Do not forget to let us know on what page you place your award on.
Once we revisit your site to see the award placement, your site will be placed on our winners list.
This award is presented to "safe web sites" that comply with our strict rules and guidelines for the benefit of youths, parents and others who may visit.
The National Teen Courts of America recognizes the dedication of law enforcement officers and their supporters. We realize that every day they place their lives on the line. We have chosen to honor members of Law Enforcement and/or related sites that support these fine individuals.
These awards are the internet web equivalent to the awards we actually present to individual law enforcement departments, such as those to be awarded at the 1999 National & International Teen Court Conference.
These awards are presented to "teen court type" programs.
These awards are presented to sites making efforts to fight crime.
The Defender of the Flame of Knowledge is presented to those sites that provide resources, especially for juvenile law and teen court programs.
The Juvenile Justice Award is presented to juvenile justice related sites, especially for resources on teen courts
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