Century A.D.
as foreseen by Nostradamus
according to the conclusions of the authors
of the JCL Editions
books used
(i.e. Jean Guernon & Michel Dufresne
- JCL Copyright)
The war of Succession of Spain (1701-1714)
1,31 : The war of Succession of Spain (1701-1714)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,31 quatrain
1,37 : Louis XIV and the war of Succession of Spain (1701-1714).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,37 quatrain
1,38 : Louis XIV and the war of Succession
of Spain (1701-1714)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,38 quatrain
4,22 : Louis XIV and the war of Succession of Spain (1702-1713). The defeat of France and the pitiable state in which it found itself again at its conclusion.
5,49 : Philippe of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV, reach the crown of Spain in the year 1700. The war that caused his/her/its hold in charge of the kingdom (1701-1714).
Original editions with good translation for this 5,49 quatrain
Sardinia conquered, Lille
destroyed and the valley of the Loire flooded (1707-1708)
2,81 : Sardinia conquered by England in 1708. The siege of the city of Lille in this same year. The flooding of the valley of the Loire in 1707.
A rigorous winter and a big famine hit France (1709)
1,22 : A rigorous winter and the financial disappointments of Louis XIV (1709)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,22 quatrain
1,67 : A big famine in France (1709) or future event
Original editions with good translation for this 1,67 quatrain
Louis XIV and the business
of Poisons (1709)
1,41 : Louis XIV and the affair of Poisons (1709)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,41 quatrain
1,66 : Louis XIV and the affair of Poisons (1709)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,66 quatrain
The prematured end of Louis of France (1712)
4,17 : The end premature of the duke of Burgundy, Louis of France (1682-1712), and his/her/its tentative of reform of the kingdom by interposed him of the feather of his/her/its famous collector, Fénelon.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,17 quatrain
8,89 : the mysterious end of the three successive dolphins to the crown of France in 1711 and 1712. Philippe of Orleans pointed of the finger by the population as responsible potential of these disappearances. The intervention of the duke to make break the will of Louis XlV,en1715. Life and the death of the famous Regent under Louis XV.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,89 quatrain
Sicily changes hands (1713-1718)
2,71 : Sicily passes hands of France to those of the duke of Savoie (1713) and in short to those of Austria (1718).
Original editions with good translation for this 2,71 quatrain
The regency of the duke of Orleans and deaths at repetition of pretedants to the throne (1715)
3,15 : The duke of Orleans, regent of France after the death of Louis XIV (1715). Deaths to repetition known before in the posterity of the King-sun and suspicions having carried on the regent.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,15 quatrain
8,32 : The schemings led by the nephew of Louis XIV, Philippe of Orleans, to impose himself on the throne of France. Deaths at repetition (1712) within the royal family take the political murder pace. The extinction of the reigning dynasty of Bourbons, in 1836.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,32 quatrain
George 1st of England and the beginnings of hisreign (1714-1717)
2,87 : Georges 1st of England. His reign of 1714 to 1727. Frédéric-Guillaume abolishing serfdom on the territories of the crown of Prussia (1719).
The union of the kingdoms of Sicily and Naples (1734)
3,25 : The union of kingdoms of Sicily and Naples (1734). The Bourbons make common front to prevent England from spreading its hegemony in all the seas of the globe.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,25 quatrain
The Italian Tuscany pass into the hands of the Lorrains (1737)
5,3 : The Italian Tuscany pass into the hands of the French family of the Lorraine (1737). François of Lorraine and the foundation of the dynasty of the Habsbourg-Lorraine.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,3 quatrain
5,39 : François of Lorraine, descending from one of the biggest families of France, takes the duchy of Tuscany in charge in 1737. The association of the Lorraine with the Habsbourgs.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,39 quatrain
Catherine II of Russia and her vast ambitions (1760)
3,28 : Catherine II of Russia, her long reign and the atrocities committed in her name.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,28 quatrain
5,38 : The murder of the czar Pierre III by Catherine's friends. The eviction of their Paul sons of the throne and the hold in charge of Russia by the tsarina after his death, her son Paul reaches the power and enact, for the future, the application of Salic law salique.
8,15 : The advent of Catherine II of Russia (1762) and the big reform enterprise to reinforce the country at the expense of the empire of Austria and Turks. The annexation of the Crimea and views of the empress on the oriental Mediterranean (1783).
Original editions with good translation for this 8,15 quatrain
10,69 : The reign of Catherine II. The queen's sister in room will choose Catherine as wife to the future emperor. Catherine took part, with her favorite Orlov, to the conspiracy and was proclaimed empress under the name of Catherine II, July 8, 1762. Pierre III forced to abdicate dared neither to resist nor to run away. He was driven to Ropcha where he was put to death a short time thereafter.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,69 quatrain
The dynasty of Bourbons, of Henri IV to Louis XV (1594 - 1774)
6,2 : The murder of Henri III (1589). The advent of the Bourbon dynasty. The numerous intervening reign changes to the course of the XVIIth century. Louis XV, fifth Dauphin in title, follows Louis XIV.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,2 quatrain
Birth of Napoléon Bonaparte (1769)
1,60 : Napoléon Bonaparte birth (1769)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, real soul of the French Revolution (1789)
1,7 : Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the French Revolution (1789) or allusion to an undentified redhead character.
Original editions with good translation for this 1,7 quatrain
2,36 : The possible allusion to Jean-Jacques Rousseau or a big visionary to come that by his perception of things, would provoke deep distresses.
General State convocation by Louis XVI (1788)
9,7 : General State convocation by Louis XVI, in 1788. Such a generalized opposition of Bretons and Normen that it will lead to his decay.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,7 quatrain
The last interventions of Louis XVI (1789-1792)
6,57 : Louis XVI threatened by the Revolution. Efforts agreed by Necker to re-establish the situation. The lightning rise of Robespierre and the crucial years having taken to the abolition of the French monarchical regime (1774-1794).
10,43 : Louis XVI that demonstrates a slackness, then is mined and murdered because of his own carelessness and the ungrounded suspicion towards his wife with the matter of "the necklace".
Original editions with good translation for this 10,43 quatrain
The capture of the Bastille (1789)
2,57 : The capture of the Bastille (July 1789). The execution of Louis XVI (1793) and the guillotine, instrument of death by excellence.
The creation of assignates (1789)
1,53 : The creation of the Assignates under the French Revolution (1789).
Louis XVI, Danton and Robespierre (1790)
2,2 : Louis XVI, Danton and Robespierre. The execution of the marquis of Favras, February 18, 1790.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,2 quatrain
4,45 : Louis XVI "abdicates" after the clumsiness of Neeker (1790). The sad reserved fate to the French nobility. The Great Terror and the role that played Maximilian of Robespierre in it.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,45 quatrain
8,100 : The little attention given to his function and the innocence demonstrated towards his peers provoke the fall of Louis XVI. Accession to the power of humblest and decay of the nobility of the country. The cruel end of the monarch, in 1793.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,100 quatrain
The escape of the royal family (1791)
6,52 : The flight of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette to Varennes (1791). Subterfuges used to deceive guards. The intervention of Pius VI to prevent the civil Constitution of the clergy to the first days of the Revolution The known rigorous winter the same year.
8,87 : The slow conspiracy of revolutionaries to cut down the monarchy definitely. Louis XVI and the jaunt to Varennes. The remorses of the French people after the king's execution.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,87 quatrain
9,20 : The flight of Louis XVI that is stopped to Varennes, June 20, 1791.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,20 quatrain
The treason of Mirabeau (1792)
8,23 : The treason of Mirabeau put in evidence by the discovery of his secret correspondence with Marie-Antoinette (1792). Accusations reaches the minister of the lnterior, Jean-Marie Roland of The Platière, to have destroyed supposedly some compromising letters.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,23 quatrain
The assault given on Les Tuileries (1792)
2,77 : The attack of Revolutionaries on Les Tuileries works (10 August 1792). The treason of the guards.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,77 quatrain
4,83 : The assault of the French people on Tile works (10 August 1792). The downfall of Louis XVI and the violent contradictory emotions felt by the population. The treason of the duke of Orleans, Philippe Égalité.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,83 quatrain
7,23 : Louis XVI must answer personally for privileges granted by his predecessors. The king criticized of all parts for the adopted measures. The havoc on Les tuileries, August 10, 1792.
Original editions with good translation for this 7,23 quatrain
9,34 : The return of Louis XVI to Les Tuileries and the attack by the populace, June 20, 1792, whereas he sees himself wearing a hat of the Phyrigien cap.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,34 quatrain
The desertion of La Fayette
10,4 : The desertion of the famous Marquis of La Fayette, at midnight, in the Camp of Sedan in August 1792, his capture, his return in France 7 years later, and his personal legend in the history of France.
Original editions with good translation for this 10,4 quatrain
The Danton-Robespierre tandem (1792-1794)
4,6 : The struggle for the power between the French revolutionary factions (1792-1794). The unforeseen confrontation between Danton and Robespierre. The fall and the death of the first character.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,6 quatrain
8,41 : the impression of religious forgery let by Robespierre. Ferocity demonstrated by the " virtuous " patriot just as he/it climbs echelons of the power. Period aim: 1792-1794.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,41 quatrain
The execution of Louis XVI (1793)
1,57 : Louis XVI guillotined (1793).
4,14 : the f tragic in of Louis XVI of France. The lightning military career of Napoléon Bonaparte and his/her/its sudden arrival in the French Revolution.
4,92 : the execution of Louis XVI of France under the guillotine, January 21, 1793. The French nobility goes into exile in disaster before the size of the sacrilegious gesture.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,92 quatrain
5,37 : The lawsuit of Louis XVI and his condemnation to death by 38 deputies of the assembly. The real motive of Robespierre. The end of this last character twenty months later.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,37 quatrain
6,37 : The predominant role of Robespierre in the condemnation of the king Louis XVI. The republican France adopts Les Tuileries as a symbol of the people's affirmation.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,8 quatrain
Gaps of the Revolution (1790-1793)
7,14 : The division of France in departments (6 February 1790). Wrecks it of the royal tombs, three years later. The people of France lives to the rhythm of the demagogic writings of its leaders.
Original editions with good translation for this 7,14 quatrain
The Revolution and the church (1793)
1,44 : The French Revolution and the church (1793) or event to come (persecutions of nuns)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,44 quatrain
2,8 : The tepidness towards the cult of saints under the French Revolution (1793) and the traditional prayers transformed in patriotic hymns.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,8 quatrain
Philippe Égalité and his destiny (1793)
2,98 : Philippe-equality regicide. His link with Mrs. of Genlis. His execution, November 6, 1793.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,98 quatrain
3,66 : The arrest and the police custody of the regicide Philippe-equality. His confidence towards Robespierre. The execution of the noble cousin of Louis XVI under the guillotine, November 6, 1793.
Original editions with good translation for this 3,66 quatrain
4,64 : Philippe Égalité, the noble become bourgeois by challenge towards Louis XVI. His internment and his execution in spite of his allegiance to the Revolution. The seizure of his possessions by the new regime.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,64 quatrain
Marie-Antoinette and her end (1793)
1,58 : Marie-Antoinette and the end of the royal dynasty (1793-1830)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,58 quatrain
1,86 : Marie-Antoinette brought to her place of execution (1793).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,86 quatrain
6,72 : The accusations of incest against Marie-Antoinette. The deep humiliation felt before this forged charge of all pieces. The end of the ex-queen of France under the guillotine, October 16, 1793.
Original editions with good translation for this 6,72 quatrain
The fate of the Dauphin Louis XVII
9,23 : Louis XVII, Dauphin in 1789, shut in to the Temple following his father's execution, where he will succumb to the bad treatments.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,23 quatrain
9,24 : The false rumor of the escape of Louis XVII passing ear in ear in all Paris, and the hypothetical role of nuns of the St-Denis cloister denying it, letting no hold to the numerous pretender lust to the throne that, in 1795 pretended to have received the king titles it of Dauphin.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,24 quatrain
9,58 : The murder by Fouché, according to of instructions given by Robespierre, St-Just and Couthon of their living, of M., Petitval and of six other people to Vitry, April 21, 1796, because they would possibly have facilitated the flight of the Dauphin Louis XVII. Physicians called to the bedhead of the child of the temple, Desault, Ghoppart and Doublet that die in the week that followed and of other "appropriate" murders of potential witnesses.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,58 quatrain
The French nobility to the guillotine (1793-1795)
2,20 : The French nobility jailed during the Revolution and the death face of guillotined ones.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,20 quatrain
2,58 : The French Revolution and the cleaver of the guillotine tinting of blood the earth of France.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,58 quatrain
5,5 : Robespierre and his ascension under the regime of Terror. Saint-Just, the damnedsoul of the dictator. The feast of the supreme being celebrated June 8, 1794, in Paris.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,5quatrain
The massacre of Nantes (1793)
5,33 : The reprehensible actions of John-Baptist Carrier, in Nantes, in 1793. The massacre of the main inhabitants of the city then opposed to the Revolution.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,33 quatrain
2,45 : The remorses of the French people after the execution of Louis XVI. Napoleon Bonaparte in conflict with Austria, in North Italy.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,45 quatrain
8,80 : The slaughters accomplished under the regime of Maximilian of Robespierre. The numerous innocent victims and the inspired terror during his mandate to the head of the French nation (1793-1794).
Original editions with good translation for this 8,80 quatrain
9,98 : The federalist war of 1793-94 and, among others, of the siege of Lyons in 1793. The capitulation of Lyons October 9, the stern repression under orders of Couthon, Fouché, and Colot d'Herbois that will make 15 000 deaths again. The recapture of Toulon, December 15. And in short, in January 1794, the conventional Fréron finishes the purification the Marseillais, operation named San Name, with some 400 executions.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,98 quatrain
André of Chénier executed (1794)
2,34 : The political rivalry of the brothers André and Marie-Joseph Chénier during the French Revolution. André's execution under the guillotine, July 25, 1794.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,34 quatrain
The massacre of the natives of Vendée (1794)
4,63 : The revolt of the natives of Vendée and their massacre by the revolutionary army (January 1794). The role of the general Turreau in this dark page of history.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,63 quatrain
9,19 : Klébers beat the natives of Vendée August first, 1793, in the vicinity of Ferns and Mayennes.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,19 quatrain
The French Revolution, a general view (1789-1794)
1,14 : The French Revolution (1789-1794).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,14 quatrain
6,9 : The French Revolution cuts down all symbols that recall the old Regime. Robespierre, the strong man of the situation. His end, a long time wished, under the guillotine (1794).
Original editions with good translation for this 6,9 quatrain
6,25 : The French Revolution. Avatars of the pope Pius Vl with the young Republic. The lightning ascension of Robespierre. The coup d'etat of the 18 Brumaire propels Napoléon to power (1799).
Original editions with good translation for this 6,25 quatrain
9,51 : The beginnings of the French Revolution, its condemnation by the Vatican and most countries of the world since 1791. The regime of terror of Robespierre that will eliminate all objectors in France as well as all those that will have pushed him in the beginning.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,51 quatrain
The battle of Fleurus (1794)
5,57 : The first military utilization of the Montgolfière to the battle of Fleurus (1794). The signing of the treaty of Tolentino. The Vatican loses several of his possessions. The tragic end of Pius VI in Valencia.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,57 quatrain
The first campaign of Italy (1796-1797)
1,12 : Napoléon Bonaparte (1797) or event to come (submitted Verona).
Original editions with good translation for this 1,12 quatrain
1,24 : Napoléon Bonaparte and the first campaign of Italy. (1797)
Original editions with good translation for this 1,24 quatrain
2,63 : The capture of the Bastille (1789). The execution of Louis XVI (1793). Napoléon's campaign in Italy and the briefness of the Italian Republic after the collapse of the emperor.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,63 quatrain
4,90 : The capture of Milan and Pavie by the Napoleonic armies (1796). The strategic mistake of Colli, Piedmontese general, that lost the battle of Turin istead of retreating temporarily to wait for the Austrians. Pavie delived to the soldiers of Bonaparte and the famine that resulted some for inhabitants of the city.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,90 quatrain
5,26 : Napoléon Bonaparte named general in chief of the army of Italy (1796). The complete destitution of troops that were confided to him. The success of the campaign. The French armies recover their dignity by conquests unexpected of the small Corsican.
5,50 : Napoléon Bonaparte named general in chief of the army of Italy. Conquests of the future emperor in the north of Italy in 1797 and in Egypt the following year. His attempt to crush the Ottomans at the very doors of Syria.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,50 quatrain
6,73 : Napoléon Bonaparte and his lightning conquest of Italy of the North. The clergy and the middle class of the pope's States react against the too easy submissiveness of duchies of Parma and Modena. Creation of Republic Cisalpine in spite of the contrary promises of the young general (1797).
Original editions with good translation for this 6,73 quatrain
6,79 : The first campaign of Italy and the tactics used by Napoléon to merge on the enemy from heights. The advance of his troops in the valley of the Po compared to an immense wave (1796).
Original editions with good translation for this 6,79 quatrain
7,27 : The first campaign of Italy and the depredation of art masteropieces ordered by the Directoire, The pope Pius VI, attacked in his States feared that France comes to destitute him. Ferrare in the center of the invader's desires.
Original editions with good translation for this 7,27 quatrain
8,3 : The conquest of Turin and Milan by Bonaparte, in May 1796. The business of the mail of Lyons shakes at the same moment the population of the noon of France.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,3 quatrain
8,33 : The submissiveness of Verona and Vicenza, in 1797, mark the beginning of Bonaparte's lightning political career. The treaty of Campoformio confirms the submissiveness of the Directoire to the wills of the young general. The transfer of Venice to Austria takes the pace of vengeance. After the coup d'etat of the 18 Brumaires (1799), Napoléon sees to grant himself the not very flattering nickname of short cropped (hair) one (? petit tondu).
Original editions with good translation for this 8,33 quatrain
8,53 : The armistice concluded in Bologna between the general Bonaparte and the pope, June 23, 1796. The incomparable strength held by the emperor at the end of his reign.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,53 quatrain
Napoléon's brother-in-law, Joachim Murât
9,39 : Joachim Murât, his Gascon origins, his childhood in Quercy, his involvement in the first wars of Italy close to Napoléon before becoming king of Naples.
Original editions with good translation for this 9,39 quatrain
Misadventures of Charles-Emmanuel IV (1798-1802)
8,88 : Charles-Emmanuel IV of Savoie dispossessed of the Piedmont by French, in 1798. His exile and his reign of three years on the only territory given up by the enmemy: the-Sardinia. The symbolic support received by him on behalf of the Bourbons of ltalie. His resignation in 1802 and his entrance with the Jesuits.
Original editions with good translation for this 8,88 quatrain
5,2 : Napoléon Bonaparte named general in chief of armed them of Italy. Plot of Royalists against the directed triumvirate by Barras (1797}. The political ascension of Sieyès and the assassination attempt that he undergoes in 1799.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,2 quatrain
The second campaign of Italy (1800)
4,4 : The Second Campaign of ltaly and the defeat of the Second Coalition put up against Napoléon Bonaparte. Italy left to its fate. The political schemings then led in France. The appropriate presence of Talleyrand.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,4 quatrain
4,37 : Napoléon clears the col(lar?) of the Grand-Saint-Bemard and crushes the Austrian armies (1800) in Italy of the North. The role of Milan in the defeat of the Second Coalition.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,37 quatrain
7,39 : Napoléon Bonaparte and the victory of Marengo (1800). The passage of the Aoste valley by his troops, after the Grand-Saint-Bemard's daring enterprise.
Original editions with good translation for this 7,39 quatrain
The French defeats in Mediterranean (1798 and 1805)
3,87 : The reconquest of Corsica by Napoléon (1796). The French in the Mediterranean and in Egypt. The French fleet sudden two major defeats: Aboukir (1798) and Trafalgar (1805).
Original editions with good translation for this 3,87 quatrain
The stake to stops of Pius VI (1798)
2.93 : Pius VI and his arrest (20 February 1798). The death of the general Duphot.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,93 quatrain
Napoléon and the city of Milan (1796-1805)
3,37 : Napoléon Bonaparte and the Italian city of Milan. The numerous political regime changes lived by this city between years 1796 and 1805.
Napoléon, the Alexander of the modern times (1796-1813)
4,36 : Napoléon, the Alexander of the modern times. His actions of fame in Italy (1796-1809) and in Spain (1808-1813).
Original editions with good translation for this 4,36 quatrain
5,81 : Napoléon Bonaparte and his campaign of Egypt (1798). The future emperor achieves his dream to conquer the country and equal Alexander the Great and Caesar.
Original editions with good translation for this 5,81 quatrain
8,60 : Napoléon Bonaparte imposes himself in Italy of the North, then Paris, after his coup d'etat of the 18 Brumaire. The pomp of the imperial court after 1804. The fall of the empire dedicated by the Battle of Nations (16-19 October 1813) in Leipzig in Germany.
The island of Malta conquered (1798)
2,49 : The island of Malta conquered by Napoléon in l798 and the invasion of Egypt.
Original editions with good translation for this 2,49 quatrain
The creation of the Republic of Switzerland and the battle of Aboukir (1798)
4,9 : The creation of the Republic of Switzerland. The city of Geneva excluded of the understanding intervened (1798). The naval confrontation of Aboukir (1st August) and the tactics dared of the admiral English Nelson. The defeat and the death of the commander of the French fleet.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,9 quatrain
5,30 : The death of the general French Duphot and the subsequent work of Rome by the Napoleonic troops (February 1798). The fleet of the general stream in roadstead of Aboukir (lst August 1798).
Original editions with good translation for this 5,30 quatrain
5,95 : Napoléon Bonaparte blocked in Aegean sea by the British marine in spite of his recent conquests in Egypt and in Syria (1798).
Original editions with good translation for this 5,95 quatrain
The death of Pius VI, the campaign of Egypt and the coup d'etat of the 18 Brumaire (1799)
2,56 : The death of Pius VI, the triumphal return you Napoléon from his campaign of Egypt and the coup d'etat of the 18 Brumaire.
4,26 : The coup d'etat of the 18 Brumaires (1799) and the role played by Sieyès, Fouché, Ducos, Talleyrand and Lucien Bonaparte to impose Napoléon in France.
Original editions with good translation for this 4,26 quatrain