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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ



ObjectAda FAQ
Why GUI Builder is not working?

The required OCX files may not be registered to the system. Register the following OCX files with REGSVR32.EXE:

  • SPIN32.OCX


Why does the compiler give error Win32 not found in Library?

Select from menu, Project | Settings..., a Project Settings dialog box will pop-up. Click on Search tab. In the Links section, click Add button. Type in the path for Win32 library or click Browse button. For example: C:\ObjectAda\Win32\Binding\Lib. Click Add button again. Click OK button. Compile source again.


Why Windows applications are not running on WIndows 3.x?

The target is Win32. It will run on Windows95 and Windows NT only. However, to run the Windows applications on Windows 3.x, use WIN32S.DLL


Why console applications are not running on Windows 3.x or DOS?
Console applications created with ObjectAda can be run on Windows 3.x or DOS using TNT DOS Extender. TNT DOS Extender is not available with all editions of ObjectAda for Windows. It is supplied with the OpenPack.



Project Scheduler FAQ
Can I run PS7 on Windows 3.x?

No. PS7 is a fully 32-bit application and runs on Windows95, and NT 4.x. Project Scheduler 6 (PS6) runs on Windows 3.x as well as Window95 and NT 3.5x and above.


Can I port Microsoft Project data to PS7?

Yes! Save your Microsoft Project file as MPX file. Then open the MPX file using PS7.


Can I split a task?

Yes! The task will be split after resource leveling if you choose to split the affected tasks. The task can also be split manually. In Gantt Chart view, position your mouse pointer on the uncompleted section of the task bar for the task you want to split. The pointer changes to the delay symbol pointer (double-headed arrow). Click your left mouse button and drag the uncompleted section of the task bar to the right. Drag the task bar to the appropriate date and time where you want the remaining portion of the task to begin and release the mouse button.


How to show the split task bar?

In Gantt Chart view, select from the menu, Format | Format Gantt Chart and window appears. Click on the Chart tab. Click on Multi-bar and click OK button.


How to calculate base cost?

Save your baseline (up to five baselines are aloowed in PS7). Select from menu Tools | Baseline | Save. Assign resources to your tasks. Remember, the cost of your resources must not be zero.


How many levels of task (sub-task) do I have?

10 levels.


How to create a sub-task?

In Task List View or Gantt Chart View, click on Indent button.


How to output reports to stand-alone HTML file?

Select the desired report. Select from menu, Format | Report..., a Format Report dialog box appeared. Click on Web Output tab. In Report output file section, type a full path name and an (.htm) file name in the File name entry field. Make sure Output standalone HTML page is selected. Choose other options if desired. Click OK button. Click on the Output Report to Web Page button.


Why is Automatic Resource Levelling not working?

Make sure you have selected correct date range and check if the availability of resource is greater than zero.


Why Task Variance report is blank?

Task Variance report shows the variance of partially and/or fully completed task. If you have no tasks which has been partially or fully completed, the report will display as blank page.


Copyright © September 1997 Lexical Integration (M) Sdn Bhd.