 HomePort S.S. Neptune which was first Captained by Hon. Edward  White
Ada Tuzo (Scott) Sperry (1864-1912)
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Clipping likely from Windsor or Halifax NS paper in 1912

Mrs. L.C. Sperry

It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we record the death of this well known lady, which occurred at the V.G. [Victoria General] Hospital, Halifax, at an early hour on Thursday, Nov. 21st, at the age of 48 years. The deceased, Ada Tuzo, was the daughter of the late Mr. David Scott, St. Croix. Beside her husband, she is survived by two brothers, Alexander D. in California, John A. at home, also two sisters, Annie and Alice.

The remains were taken to Petite Riviere, for interment.

During her residence at Petite Riviere since her marriage to Mr. Sperry [Lemuel Charles Sperry, 1860-1939] about eighteen or nineteen years ago, the deceased endeared herself to the community for her lovable disposition and unfailing kindness and usefulness, always ready to extend the helping hand in the furtherance of every good and worthy object; and in the Methodist church as organist and energetic worker in the various departments, she will be very greatly missed.  In her own home Mrs. Sperry was the ideal hostess, ever solicitous for the comfort and happiness of its inmates, of which the writer can bear grateful remembrance.

We join with many friends in expressions of sympathy for the bereaved husband and other relatives, in this sore bereavement.

[Death on Thursday, November 21, 1912]

From a 1912 newspaper clipping. Insertions in square [brackets] indicate editorial corrections.

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