Creative Entrepreneurs

Doll Collectors Inventory

Inventory of several hundred dolls available for purchase
Please contact me via email at
Email me

Barbie Dolls, Hamilton, Effanbee, Ideal Dolls, Ashton Drake Porcelain Dolls, Franklin Heirloom Dolls,
DAnbury Mint, American Heritage, Colonial Heritage, House of Lloyd, Duck House, Georgetown Collection,
Princeton Gallery, Vogue Ginny Dolls, Little Debbie Dolls, Storybook, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.

Click on a photo below to see each collection.

Collection of Dolls

Barbie Collection

More Barbies

Ashton Drake Porcelain Collection

Email me with questions or to negotiate your offer


Natural Health Practitioner Career to 2014


Websites Designed for Friends

Filmmaker/Director of SHEFILMS

Louise Sotelo Kinesiology Practitioner

Book Reviews Written

Book Reviews

Family Album

My Grandpa Carl C. Young| Kathy Picking Corn with Grandpa Deaton|
|Kathy age 5 | The Deaton and Young Family Family Album Cover|
|Family Album cover created in Photoshop|

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