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Journal of Walter E.
February 2, 1904 Wind very high today. Blowing regular hurricane - Walter Wills (Willis?) married at Brigus today.
February 3, 1904 Fine in morning commencing to snow in the afternoon. Had discussion at (Methodist College Literary) Institute tonight - very good time.
February 4, 1904 Fine day - First Half Holiday, went rabbit hunting around Beaver & Long Pond after dinner & got one rabbit.
February 7, 1904 Thanksgiving Sunday - Fine day but frosty - very frosty - in Sunday School had to move children out of room.
February 8, 1904 Still very cold & frosty - Thermometer 8 below zero at Signal Hill and five in town - thanksgiving collection yesterday amounted to $1574.10. gave Bowden application form for Sons of England (Benefit Society) tonight. spoke at (Epworth) League on "Discipline of Experience"
February 9, 1904 R. White, J. LeMessurier, & H. Steer left by train for Gambo this afternoon on sporting trip.
February 10, 1904 War between Russia & Japan commenced today, Japan being victorious destroying several Russian ships. Topic at (Methodist College Literary) Institute - "Alaska Boundary Question" - which was won by affirmative 13 to 12. Received book of coupons from Halifax today for books.
February 11, 1904 Half Holiday - Fine - Went to Miss Manuiel's birthday party in the evening and had a very pleasant time.
February 12, 1904 Sent Larsen three coupons & P.O. order for three dollars today. Went to party at Miss N. Pippy's in the night.
February 13, 1904 Fine day - Judgement given yesterday in Davis - Duff case for $5,000 in favour of Miss Davis.
February 14, 1904 Sunday - Wind NE & cold, commenced to snow at night.
February 15, 1904 Literary meeting held at (Epworth) League to-night - Topic "Character of Nations" Present at the meeting were three men from Congregational Church who addressed the league re: forming an evangelical alliance.
February 16, 1904 Day off - Mild with snow nearly all say - Pan cake party at Centenary Hall about 60 present. Sold ticket for books to B. Cousins this afternoon.
February 18, 1904 General Holiday - Mild with snow showers all day - not doing much all day.
February 21, 1904 Sunday - Very frosty with high winds - Thermometer 11 below zero last night on South Side - Small crowd at Sunday School today. Mr. (Rev. Charles) Lench preached in the morning - text " Be Not Proud" Jeremiah 13 - 15 of Race - Face - Place - & Grace.
February 22, 1904 Fine today turning to rain in the night. Yesterday coldest day for 25 years. thermometer registered 20 below zero in the city. Alexander Street (Methodist Church) League social in Centenary Hall - ------- was topic at (Epworth) League tonight.
February 23, 1904 Joined S.O.E. (Sons of England Benefit Society) tonight 11 others joined at same time. Special services commence tonight in George Street (Methodist Church)
February 24, 1904 Mild - Mr. Penston died this morning after two days sickness - Topic at (Methodist College Literary) Institute tonight was " Shall we do away with fishery laws" negative won.
February 25, 1904 Half Holiday - Raining hard in the morning - Sock social tonight in (Methodist) College Hall.
February 28, 1904 Frosty but very fine day - Missionary service held today in church, Mr. Thachery preached in morning. At night, Mr. Harrington was Chairman. Speakers Mr. Will Currie, Rev. Robertson & Mr. Walstaff of Halifax. Went for walk after (George Street Methodist) church.
February 29, 1904 Fine day & mild. Commenced
sealers today - Special (Epworth)
League service held tonight addressed by Mr. A. Soper,
Mr. I.C.( Isaac Chesley)
Morris. Leap Year carnival in Prince Rink tonight.
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