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Alin Sebastian Engineering and Investigation Services

Table Of Content

Site map / Table of Contents
Construction Pathology
Choices: When You Have To Part With Your Money...
Construction Consultants
Construction Pathology: Wood Failures: Dry Rot, Preservatives:This file is temporarily lost. There is something to be said about backing up one's files...
Construction Pathology/Forensic Science: Bits and Pieces. This file is also lost for now (it went down with the server).
Stainless steels
Who Are We? A Summary Presentation
Contacting Us:
Some Favorite Links
Things To Ponder At...: Local Disasters, Validation for manufactured materials and equipment, Affirmative action, etc.
Construction Durability Glossary
Building Pathology Glossary
Bits and pieces
Internal search engine: Searching this site is "under construction", so wait for a while

Who Are We? A Summary Presentation

By many standards, we are a hybrid consultancy, combining both engineering and architecture, and adding a unique and highly specialized dimension: a firm providing technical consulting related to the integrity of building envelopes, structures and pavements. About 50% of our work relates to the analysis and correction of problems with existing construction, and the rest is in design review and specialized construction supervision, all intended to prevent design and performance flaws. We have a broad scope of expertise related to the entire building envelope, both in manufacturing and installation of components, including modified bitumen systems, coal tar, built-up, and single ply roofing membranes, all sloped roof technologies, brick veneers, concrete block, plain/reinforced/post-tensioned and pre-stressed concrete structures, window systems, waterproof decks, earth-covered roofs, under-slab and below grade waterproofing, sealants, coatings, injection grouts and grouting technologies, anchor systems, connectors, encapsulation technologies, pavements, structural steel, underground/underwater and bridge/suspended construction, etc.

A highly specialized firm, ASEIS deals with the technical (and more often than not misunderstood) aspects of problems in construction. The result is the generation of information reports, testimony, implementation plans, in the area of diagnosis, and prevention of significant malfunctions, defects, and failures for all aspects of construction planning, design, execution, and usage.
ASEIS is a consulting engineering company that specializes in defect avoidance and remediation: the diagnosis and design of repairs for building / construction problems. Generally we do not perform design work and we limit our construction management services to specialized work such as seismic upgrades or building restoration. We provide numerous engineering services including:

Our many clients throughout the United States and Canada respect ASEIS' commitment to high quality service. We provide innovative and efficient solutions to problems and take special care to make our reports clear and readable by anyone, not just other engineers and architects.

We have a strong reputation for our expertise in institutional, commercial, transportation, and industrial facilities, as well as in insurance, forensic engineering, and product liability investigations.

More About Us...

With over two decades of experience in the field, Mr. Sebastian, the Firm's Principal, is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in the field. He holds degrees in Applied Science / Civil and Industrial Engineering: received his B.Eng. in 1973, did his Graduate work in Project Management at Tufts University, and qualified as a Registered Professional Engineer in 1983. As a strategist in the war against defects and failure he blends innovation with proven techniques. His experience in roofing, concrete, masonry, metals, soils, coatings and sealants encompasses both the materials science and the practical hands on implementation of his practical solutions. All these are combined with a keen sense of observation, and a down to earth approach.
Further proof of his expertise is in the fact that on a number of occasions, Mr. Sebastian was asked to give second opinions on projects where the initial analysis and recommendation was provided by some of his regionally, nationally or internationally best known or best regarded colleagues. Some of these are Brock Associates, Paul Lukes/Building Envelope, Professional Service Industries, Gordon Spratt and Associates, and Wetherholt and Associates.

Appointments: a partial list



Contacting Us:

E-mail: or

...or go the old fashioned way:
ASEIS, POB 17901, Seattle, WA 98107
Phone: 206.789.8353

Some Favorite and Some Useful Links

A / E / C:
Building Pathology Glossary
Forensic Science and Engineering
Building Pathology
De Architectura
International Council for Building Research
Washington State Department of Transportation: everything a public site should be and just about everything it shouldn't
Defense Technical Information Center
Learned and trade periodicals
NRC journals: This is a great collection of learned journals made available on-line free of charge by the Canadian Government: the way information should be provided. Hello, US federal government! Anybody home??? Please clean your hearing aid as needed, and put fresh batteries in the electronic thinking cap. Thank you Canada!
Water Online
Infrastructure periodicals: Water Engineering & Management, Roads & Bridges
Just a big periodicals' list to browse
Employment resources
ENR is a good quality, yet very hungry magazine, that gives away very little. Job ads are one of the exceptions to their "gimme philosophy.
AWWA's On-line Water Industry Jobs List
All sorts of periodicals, and yes: some are free...
Newspapers of the world
Magazines of the world
Some real curiozities...
Professional jobs in Alaska
Continuously open jobs with the State of Alaska. One should keep in mind though that Alaska is not always America: often their openings have a State of Alaska residency requirement...
All-in-One Searches
Internet Sleuth
Features access to a huge number of search engines and directories on a wide variety of subjects.
SavvySearch, an experimental search system designed to query multiple internet search engines simultaneously
MetaCrawler Queries 9 major search engines in one search and collates the top results.

Specialized Search Sites
Here hopefully you can narrow down searches having to do with a particular subject, allowing for targeting and depth and expertise in that subject.
DejaNews Indexes postings to Usenet newsgroups
Federal Web Locator Federal government information from a variety of agencies arranged in 6 broad categories.
Four11 A mediocre directory of e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers. Unfortunately, their competition is of similar quality.
Last one for now (this one is really a mixed bag, so if you complain enough... out it goes):
PowerSearch Starting Point(TM)

The Web Other Search Resources
If displeased, you could kvetch to their Webmaster

A bit of Web authoring:
Matt's Script Archive Interesting Web Server Scripts
BB (Bare Bones)

Things To Ponder At...

Before attempting to look for perfection, we should learn from the mistakes of the past: please visit our local Pacific Northwest disasters page.
How do we know that a gadget or gimmick offered by the salesperson is suitable for any place other than the round file? There is a clear path that has to be followed. Before products (or theories for that matter) hit the market, they have to be proven. You know, the proof of the pudding is in the... This rigorous process is known as validation. It establishes a clear path of testing and reviews procedures. Failing to go through its minute details will subject the user / owner to a sleuth of problems and end up in mediation, arbitration, or litigation. Click here if you want to read more about being subjected to Risks and Hazards.
By the way, one of the first steps when things go wrong is the forensic analysis.
In any case, for as much as I love the National Geographic and squirrels in the back yard, one word of caution: Mother Nature is eating us alive (unless we succeed to do it to ourselves first). So, a word about biodegradation in construction might be in order.

Finally, there is an issue that is both politically charged and a source of many quality problems in construction. It is all about set-aside programs...
And if you are still bored, you could browse the phone book or better yet, drop by our Building Pathology Glossary.
Return to:
Building Pathology Glossary Home Page
Building Pathology Home Page
Forensic Science and Engineering Home Page, which is gone for now

For suggestions about this site or to have one created for yourself at prices you can afford contact the Writer, Webmaster and Publisher and get down to the nitty gritty.