Bigfoot Central
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Bigfoot Central

About Bigfoot Central

Exclusive to nearly all of the internet's Bigfoot website domains, this is not a "BIGFOOT IS EVERYWHERE" or a "BIGFOOT LIVES-BELIEVE IT OR ELSE" website. Also, we make no claims that the alleged Bigfoot exists or does not exist. Contrary to myths spread by Bigfoot bandwagon groups, there are no indications that Bigfoot has ever been filmed. There is no photographic proof of Bigfoot on file. All alleged Bigfoot photos on file, to date, no matter how intriguing or convincing, must remain as "alleged" until Bigfoot in the flesh is available to compare any alleged Bigfoot photos to. As no concrete or ultimate proof of Bigfoot exists to date, all Bigfoot suspected trail clue "evidence" remains entirely "alleged".

The BIGFOOT CENTRAL FOUNDATION, its researchers, and investigators, are not interested in any "BIGFOOT-TYPE CREATURE" apparitions claims from anywhere, let alone from any of the unlikely or tongue-in-cheek Sasquatch stomping grounds of North America.


This website is designed and edited by the Staff, Directors and Sponsors of Bigfoot Central. North America's Official Bigfoot Headquarters. P. O. Box 147 Bothell, WA. 98041-0147

Plagiarism Alert: Plagiarists have been posing as BIGFOOT CENTRAL on the internet. This is corporate identity theft and a serious crime. Bigfoot Central's stolen identity is not going to be tolerated and the plagiarizers are in the process of being notified. (1/20/08). We will then take other legal action. Thanks for your patience.

Notice: Due to the state sanctioned foundation bi-laws Bigfoot Central/The Bigfoot Central Foundation is not a membership organization. BCF trackers, investigators, and staff personnel are appointed by BCF Directors. Those interested in Bigfoot organization membership, we recommend that you contact Bobby Hamilton of GCBRO/ Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization.

Sasqualogy:[sas-KWAH-lo-gee], noun; The research or study of the Sasquatch.

Sasqualogist:[sas-KWAH-lo-gist], noun; One who researches or studies the Sasquatch.
These words were coined by Cliff Crook in 1970. They were used periodically in his newsletters, in Cliff Crook interviews, and appeared in several newspaper articles on Bigfoot over the years. They were recently submitted to the Meriam-Webster dictionary.

Note that in our research there remains good interest in any reason(s) that support the statement that Bigfoot is mere myth. Why Bigfoot creatures could simply not exist has been a long awaited answer and if a good reason or more exists, we would certainly like to know. Any reasons offered will be much appreciated.