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Norre Ouijan Time Era is a new zine that is in the works. It will contain music reviews and interviews as well as some other cool stuff. More info coming soon.

So far, the first issue of Norre Ouijan Time Era will contain interviews with Stone 588 (pending), Wreckage (confirmed and received), The Winter Chapter (pending), Mara's Torment (confirmed and received), Lucien Desar (confirmed and received), The Descent Triad (confirmed and received), 13th Sky (confirmed and received), Diet of Worms (pending), and possibly some other musical artists and such. Reviews on new releases (and for this issue only, releases as old as 1997), new artist listings, bands going on tour, and separate section on the rave scene and metal scene are also most likely to be included.

awards . compilations . contact . Email . faq . feature . links . listings . norre ouijan . support . thanks . umw . updates . webrings

Last Updated 8/3/2000