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Sail The World With Blue Flag

Practice Safe Sailing,
Wear Your Life Jacket.

Boat Maintenance


Proper maintenance is an important requirement when Securing your boat.
Whether you perform daily maintenance, such as Bosun Duty, Chafing Patrol,
Engine Maintenance, to just Swabing down the Deck and Cockpit, every now
and then, the degree to which Boat Maintenance is exercised determines
whether one sails pleasantly or unpleasantly. So, let's begin with the
Running Rigging and Lines used to control the Sails.


Line maintenance is important for preserving the life of the line by
keeping the lines dry, reducing the twist in the lines so that their
ready for Heaving without fouling.

Hanging Coils
Hanging Coils allow for many lines to be stowed and dried in close
quarters and reduce the tendency for the lines to foul.
Coiling a line to hang is done by looping the fall with one hand
over the other hand in an open eight fashion for most of the line,
leaving an end (about an arm's length) to be used as the Hanger.
The hanger is created by inserting the bight of the remaining end
through the top of the coil, then opening the bight to bend it back
over the top of the coil and tightening the grip of the hanger by
pulling the remaining bitter end snug; thus, leaving a length at the
end in order to make it fast.

Flemish Coils
To "Flemish" the lines into concentric circles on a deck or platform
so that the line lays flat, neat, and in place is a sign of good
seamanship. Coiling preserves the life of the lines by allowing the
lines to dry evenly and reduce the tendency to foul.

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