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Pure Maple Candy
What better way to savor the rich sweetness of maple sugar than these delectable candies. Each one is a perfectly shaped maple leaf. They come in the following sizes:
9 Regular Leaves (1/3 oz. ea) ...$3.00
1 Large Leaf (1 oz.) ...$1.00
1 Giant Leaf (2 oz.) ...$2.00

More options available at the Sap Shack.
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Pure Maple Sugar ...$7.00/.5 lb
Perfect for cooking, this will add flavor to any recipe. Refined and extra sweet, add the touch of maple for a treat!
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Maple Sugar & Candy
Brochures/Video | Candies | Maple Cream
Syrup Bottles | Syrup Jugs

Copyright 1998. Vande Bunte Maple L.L.C.