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Serg. David Scott
In 1795 David Scott, was a soldier in the Angus Volunteers when he and Sarah Jean Dalgity were married in Forfar, Angus, Scotland. David left Scotland to join the Royal Artillery first as a gunner in Woolwich England, and eventually was posted as Sergeant David Scott to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1801. Despite meeting tragic circumstances there, the family became established in North America.  A Family from Forfar is the central narrative telling of their life and that of their descendants. There has now been ten generations since their arrival and HomePort attempts to share the ongoing story

Fàilte - or welcome,  in Gaelic.
The year 2000 reconnected the two founding branches of the family that had lost contact a century before. The 200th anniversary of the family's arrival, in 2001 saw the digital restoration of ancestral images the arrival of a headstone for Serg. David Scott's unmarked grave in Nova Scotia thanks to support from Veterans Affairs Canada.  Forfar Family News, is an electronic newsletter updating research over recent years.

The work of brothers Dr. Walter Dill Scott (1869-1955), a President of Northwestern University, Dr. John Adams Scott (1867-1947) a Northwestern Classics Professor, continue to have an influence through their published work. Homeport is pleased to host biographies, pictures and links to their work. Scott of Northwestern the biography of Walter Dill Scott, has been out of print for many years but is available in web format on HomePort, as is the magazine article called Northwestern's Number One Alumnus.

 Articles by Rev. John R. Scott (1909-1958) - Starting in a log cabin with a saddle horse in the Canadian North, Rev. Jack Scott's ministry in the United Church of Canada included the east and west coasts of Canada, as well as Scotland and naval chaplaincy. Included is a brief biography.

The discovery of connections between two main family branches is told through Finding Lost Connections: Thomas F. Scott as well as a biography of Thomas Forester Scott (1822-1910).Thomas was a leading Pittsburgh, Methodist layman; the obituary of his wife, Martha (Taylor) Scott (1824-1908) provide additional family information.

Annie Elizabeth Scott (1857-1936) and Alice Sterling Scott (1862-1945) lived as maiden aunts on a Nova Scotia farm after Annie left her teaching career. Despite the limitations living as unmarried sisters, their dreams were not circumscribed by their own village.  Annie's art and the quotations she recorded from literature indicate broader interests.  They became integral to the farm operation and influenced their nephews, Rev. Jack Scott (1909-1958) and Frederic Charles Gilmore Scott (1911-2010) to lives of social and political action. The Kitchen of Ideas is a brief look at the roles women like Annie and Alice played in influencing a generation credited with advancing the social conscience within Canada.

Boston Scotts

A picture hangs in our home which was given to me in 2000. At that time, only one of the people in the picture was know. I recognized two more individuals from historic pictures, and the search began to learn the rest of the names. Scanned and placed on the website, I received a call
one day in November 2004 from an unknown relative in Boston who had discovered the picture on the website. An identical copy of the picture hung on her wall and it was her father, grandmother and her great grandparents that were included in the picture. The other were related to these individuals. Thus began a new connection with another branch of the family. Read about the picture of the Boston Scotts, c1910.

To a child, the
discovery of a real sword in the attic of our home in Wolfville Nova Scotia, was an exciting childhood mystery. It became an object of great interest and I asked if I could place it in my bedroom. I knew little of its history - it was years later, I learned from my uncle how my father had first acquired it. Still the sword in the attic had not much known history, until with the help of military historians we were able to fill in more blanks and the artifact took on new meaning. This was a sword from the 1790's - British military issue of the time as our family progenitor would have worn this exact model. Following the trail of ownership, it is very possible that Serg. David Scott's Royal Artillery sword had remained in family hands for over 200 years.
Sword from 1790's

Alexander Dill Scott (1860-1945)
established himself in California in 1883, moving from Nova Scotia by train, with a group of Nova Scotia relatives and neighbours. Documentation of the journey was recorded. "Dill" as he was known, named the community where he settled and his life in the village of Novato, CA in 1906 was documented by his son Alger Scott in a Christmas album sent to his grandmother in Nova Scotia. The thirty images at the dawn of home photography move beyond the artificial studio poses and tell of everyday events in the town, family store and their home, providing a documentation of family and village life in Northern California in 1906.

The story of Alexander Dill Scott's daughter, Jessie Helen Scott, and her childhood in both Nova Scotia and California is told through her
biography, in pictures and through a Christmas story called 1894-95 Concert in Ste. Croix.
                Helen Scott

Although a verified link to the ancestors of Sir Walter Scott of Abbotsford, (1771-1832) has eluded research, family tradition of 200 years maintains that a connection existed between Serg. David Scott who was married in Forfar in 1795 and Sir Walter.  Whether the connections was kinship through a shared ancestral line, or more distant clanship - remains a mystery, yet the quotation of Sarah Jean Dalgity, the widow of Serg. David Scott, remains clear "always remember Sir Walter Scott was a relative".  Over the years several family members have been named Walter Scott, carrying on the name within the family.

Although personal documentation before the 1700's is rare, those with an interest in ancient Scott lines may find the, Border Clan Scott genealogy which covers 29 generations over 900 years, of interest. The derivation of the Scott surname is told through an article on the Scotts of Buccleuch. We were pleased to join family members in Scotland for Clan Scott reunions in 2009 and 2014, and to stay in Abbotsford the home built by Sir Walter. We hope that others will take advantage of these opportunities to experience Scotland among family and clan members; Clan Scott discussions are already underway with Abbotsford staff regarding the celebration of Sir Walter's 250th birthday in 2021. Hoping to see you there.
"I cannot tell how the truth may be; I say the tale as 't was said to me." Lay of the Last Minstrel, Stanza 22.

As a regular columnist for Stag & Thistle the publication of Clan Scott Society , I would encourage people to consider membership in Clan Scott Society.

HomePort's author is Ian Scott.

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