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Amethyst Arts
"We Are All Precious Gems"

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Traditional Art Gallery
Digital Art Gallery
Drawing Gallery
Fan Art Gallery
Works in Progress Gallery
Fantasy Art Gallery
Science Fiction Gallery
Metaphysical, Magical and Spiritual Gallery
Nature and Animals
ACEO Gallery
ASWOA Gallery
Portraits Gallery

"We Are All Precious Gems"

We are a collection of Traditional, Digital, writing, crafts, magical and healing arts along with other resources to enhance the artistic experience of the visitor.

We try to establish a Mystical, Magical and Spiritual atmosphere of positive energy here.

Come join the flying Pegasus ... Learn that you are a Precious Gem too.

ABOUT Boni L. Meredith

Boni has been an artist all her life, and has been fascinated in how art is translated from thought to media to presentation to the viewer. She studied various approaches to reach this goal from a formal B.A. in fine art and technical training in print and pre-press as well as 3d graphics.

She likes to take an illustrative approach to my work, whether that is the sole purpose of the piece she is currently working on or not. Mysticism, Fantasy and illusion are major muses for her. She has an almost obsessive concern with detail that lends itself to magazine and book illustrative works. She is equally intrigued with legend and cultural imagery whether it's authentic or imagined and relish adding such intricacies to my artwork.

Her background in life drawing, anatomy studies and anthropology come into her creative process as well. Each piece lends itself to certain media, be it Prismacolor, Oils, Pencil, Watercolor, Pen & Ink, Computer generated images or a combination of any of the above. She can take a description, concept, character or story idea and create an illustration to order be it a dragon for a t-shirt or an illustration for a story board or a graphic novel page.

She has a strong understanding of both traditional printing techniques using pre-press paste-ups, mechanicals and photo-stat color seperation and photo developement as well as the digital equivilant using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. She has used these programs on both Mac and PC platforms for pre-press processing. Her background in Fine Art and design lends itself to the graphics field as well as continuing to hone my skills in 3d graphics applications. Her love of art and design has driven her from a very young age and she hope to continue in this direction indefinately. So come in and enjoy the galleries.

ABOUT Janet L. Colgrove

Janet has been an avid reader and a writer since she was a small child making up stories and songs and musicals to perform in her family livingroom. Her musical farce "A Christmas Song" based on Dicken's Christmas Carol, was performed at her high school Christmas pagent. She's been published in several literary magazines and newspapers. She has a B.S in Social Psychology which leads her to delve into the sociol issues and the minds of the characters she creates. She and Boni are collaborating on several projects including a couple graphic novels and an illustrated peotry book.

She has written several novels (Always working on new ideas), a large collection of short stories, many volumes of poetry and over 45 songs.

Personally she enjoys playing with her grandchildren, walking her and Boni's two dogs and playing with thier household of cats. She also constantly has a book to read, watches British mystries on television and must have her Starbucks coffee fix daily.

© Copyright 1972-2007 Boni L. Meredith & Amethyst Arts. All rights reserved.

All works of art and graphics within this web site are protected under U.S. Copyright laws and international conventions. No portion of the artist's works or statements may be used without prior written permission from the copyright owner.

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