Forfar Family News - Christmas 2023 
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   Sergt. David ScottJean Dalgity
A newsletter for descendants & relatives of
Sgr. David & Jean (Dalgity) Scott

who married at Forfar, Scotland in 1795, and were

stationed in Halifax, Nova Scotia with the Royal Artillery in 1801.

Niko ScottThe warmest of holiday greetings to everyone from Prince Edward Island! We hope that you are all finding ways to reconnect with family near and far. Gavin MaloyThis newsletter tries to connect distant branches of a family now spanning 10 generations in North America. Sharing information past and present, we hope you find the newsletter, website, and companion Facebook page useful.

Happy 1st Christmas greetings to the youngest descendants of David and Jean Scott including two boys, 6th cousins, and descendants of the two main branches of the family. The two boys were very close to sharing the same birth date but were hours apart and a new day had dawned. Our grandson Niko Thomas Gallant (left) was born to Suzanne Scott and her husband Bradley Gallant first in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Later in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Gavin Calder Maloy (right), was welcomed by his eagerly awaiting parents Kevin and Katie Maloy. Congratulations to both couples and their families --- and a special welcome to Niko and Gavin on their first Christmas!

Included are details on the Northern Branch (Niko's), the Pittsburgh Branch (Gavin's) and the nine family lines.

I grew up in Nova Scotia with stories of a fabled relative that moved to Pittsburgh named David Scott Jr. (son of the founding couple) who was never heard of again, so the story went. Believed by some to be killed by arrows there, the sad ending of the story made me determined to find the truth. Had deadly arrows killed my relative? Or had letters to him gone astray and not delivered?

inherited from my father's research, indicated names for Pittsburgh relatives. Continuing where Dad's research had ended I turned to the internet as genealogy was emerging online.

Marc & Nancy AlexanderLuckily Donna Maloy (mother of Kevin and grandmother of Gavin mentioned above) was equally interested in family history and posted her own Scott family mysteries online with the same Pittsburgh names and similar stories of a reputed connection to Sir Walter Scott. 

Donna's Scott Family Genealogy Forum post in 2000 matched mine and we asked more questions. Finding more
family connections that lined we each took DNA tests which showed a match. More details are available on the re-connection of these two main branches.

This year we welcomed Donna's sister Nancy and her husband Mark Alexander to Prince Edward Island when their cruise ship was in Charlottetown  in September -- the same day that Niko arrived -- making for an exciting day. Nancy is shown holding the sword reputed to be Sgr. David Scott's. The story Sword in the Attic tells about its origin. Mark is an author of historical fiction - a genre that scholars tell us was invented by Sir Walter Scott!

Christmas Stories
1894-95 Concert in Ste. Croix, is a Christmas story discovered when an old photograph prompted a question.Jessie Helen Scott Told in 2001 by my Uncle Fred Scott; born in 1911 the events took years before and were told by his father and aunts when he and my father were boys living at Elm Farm in Ste. Croix, Nova Scotia. The details remained bright in his memory, despite being in his 90's at the time. Fred reached 99, and his story lives. It began with a question about a faded picture, "Who is this little girl?"

Santa's Spectacles
, is a Christmas story from our own household. It features a peculiar artifact found in the ashes of our fireplace on Christmas morning in the 1980s. Merry Christmas all!

Clan Scott News
I was pleased to receive Clan Scott's highest honour, the Order of the Stag this year. Membership in Clan Scott Society, is available for anyone for anyone with a family connection. I joined 20 years ago and continue writing articles for in the Stag & Thistle newsletter. Membership also provides opportunities to attend Clan Scott events with small group tours in Scotland and insider access to significant historic sites related to Clan Scott. Local chapters in many areas host local events as well. 

Trip to Scotland

 The Fluuers o the Forest (The Flowers of the Forest)
We send our sincerest condolences to everyone remembering deceased family members at this time, especially the family of:


Ancestral History Update -

Writing efforts continue towards completion of a family history, and genealogy following the research my father began. I look forward to making direct contact with as many descendants as possible to update their branch of the family tree. Meanwhile our shared family story of early generations is available under the current Family From Forfar title. We have a framework of the earliest generations in family tree format at FamilySearch.org which any registered user can add or link material to. The growing genealogical material on FamilySearch.org can be navigated through this link.
Research on a genealogy of descendants continues, we do have partial numbers and know that Sgr. David and Jean Scott have at least:

3 children
11 grandchildren
47 great-
49 great-great-grandchildren
65 great-
(so far)
great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren (so far)
17 great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren (so far)

We hope that HomePort (IanScott.ca) is helpful in sharing family history. Scott material starts at Scott@HomePort. Please feel free to share these links with others. 

Facebook Friends
A private Facebook group called Descendants and Family of Sgr. David & Jean Scott for sharing photos, stories and family information is in place which we hope you will join.
If you are on Facebook, and we haven't connected already, please send along a friend request. You can also connect through Instagram or LinkedIn, or directly by email.

As the great bard himself wrote:
Heap on more wood!-the wind is chill;
But let it whistle as it will,
We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.
Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott, (1771-1832)

Sincerely, Ian Scott
Forfar Family News Index

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