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Biomedical Quality Control of America
PO Box 50651
Mobile, Alabama 36605
Phone: 334-478-1118 Fax: 334-471-5511SIZE=1>


Background articles and books for BioMedQC development

Selected Articles: Linked to Abstracts and/or Articles

1.) Walter A. Shewhart, Statistical Method from the viewpoint of quality control The Graduate School, The Department of Agriculture Washington 1939.

2.) Eugene L. Grant and Richard S. Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control McGraw-Hill 1998.

3.) Thomas Pyzdek, A Simple SPC Alternative Quality Disget/November 1998 pages 26, 27, Alabama,

4.)Steven Zimmerman, Ph.D., Vice President of Research, Biomedical Quality Control of America, Inc., and Marjorie L Icenogle, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Management University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama Statistical Quality Control using Excel, America Society of Quality, 1998

Types of articles