Creative Entrepreneurs

Healing Session Description

For over thirty-three years Creative Entrepreneurs provided you with a place to reconnect with
yourself through dynamic guided imagery, energetic, integrative, intuitive methods. With an emphasis
on holistic health sciences, help with stress management, woman's health issues, energy and emotional
balancing, as well as with physical symptoms.

During a session, you were encouraged to open to a greater well-being and sense of wholeness
and relaxation. In remembering one's whole being is present, some visualization and imagery
techniques were introduced. You took a look within, identified and changed thoughts or beliefs
in your personal being, and replaced them with your true vision.

You see positive changes in your outer circumstances immediately after inner clearing old
beliefs and directing focused clear intention. You know your next step. You are maintaining
your spiritual, emotional, and mental integrity. This is an ongoing and natural process in life
as well as a relief from symptoms. A calming and nurturing environment was provided in which
you could feel encouraged to explore your healing needs. Referrals to other types of practitioners
was recommended as well as suggestions and ideas to increase your prosperity.
I am available to pursue another creative career. If I sparked your interest and you have
ideas you would like to share, please write. Kathy


--Creative Entrepreneurs
Certified Natural Health Care Practitioner, 1981 to 2014
by Sarasota School of Natural Healing Arts

Graphic Design

I designed occasional elegant or simple business cards, forms, brochures, flyers and more;
for my business until 2014 and for friends; also something for fun and for all occasions!

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Creative-Entrepreneurs 2010-2024