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Biomedical Quality Control of America
PO Box 50651
Mobile, Alabama 36605
Phone: 334-478-1118 Fax: 334-471-5511 email:

Foundation of BioMedQC

BioMedQC is built on statistical quality control (SQC) and clinical monitoring. The BioMedQC literature is just now developing and we have included many of these articles in our list. The amount of literature in the SQC area is extremely large; therefore we have selected key books and articles. The amount of literature relative to using statistical quality control methods in health care is large and growing; therefore we have selected key articles. The articles that support BioMedQC have been classified as:

Type 1:-Articles that are about the BioMedQC method as applied to clinical data, or articles that use the BioMedQC method to analyze clinical data.

Type 2:-Selected background articles and books that review foundation quality control material used to develop BioMedQC.

Type 3.-Statistical process control articles applied to healthcare

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