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Homboldt & Valenciennes 1821, Serrasalmo albus Plt 1WELCOME TO OPEFE ARCHIVES



Serrasalmo cariba

(Humboldt 1821)

Current status: Valid as Pygocentrus cariba







Effective 1 March 2012, S. cariba has been made a synonym of P. cariba. (Source: California Academy of Sciences).

cariba, Serrasalmo Humboldt [F. H. A. von] in Humboldt & Valenciennes 1821:216, [173], Pl. 47 (fig. 1) [Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland, Deuxième partie. v. 2 (Title page 1833); Apuré and Orinoco rivers, South America. No types known. Name available from plate and caption on p. 216. Description is on p. 173, as "Serrasalmo albus, dorso..."; if albus is regarded as an available name, Fink serves as first reviser selecting cariba (see Fink 1993:669). •Synonym of Pygocentrus notatus (Lütken 1875) -- (Fuller et al. 1999:189). •Valid as Pygocentrus cariba (Humboldt 1821) -- (Fink 1993:680, Machado-Allison et al. 2000:64, Machado-Allison 2002:58, Jégu in Reis et al. 2003:189 with authors as Humboldt & Valenciennes). •More likely a species of Serrasalmus -- (Nico 2001:139).


  1. Serrasalmo albus Humboldt [F. H. A. von] in Humboldt & Valenciennes 1821

  2. Serrasalmo cariba Humboldt [F. H. A. von] in Humboldt & Valenciennes 1821

  3. Serrasalmus caribe Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1850

  4. Serrasalmo (Pygocentrus) notatus Lütken [C. F.] 1875

  5. Pygocentrus stigmaterythraeus Fowler [H. W.] 1911


Apuré and Orinoco rivers


  1. Humboldt, F. H. A. von  and A. Valenciennes  1821 Recherches sur les poissons fluviatiles de l'Amérique Équinoxiale. In: Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland, Deuxième partie. Observations de Zoologie et d'Anatomie comparée. Paris. Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland, Deuxième partie. v. 2 (Title page 1833): 145-216, Pls. 45-52. [For dates of publication see Sherborn 1899, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 7) v. 3: 428; see also Lazara 1993 [ref. 21300] for authorships.]

  2. Fink, W. L.   1993 (18 Aug.) Revision of the piranha genus Pygocentrus (Teleostei, Characiformes). Copeia 1993 (no. 3): 665-687.

  3. Fuller, P. L. , L. G. Nico, and J. D. Williams  1999 Nonindigenous fishes introduced into inland waterways of the United States. American Fisheries Society Special Publication 27: i-x, 1-613, 7 figs.

  4. Machado-Allison, A. , R. Royero, and C. Silvera  2000 Humboldt y su contribucion as conocimiento de los peces de agua dulce de Venezuela. Biblioteca de la Academia de Cieancias Fisicas, Mathematics y Naturales, Caracas. v. 60 (nos 3-4): 63-72.

  5. Machado-Allison, A.   2002 Los peces caribes de Venezuela: una aproximación a su estudio taxonómico. Biblioteca de la Academia de Cieancias Fisicas, Mathematics y Naturales, Caracas. v. 62 (no. 1): 35-88.

  6. Reis, R. E. , S. O. Kullander, and C. J. Ferraris, Jr.  2003 Check list of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America. CLOFFSCA. Check list of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America. CLOFFSCA. 2003: i-xi + 1-729.

  7. Nico, L. G.   2001 Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859): contributions to knowledge of new world fishes. BioLlania Ed. Esp. no. 7: 127-165.




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UPDATED: 11/09/2014