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Labrador image by Mike Sibley Fine Art
Labrador © by Mike Sibley Fine Art

Note: This magnificent Labrador head study was drawn by Mike Sibley, and is used here with his permission. Click on the image to visit his web site. I have no doubt you will be as impressed as I was!

I. Dog Bytes: No more "yank & spank" or "beat & treat" methods.

This section contrasts these ineffective, frustrating techniques with my own approach. It's brief and very readable, even if you're not a psychologist. Read this section first to get a whole new insight into the concept of dog training.

II. Dogspeak: The dog said what???

Learn to "read" your dog's body language, facial expressions, tail carriage and more. And - even more fun - learn how to imitate it to communicate with your dog in a language he understands.

III. Problem Dog: "Dear Labby."

This is your "Emergency" section. "Labby," my canine counterpart, answers such questions as: How do I keep my dog out of the trash (kitty litter, laundry, etc.)? What's the best way to housetrain a puppy? How can I keep him from charging out the door every time it's opened? Is it okay to permit "play-biting?" How can I keep my dog from being carsick? How do you stop that annoying jumping up? Is there a cure for a dog that kills chickens? AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! You can find an example of the "Dear Labby" section by clicking HERE.

IV. Civilized Dog: Six easy lessons to a trained dog.

This section is the heart of the training manual and process. It consists of six lessons designed to help you train your dog all the basics of leash obedience: Heel, Sit, Down, Stay, Come (Recall) and Finish (return to Heel position). Each lesson is richly illustrated with lots of clear drawings to show you each step, starting with placing the training collar on the dog correctly. Teach your dog to Stay using the "Hokey-Pokey" and the "Two-Step!" Learn Magic Words, Magic Touch AND MUCH MORE!

V. Companion Dog: Heeling Free

After you've completed the first six lessons, you'll be inspired to take the next big step: HEELING FREE. Yup, this book shows you how to SAFELY start training your dog to work OFF LEASH. It also includes lessons on Blind Stays, Theft-Proofing, Stand-for-Examination and the potentially life-saving Drop-on-Recall.

VI. Dog Tales: Story Time

An original poem and two short stories I just had to share that don't fit into any of the other sections. "The Popcorn Dog" is a truly hilarious example of how NOT to introduce your dog to the leash. "Tambo's Tale" is the story of my socially retarded Sheltie, who was running wild at the local college when I first encountered him. The story of his trials and travails will warm your heart. Finally, "Only A Dog" is a poem I wrote after losing Rigby, a magnificent Golden retriever, who had been my training assistant and class model for over ten years. If you've ever lost a beloved canine family member, you'll appreciate this.

VII. Hits or Myths? Stuff you only THOUGHT you knew!

Is a year in a dog's life really equal to seven human years? Does a female really need to have at least one litter to make a good pet? Will neutering ruin your male as a protector? What should you know before getting a wolf hybrid? Will a barking dog bite if he's wagging his tail?

VIII. Know Thyself; Know Thy Dog!

Briefly evaluate your dog's temperament and record your training progress.

You can receive your own copy of "Dogspeak" for only $24.95 + $4.95 s/h.
(Yes, we accept PayPal!) To order now, click

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to e-mail me by clicking the mailbox below. Please put "Dear Labby" in the subject line.

You can also order by e-mail! Just click on the little flashing envelope below. (I promise the puppy won't bite!) Please put "Dogspeak Manual" in the subject line and include shipping information: your name and address, including ZIP, and how many copies you need. Price: $24.95 plus $4.95 s/h.Thanks!

Happy Heeling!

Copyright 1998, The Un-Kennel Club of America. All rights reserved.

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