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Copyright 1994 John Michael Ray

Platforums:(See below)

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FREEDOM: Freedom is the right and natural status for the animal we have evolved into, and the Creature we are evolving into. It is the only way we can achieve our domain as creative, potentially happy, hopeful, kind, loving, productive, "Thinking Beings". It is now possible for more of the Earth's masses to move from the thinking animal to the thinking (Aware) Being. The creative beings of a possible, "Creative Being".

TOLERANCE: Tolerance is one of the most logical compliments and responsibilities for a thinking being to retain, with their own personal freedom. Generally, the most well-rounded, thinking, logical, happy, not overly emotive humans are the most tolerant. Flexibility and the ability to change depend on open-minded tolerance and are great attributes in these quickly changing times. HOWEVER, let us work towards NOT tolerating, without appropriate criticism, intolerance!
How can we expect and enjoy our own freedom unless we give to others the right to express and enact their own freedoms. As long as we put no other unwilling fellow beings in a "real" physical, mental, or emotional threat due directly to our expression of our freedom, we should have society's noninterference, respect, and toleration in our action, speaking or thinking. Each owes to the other this creative right.

JUSTICE: When Freedom is ours and we extend Tolerance to our fellow inhabitants, we then owe to ourselves and others the right of fair, compassionate Justice for all. Sentences should be reduced to sane, just, humanitarian, logical, non-emotive, non-ignorant levels. Accusations or convictions of an innocent person must be minimized as much as humanly possible. The death penalty must be abolished because if there is even one chance of an innocent person being murdered by the legal system, that one was too many. Many things will be changing soon, as far as the value of evidence, due to the new technological abilities of fingerprint fabrication and genetic marker protein seeding, video fabrication: It is now possible to obtain fingerprints off of almost anything, laser scan them, let a computer program analyze them and then direct the making of a polymer glove with those fingerprints manufactured on it - to "AB-USE" or make a plastic film that when laid down with the correct carboxylic acids, etc., will lay down those fingerprints on any object the real person could have. Also, it is possible to take or obtain a blood sample from an accused, do analysis, take accused marker proteins and synthesize them for seeding into a very very similar blood type, for planting, on or in, evidence or crime scenes. This would appear to tie a person accused into a crime scene with "so called" DNA.- The following story appeared in The Globe Online: Headline: MIT can put words in our mouths " CAMBRIDGE - Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created the first realistic videos of people saying things they never said - a scientific leap that raises unsettling questions about falsifying the moving image." This puts more than reasonable doubt into the legitimacy of videographic "proof". ETC!

FLAT TAX: We must do away with the IRS. It would save Billions in salaries, legal fees, paper and other resources, telephone costs, etc. & allow IRS workers, agents, prosecutors, administrators to find PRODUCTIVE jobs. It would save millions of trees, lawsuits, infringements of peoples rights, and bitter feelings.

If a country, especially the U.S., decides to have a federal income tax, the best way is to burden the ones who can stand burdening and do it fairly (with a Flat Tax and no loopholes). May I suggest: --1.Singles, Seperated, or Divorced (with or without children) less than $11K Gross=0 Taxes, $11K-$100K=10% Tax on Gross, more than $100K=12% Tax on Gross;-- 2.Married couples (with or without children) less than $15K=0 Tax, $15K-$150K=10% Tax on Gross, more than $150K=12%Tax on Gross. For suggestions (1 .) and (2.) a $1200 exemption on each child under guardianship of person or couple;--3. Businesses, Employers, Companies, Corporations, etc., =13% Tax on Gross. With the new VRES system for voting we can also let people decide exactly where their tax money is to be put by using categories pre-made or deleting certain ones and adding their own, then assigning percentages of their money to the resulting areas of a generated pie chart, they choose up to their 100% total. More later.

ELECTRONIC VOTING: It is time for people to be assured their vote is properly registered in the representation and functioning of their government. I voted in 1996; punching my cards out, folding my ballot, inserting it in a cardboard box, never to be heard from again by me. I have no personal way of knowing what happened to my ballot, or if it even counted in the election. That should be criminal today, and is unacceptable.

It is well documented that the central reporting system to the media computers, and other critical links in the compiling of U.S. votes is scam and manipulation fest for "controllers". Therefore, I have devised the planning for a voter recognition and verification system which would enable a voter to vote and legitimize the validity of their vote at any time after that vote has taken place, to themselves or others. It is a very simple, easily accessible and usable system. Called the Voter Recognition Electronic System (VRES), it could be a government server on the Internet or a new Network by itself or part of the newly implementing INTERNET II to supplement the current Internet.

It would function in the following manner. -- The VRES computer network would be installed with user terminals in safe, public, non-political, non-threatening locations, such as; Public Libraries, Public Museums, Public Post Offices, etc. If a person was traveling or merely chose to, they could gain access via the Internet. A voter would use their name, WIRES #, S.S. #, voter code (VRES) #, and the date of;

(1.) voting - - OR - -
(2.) query - ( 1. & 2. to gain authorization into the system) - - OR - -
(B. (from the Original OPTIONS Menu)) to report to the System a malfunctioning terminal.

When access was acomplished by getting to step 1. or 2. on "A.", from the Original OPTIONS Menu (See below), they could choose Routes; vote on a Current Election
2. to Review some Past Vote with their printed out "past-vote stub" info, received at that vote, (or by entering the approximate date voted to get to "their" electonic record of that vote); to verify their **vote #'s** and their choices in that election, and 3. to validate their vote's correctness (see below for explanation of the 3. option Route in the VRES system). The vote #'s would be tagged on to their "past vote stub" by the system, showing the consecutively numbered order their vote was assigned on that candidate or issue and thus, the number of vote, in the pool of voters, it was received in by the Federal Vote Counter of the system (or) the State Vote Counter of the system. Therefore, they would know the exact consecutive ranking of their vote, as it was registered in the system, on that Federal or State candidate or issue in the Total vote for that candidate or issue, and the local time it was cast on that date. If they didn't have their stub, as I said, the vote's info would be accessible on their VRES electronic record, that ONLY they would have access to.

3. The third option of the voting system (VRES), should be considered everyone's civic duty to select, at some later time after a vote, to validate each vote and check the 5 preceding and 5 following voters colors, thus those 10 voters validations that thier votes had been collected and reflected by the VRES system correctly. To reinterate: This would provide the Route to validate their vote's registration in the correct totals for each candidate or issue in that election. From their vote record in the computer system or from their past-vote stub, each voter could check to make sure their vote # on that particular candidate or issue was recorded (listed) by vote #, time, and date in the correct sequenced number of that previous vote and check the color of the PRECEEDING 5 voters and FOLLOWING 5 voters #'s on that vote day and time. As they continued & checked to make sure all their selection's numbers are listed correctly in this past vote, they can change the COLOR of EACH of THEIR past vote numbers verified, so that any voter of the NEXT 5 consecutive votes or preceeding 5 on that issue or candidate can see this vote had been verified by it's voter, as the correct assigned number on that issue or candidate for that vote day. Each voter verifing their past vote, would also have the preceeding 5 and following 5 voter's numbers in the consecutive list to see, on that issue or candidate, to check and see if they had changed each of their colors, thus verifying that they had been also correctly registered by the system. Each, then would know, at least those 11 votes were correctly registered by the system and verified by those 11 voters. If everyone (or most everyone) would do this it would be some proof that votes were registered by the system and were correct representations of their voter's votes. Again, this color change they could make on their verified vote, would indicate to others that their consecutive valid vote was backed up with other peoples correct and verified votes. Hopefully, everyone that voted on each issue or candidate on that past vote day would take it upon themselves to participate at some later date in this verification process.

*** Explaination of A. group and B. group on the original greeting screen as voters logged onto VRES system or tried to. ---

A. To gain access to the System to 1. VOTE, or 2. REVIEW some PAST VOTE, or
3. VALIDATE their votes by changing the color of each


B. To report a malfunctioning terminal (Choosing this will automaticallly notify the VRES system to request a technician, as soon as possible, to inspect and repair this particular terminal and then return to the Greeting Screen = Welcome to V.R.E.S., etc.)

To achieve success and limit possibilities for manipulation of computer tabulation and report of vote count, make the computer PROGRAM extraordinarily simple and short, so anyone could see how it operates and also, easily recognize if it had been tampered with. On each vote the voter could see his sequenced vote number appear in the total of his canidates number and would know the exact number his vote was, as registered, by the system and counted in the total for that vote category for his canidate. He could later verify the number and that his vote on his own personal vote record, kept by the system, properly registered his vote, change his color letting the previous and next 5 voters know his vote record accurately reflects his choices on the date and time he voted.

The only other thing to do, to bring some assurance of authenticity to the voting act would be an annually revolving peer selection process of computer service, programmers, engineers and network experts be selected and notified to come in, after being randomly picked (say about 2 weeks beforehand). They could arrive to inspect three or four days before the week of voting began to make sure the system was working well, then maintain it through the vote week. Then another group could inspect the system again -- 2 or 3 days after the last vote day for that vote week and verify all was well. This could be done at the state level and federal level systems, to verify the systems were and are functioning correctly, and functioning in a non-tampered-with status. The programs for the system should be kept extremely short and simple, so that anyone could understand the logic and functioning and no imbeded tricks could be hacked or placed in files without being instantly recognized.

These inspectors could be randomly selected and elected from a large pool of peers 2 weeks before the beginning 1 week period of voting and inspect before and during vote (being paid handsomely for their part in our attempt to bring some degree of assurance that our vote was counting and that there was not fraudulent tampering). Then the next rotation of selected peers could come in one or two days after the last day of the 1 week voting period to inspect for a few days, also being paid handsomely for their time and effort.

**These professional and constantly changing inspectors, along with the voters checking their numbers and changing the colors to let themselves and others know that each of their selections was correctly reflected in the record**, would approach the best quality control mechanism for voters that I can conceive of at this time. All legal adults in the country should be allowed to vote! The old tricks of excluding felons, who were probably in the lower socioeconomic stata before their imprisonment (incidently, probably the major reason they were convicted in our money & clout responding judicial and legal systems), taking away their power to influence change in the legal and prison system, society, etc. This is unfair and practically "double jeopardy" / "cruel and unusual" treatment, besides an obvious ploy to take away the vote power from the already almost powerless, who might rock the "status quo" of the elite's sub-elite friends and the general brainwashed public.

**For example, suppose someone voted on July 1, 2004, for the vote election week ending at 23:59:59 Pacific Daylight Time, July 3,2004.(They would approach terminal and see the...Greeting Screen = :

Welcome to the V.R.E.S. voting system

(They click on any letter and then they get and instant of blank screen, THEN)

Original OPTIONS Menu:(Choices A. or B.)

A. To gain access to the System to 1. VOTE, or 2. REVIEW some PAST VOTE, or
3. VALIDATE their votes by changing the color of each


B. To report a malfunctioning terminal (Choosing this will automaticallly notify the VRES system to request a technician, as soon as possible, to inspect and repair this particular terminal and then return to the Greeting Screen = Welcome to V.R.E.S., etc.)
Thank you for your report!
(This Screen would display a few seconds to the reporter and then return to the Welcome Screen)

(Assume they enter the "A." choice - the screen goes to a data entry form sheet)

For example: Name = Jeweley Suei Simmonsi, W.I.R.E.S.# (see section below for explanation of the WIRES system of non-intrusive World identification) = USCASDSD112, S.S.# = 999-99-9991, VRES Voter Code # = USCASDSDOLA240, Date (computer directed generation and voter verified) = July 1, 2004, Time (computer directed generation and voter "ok'ed") = 14:23:46 Pacific Daylight Time. After filling in the form, they would gain access,(If info identified by the system registry as correct) seeing on the screen:


(If info not correctly entered or system perhaps in malfunction they would get the options shown here and choose;)


B. Return to the "original OPTIONS Menu" of the VRES system, in order to report a malfunctioning terminal. Then try another terminal or location site for gaining access to the VRES voting System. Thank you for your voting attempt. A Technician will be notified to inspect and repair this terminal immediately by the System after you report the malfunction, and it should be repaired and funcitonal within a few hours.Thank you!

(The voter would then follow the directions of that prompting.)

If "Access Accepted" then in a few seconds from their notification, the screen would show the voter a quick blank screen and then;

VOTER OPTIONS:(1.) Current Vote for election week ending July 3,2004 at 23:59:59 Pacific Daylight Time (= 1.Current Vote)

- (OR) - (2) Query for some past Vote or verify past vote

If they chose (1.), they would be confronted with the *Federal* Election candidates and issues (listed and categorized appropriately), and as each vote was cast they could see the previous 5 consecutive vote numbers assigned (to other voters) for that candidate or issue, and then see their vote # appear (registered as the next number in that candidate or issue's total). As they continued voting on all the Federal votes they would move on to all the *State* choices.

If they chose (2.), they would see the
Route2. Query Page appear with the choices:

2. or 3. to pick from.

QUERY ROUTES: 2. Past Vote Record (or) 3.To Validate Correctness of Assigned #'s from past Vote


A large part of the corruption, ineffectiveness, "good ole' boy" shenanigans & compromisery (and a way to get your "bad" Bill tagged on and passed along with much other hogwash) is the procedure of multiple-itemed Bills. These should be outlawed and abolished if WE THE PEOPLE expect anything to get accomplished by Congress and for Congress to be held accountable, issue-by-issue. Let the Congressmen stay in town longer and be held more accountable by voting on each Bill (issue) separately. Better yet, there is no need for National or State legislatures to travel away from their constituents - they can stay right in the midst of the people they supposedly represent and get "feedback" and be accountable directly for their decisions on behalf of the people represented. With our new net broadcasting and communication capabilities there is no need to go off to the swinging centers of "sex", "making laws for the underlings tainted with secret agendas or payoffs" and general elitist secretive merrymaking they now spend their secluded, pampered, hidden and kept "services" in.

We need to examine, reconsider, wipe-out, and/or resubmit any Constitutional and valuable Presidential Orders, Council or Committee directives, etc. (that have been passing for laws in the last few decades)to the Congress to Act on and get rid of the unconstitutional and bad ones. We need to return to (to a highly significant degree) and redeclare, with any slight modifications needed for these times, the *** 3-branch division of powers *** "OUR" country was established with. Next, do away with the non-Governmental -- Federal Reserve Board -- that privately controls "OUR" money, it's worth, the stock market, and many other things of huge importance to "US = THE PEOPLE". It should be illegal, and not stood-for, to have past representatives of the entrenched Democratic and Republican Machines (i.e."The Committee on Presidential Debates") to dictate, with only self-given authority; who, where, and when -- we are allowed to hear debate views and discuss the issues, in a coming election. I have designed a system (referenced below) to equalize; fairness of getting on the ballots for elections, access by the public to non-staged declarations and answers by canidates, the funding of elections and campaigns, Public Campaign TV Network, total and strictly restricted personal and business donations for each single canidate (remainder of campaign funded by the Government's Public Campaign TV Network, Governement's Fair & Equal Campaign Fund, etc.), to help bring some resemblance of responsible, fair, accountable candidacy for the elections in the U.S.


After ousting the present politicians, agencies, councils, boards and commitees that are deleterious to freedoms of all peoples in the U.S., we must reinstate and restate, if necessary, the Constitution to make sure the people are not usurped and oppressed again. With "Our" new WIRES, VRES, Individual Tax Assignment, Election and Campaign Funding Reform, Demilitarizing and De-Police State-izing, and advocating and inspiring tolerance, justice and freedoms - all built in to it. If we hope to advance the state of Human affairs and evolution on this soil and on this Earth, this needs to occur.

FREEDOM DAY FOUNDING, the VRES electronic vote weeks & runoffs, voting rights and the **individual Voter assigned "pie" graph percentages** of each of their tax monies, or their weighted choices, of where the money for the Federal Budget is to be allocated :(for U.S.)

(!!See on PLATFORUMS page LINK BELOW!!!)

VRES (Public Campaign) TV Political Network functioning, creation, and
guaranteed fraudless and fair funding:

(!!!SEE ON 3RD N.W.F.P.I. page LINK BELOW!!!)

Worldwide I.d. Recognition Electronic System (WIRES, computer network):


Scientific (Research,Technical,Applications,Products,Jobs)& Space Advancement:

(!!! * CLICK * on this LINK to see 3rd page elaborations!!!)

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    Web Page; stickers, images (excluding Angelfire's), text and ideas are copyrighted 1994-2000 John Michael Ray.

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