Forfar Family News - Spring 2020 
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   Sergt. David ScottJean Dalgity
A newsletter for descendants & relatives of
Sgr. David & Jean (Dalgity) Scott

who married at Forfar, Scotland in 1795, and were

stationed in Halifax, Nova Scotia with the Royal Artillery in 1801.

Easter and Passover Greetings to all.
The good folks who manage Abbotsford, the home which Sir Walter Scott built, wrote recently.

A little sunshine on difficult days…
We know how much a beacon of hope in a challenging world can be just the tonic we all need.  Sir Walter Scott himself was no stranger to adversity.
The polio he contracted in childhood meant that he battled physical disability every day, as well as suffering depression, bereavement and bankruptcy in his lifetime.
Yet for Scott, his beloved Abbotsford was the balm that soothed his soul in times of trouble and inflamed his imagination in days of prosperity.

As the great man himself said:
if the little Sunshine I have ever can be of use to you…

Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott, (1771-1832)

Here on Prince Edward Island, we are following orders of our local Chief Health Officer.Brad & Suzanne Although there are no hospitalizations locally for COVID-19, we practice social distancing and spent two weeks in isolation once we returned from winter travel. It was an exciting time in March as we joined our daughter Suzanne in St. Lucia where she had been spending time this winter and had just become engaged to her boyfriend Bradley days before we arrived. Bradley's parents arrived in St. Lucia the same day we did so it was a fun time being with everyone during a time of celebration.

This week CBC posted a video and article about Suzanne's pottery work with a focus on the value of having a home studio during this period of time.

Family History News.

Speaking of engagements and weddings, October 25, 2020 will be the the 225th wedding anniversary of our founding couple Sgr. David and Jean (Dalgity) Scott who married in Forfar Scotland in 1795. It was from their marriage and the eventual posting six years later with the Royal Regiment of Artillery in Nova Scotia that the family became established in North America. Their marriage also led to various family branches throughout the US, Canada and Australia. Now covering 10 generations, their youngest descendants were recently born in Calgary, Alberta and Melbourne, Australia.


We hope that HomePort (IanScott.ca) will help connect descendants as we share family history stories. Scott material starts at Scott@HomePort. Please feel free to share these links with others. 
Family Challenges in the Past
Scott Family - Elm
                                            Farm, Ste. Croix NS circa
While avoiding COVID-19 dominates life for all of us presently, family history teaches us lessons and gives an appreciation of the ability of medical science and public health policy to minimize the impact diseases have. The years 1889-1891 were hard for the Nova Scotia branch of the family when tuberculosis arrived on Elm Farm in Ste. Croix. The story is now told through a new article.

Easter Finds Remembered 20 Years Later

My own journey with family stories and pictures began with a college assignment 50 years ago. Starting with a single page with about 20 names the interest has grown as travel and research allowed.  DNA research and the Internet helped solve mysteries in more recent years. Thankfully family members who saved letters and photos were willing to share what they knew. Easter 2000 took on special excitement when we found evidence and realized that we had connected the main branches of the family established by the two sons of Sgr. David & Jean (the immigrants) after losing contact for over a century. The story is told through Finding Lost Connections.

Trip to Scotland 2021-2022

I have mentioned before the good work that Clan Scott Society does and their role in organizing Scottish reunions. I just completed writing my 35th biography for Great Scott! A Series on Famous Scotts in the newsletter, The Stag & Thistle, and serve as regional commissioner for Canada. Recently the organization revamped their website.

Celebrations of Sir Walter Scott's 250th birthday in 2021 means that events are being organized in Scotland under the banner Walter Scott - 250. The birthday occurs on August 15, 2021 and celebrations extend to the 200th anniversary in August 2022 of King George IV's visit to Edinburgh which was orchestrated by Sir Walter. Once dates are released, we will pass those along.
For those wishing to keep in touch more directly with
Clan Scott Society, a membership in the organization is always a good idea. With international travel still a remote concept, it is hard to look far ahead but for anyone interested in some personal exploring of ancestral areas like Forfar in Angus County or even further north into the Scottish Highlands, combining personal travel with a major clan event can be a great combination.

Ancestral History Update -

Writing efforts continue toward a family history and genealogy of descendants.  I look forward to making direct contact with as many descendants as possible to update their branch of the family tree. Meanwhile our shared family story of early generations is available under the current Family From Forfar title. We have a framework of the earliest generations in family tree format at FamilySearch.org which any registered user can add or link material to. The growing genealogical material on FamilySearch.org can be navigated through this link. To maintain privacy only information on deceased individuals is shown in the public view.

Facebook Friends
Facebook is a great way for staying connected with friends and family.  We are keen to share pictures, learn of family history and current activities.
If you are on Facebook, and we haven't found each other already, please send along a friend request so we can stay connected. You can also connect through Instagram or LinkedIn, or directly by email.

Sincerely, Ian Scott
Forfar Family News Index

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