the relationship. At about this time, I learned that my former boyfriend was about to marry another woman. I was devastated!
"I was gripped by sorrow, remorse, and guilt and could not let go of the idea that if I had only acted differently while we were together, the relationship would have been successful. I felt I deserved to be punished for the actions I had taken and the decisions I had made. As a result, for a period of four years, even though I dated others, I could not be fully present for any of them. Each potential relationship seemed only a pale comparison to the perfect relationship that I could have had.
"My astrologer friend, Carol Tisch, offered to do a compatibility reading for this past relationship. She was able to show me astrologically why the two of us were drawn together and felt such a deep connection, but she also showed me all of the significant challenges and obstacles we would have faced had we stayed together. The reading validated all of my feelings about the relationship, both good and bad, and restored my confidence in my own intuition and judgment. I felt a huge burden lift from my soul and was finally able to open my heart to the possibility of a new relationship in my life. I am truly grateful for the peace of mind that Carol's reading gave me."

Name withheld upon request

(career opportunities)

"After Carol first studied Vedic astrology I was one of her first clients. The constant theme that came up during my reading was: My greatest successes and educational adventures would come through foreigners, foreign markets and foreign countries. These successful 'foreign' experiences were to begin in about six months, and seeing that at the time I was in a very stationary American corporate job, I found this alluring, although somewhat far-fetched.

"Nonetheless, seven months later I received an offer to work for Norwegian cruise line in the Carribean, and headed for a pier in San Juan. My experiences away from my home turf during this time were the most inspiring and educational in my life to date. Professionally, I was promoted to Assistant Cruise Director in the shortest time in the company's history. On a personal level, I found 'my true self' and in seeking a job on land where I could realize my creative aspirations, I now work for an Israeli movie director (who I met through Carol's insistence) in the dream job of a lifetime which brings me to Montreal and Mexico as well as other foreign countries on a regular basis. God bless Carol in her infinite wisdom!"

Liesl Copland, Assistant Film Producer

(avoidance of possible serious accident)

"Carol mentioned that there was a time frame that was somewhat risky in terms of possible accidents or injury and to be extra careful during that time period. I don't let anything, including astrology, make me hide under my bed since I believe most of our destiny is what we make of it ourselves. I didn't change my activities at all, didn't cancel any plans or trips, but, during this time frame, I drove a little more cautiously and made personal safety decisions more conservatively (i.e., asked the security guard to walk me to my car earlier than I usually did.) On the last day of this particular cycle, I made a mental note to keep up the careful attitude. That morning I was waiting, car number one, to go through a multi-lane intersection. The lights turned green and I realized that I could not see oncoming traffic to my left due to a large sport utility vehicle with dark tinted windows in the lane to my left. The utility vehicle driver was not paying attention and did not go forward very quickly. The light was clearly green for both of us and red for the traffic I could not see, but my view remained blocked. Normally, I would have slowly moved forward, assuming that oncoming traffic was stopped, and moved on through the intersection but that morning my careful attitude made me hold back for a split second. In that split second a red car came hurtling through the intersection running the red light, swerved around the car to my left, bounced off the front of my car and into the car in the lane to my right which was farther out into the intersection. Had I not exercised extra caution, I would have been broadsided by a car going full speed (she was not even trying to slow down). Although the front of my car and bumper were damaged, my injuries were not serious. What made this so interesting to me is that the accident had nothing to do with me or how I drove my car. My judgment was not involved except in the avoidance of serious injury. This was just "an accident waiting to happen" and I believe Carol's advice minimized the impact that this event had on my life. This is what I think the major benefit seems to be of astrology: Taking the hand we are dealt and making the most of it!"

Linda Northrup, Attorney

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Horoscope for the Summer

What Carol Tisch offers

Planetary Transits for Summer, 1997
