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Are you getting pure air and water ?
Your body is comprised of water, and every part of your body is dependant upon water for proper
functioning. Don't let impure air and water create a toxic environment within your body. The first Nutrition For Life® product combination everyone should try is our NUTRI-FLOW WATER FILTRATION SYSTEM and our very popular BIO WATER® ENHANCED CONCENTRATE and AQUA PURE HOMEOPATHIC CATALYST WATER. We also offer a complete line of air filtration systems.
Are you eating properly ?
Do the foods you eat provide you with all of the basic vitamins, minerals, and nutrients? Are you getting an adequate supply of antioxidants? Although you may be eating an assortment of food types, you still may not be getting all of the nutrients you need for optimum nutrition. Scientists have identified twenty substances they believe to be nessessary for proper growth and health. Moreover, each of these substsances has a unique use, so that no one vitamin can replace another. And because antioxidants work to help maximize cell defence, everyone needs a good basic vitamin/mineral-antioxidat formulation.
For children to early teens, YUMMIES provide the nutrients their growing bodies need. For young adults from their teens to their early 40's, GRAND MASTER FORMULA® is especially valuable in meeting their increased nutritional needs. It is the one food suppliment that offers the body nutrients it needs in a single, balanced, high- potency form. For those over forty, Nutrition For Life recommends two special suppliments, ORAFLOW PLUS® or MASTER KEY PLUS. Oraflow Plus is possibly the most potent anti-oxidant formula on the market today. It's a full potency nutritional support formula that helps provide extra protection against the effects of damaging free radicles.* Master Key Plus provides more than 40 homeopathics, vitamins, microminerals, trace elements and other nutrient factors in their most tolerable and absorbable form, all in a single packet.
As we get older our bodies need additional calcium to help maintain the strength and integrity of bones and teeth.* Nutrition For Life®'s CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM with POTASSIUM and BORON is specially formulated for maximum absorption. BORON is known as the "Bone-Knitting" nutrient.*
Are you eating enough greens ?
Do you eat the recommended daily servings of vegetables daily? If you are like the majority of those who neglect this impotant area of nutrition. Nutrition For Life® offers PHYTOGREEN®, our super antioxidant whole food product.*
We also offer a distinctive line of whole food concentrates. For children we offer NUTRIBUDDIES™, chewable bears with a taste that kids love! For everyone else, there's FRUITS & VEGGIES, a blend of cruciferous phytonutrients, phytochemicals and active enzymes.
Are you fortified with maximum antioxidant protection ?
Protection and maintenance are the keys to good health. PHYTONOL® provides maximum antioxidant saturation for your body and fortifies and enhances the antioxidant capabilities of your basic vitamin and mineral program.* Nutrition For Life offers an array of other antioxidant suppliments, including the O2 FACTOR, VITAMIN E with LECITHIN & WHEAT GERM OIL, VITAMIN E with SELENIUM, and COENZYME Q-10.
Are you promoting your body's normal elimination of toxins on a regular basis ?
A healthy colon is essential to overall good health. Toxins in the body often result from unclean air, water, food and stress. According to scientists, soluble fibers help promote the body's normal elimination of such toxins.* NUTRI-FIBER is an easy, tasty way to add fiber to your diet every day without making major changes to your diet. For total nutritional body cleansing, nothing beats NATURE'S PURE BODY PROGRAM!™ WHOLE BODY CLEANSER.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.