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Solutions for Christian counselors
AACC member
The right answer at the right time is like
apples made of gold in bowls made of silver.

Proverbs 25:11

COUNSELSOURCE works with pastors, counselors and Christian professionals to test our counseling tools, supervise students, or present quality training programs. We select qualified mature, Christian professionals to join our network. If you would like to review cutting-edge counseling technology, supervise students, or utilize your skills to present workshops, please complete and submit this form so that we may get acquainted.

Your Denomination/Faith Group

Other (If "Other" please specify) :

Name of your counseling ministry (if different from church name) :

Number of counselors on staff (counting yourself) :

Approximate number of clients per week:

How long has the counseling ministry operated?

Your highest earned academic degree and in what major
(For example: MA in counseling) :

Your Name :

E-mail Address :

Your Job Title :

Church name (or where you attend):

Your Mailing Address:



Zip Code:


Telephone Number:

Fax Number:

Approximate number of members (If you counsel in a church) :

Tell us something about your counseling philosophy :


If this form fails to work for any reason,
please Email us immediatelty at .

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