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Property (IP):

Are you an
Inventor? Want
to learn
HOW to Protect
Your Rights?

*Learn to protect
your own invention

*Use to establish all
of the elements of ownership

*Stop procrastinating
...start negotiating

*Plain to
understand legal

*Save thousands

*Negotiate with
confidence -
Sale Outright


Just Imagine


Y2K Technology:

Our - Y2K Millennial
Peace Maker

Alex Chiu's
Immortality device???

Dr. Cochranes "Soul


Knite Enterprises Inc., protect your invention before you disclose its nomentclature.


Often an Enigma is a Misunderstood Paradigm...

Hello, I am Clyde Knight Jr., Founder of Knite Enterprises LLC. As a matter of personal experience, I have attempted to follow the standard patent protection procedure. That is I, conceived an idea(s), contacted attorneys, marketing firms, the expenses and changing regulations began to become over whelming!

You will find that our instruction booklet is a no non-sense, straight forward, step by step set of instructions written for the sole purpose of communication - no legal jargon. You will learn to use procedures used by Corporate America to protect your own inventions prior to disclosure - This procedure is called "reduction to practice".

In our professional experience we've learned that...

1) may have a concept that is patentable and one may even be allowed a US patent by the PTO, but that does not mean that the concept is marketable or that there are interested parties seeking to purchase it. It may be patentable but not plausible nor feasible to the perspective buyer.

2) Even if you have a concept and attempt to patent with PTO yourself without an attorney to communicate in the proper language the likehood is minimal for the allowance of a patent.

3) If one does get the Patent allowance through the PTO and a contractual agreement for compensation by a manufacturer, and for some reason that manufacturer needs the concept or prototype altered or modified prior to finalizing the agreement, the inventor must go through another PTO procedure to amend the invention.

4) However, the PTO is the best way of insuring that the proper documentation of the inventors concepts are maintained.

5) Knite Enterprises's position is that between the pre-disclosure stage and the disclosure stage of the protection process the inventor needs to be able prove true ownership incase of the unlikely event that the person(s) that the inventor trust to compensate or assist the inventor in R & D or introducing the invention to private industry attempts to claim the inventors ownership rights.

Many inventors in the face of these roadblocks procrastinate and thereby allowing there inventions/innovations (their paradigms) to become an enigma...SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL TO BEHOLD BUT DIFFICULT TO COMPREHEND!

Enigma (i nig me)- 1. something puzzling or inexplicable.
2. a saying, question, picture, etc., containing a hidden meaning; a riddle.

Enigmatic-resembling an enigma; perplexing; mysterious.

Paradigm(par'e dim)- Gram. 1.(a)the set of all forms containing a particular element, esp. the set of all inflected forms of a single root, stem, or theme. For example: toy, toy's, toys, toys' constitute the paradigm of the noun toy.
(b). a display in fixed arrangement of such a set.
2. a pattern; an example.

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