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The Master Networker Power Team separates itself from other groups by having a specific POWER strategy so all group members can benefit.  We believe in the ability to help people and the Herbatrol compensation plan is ideal for a people helping people approach.

A solid income-producing business is developed by building both down and across.  Although Herbatrol allows us to build as wide as we wish . . .and although we want to eventually do that . . we know that utilizing a combination of building down and across has it's advantages . . .especially with a powerful compensation plan like Herbatrol.



Rather than building only on your first level, it makes sense to work your way down to your third level where the big $25.00 pay is.  It is also important to continue to build wide in an organized manner because the wider you go . . the larger potential income you create.  The 3X3 forced matrix approach allows you to do both as you are starting out . . work across and down and in so doing, you are helping your first and second level people which creates staying power and diminishes the chance of attrition.  So, in creating your own 3X3 matrix, you are also creating your own $708.00 monthly income . . . but that is just the beginning!  Upon your 3X3 matrix filling up, you then start another 3X3 matrix, thus expanding your original 3X3 matrix creating a 6X3 matrix as your people do the same.  One might think you are simply doubling your monthly income by doing so. Not so! A filled 6X3 matrix in the Herbatrol program will provide you with a $5,520.00 monthly income.

This is a powerful concept and is all a result of a coordinated effort for each person to build their own 3X3 matrix and helping their own people in the process.  Of course, once your second 3X3 matrix is filled, you work on your third which when completed would give you a 9X3 matrix with a potential monthly income of $18,411.

First things first . . . find three people and help them to find three people and then help those nine people find three people and you have an immediate monthly income of $708.00 . . and that can happen fast because that requires only 39 total people in your 3X3 group!

How is this possible?  Through person to person coordination!  By our being online, we can do something that offline people find very difficult to do.  We can communicate with our people on a daily basis . . . .so that when you have three people on your first level, you can begin placing people under your first level people . . and when you have nine on your second level, you can help those nine by placing people under them.  In a perfect world, you would sign up three people and work with those three people to get their three people each and then those three people would help the nine line to each get their three and then you are ready to start your second 3X3 matrix.

                WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?

Once you join, the first thing you should do is communicate with your immediate upline sponsor and his upline sponsor and let them know you have joined so they can begin helping you once they have their first three sponsored.  That is how the Power Team Strategy is a people helping people strategy.


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*All information contained in this website is based on Herbatrol's company materials, Dynamic Marketing Systems copyrighted information and calculations by The Master Networker, creator of The Master Networker Power Team Strategy.  Although some of these specific figures are easy to arrive at, The Master Networker Power Team Strategy website is fully copyrighted specifically by The Master Networker.  All other copyrighted materials belong to Herbatrol and Dynamic Marketing Systems and have been used with their permission.  Express permission is required from each of the entities in order to utilize any materials or design contained therein.
© KCE Web Designs exclusively for The Master NetworkerTM 1997