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 Booster Club Banquet
March 28, 1999

View of Banquet with the Dj and balloons in background.

Most tables had 2 players.
(Those are my boys helping David Bascome and his wife
work on the trivia contest questions,
while John Kluba makes sure he's not caught by the camera feeding his face!)

Many of the Heat Staff attended as well!

(That's Coach Chinapoo & Jim Polihan in the corner,
talking about the playoffs!)

Coach Chinapoo brought his family.
(That's Mike Williams and Leonel Pernia in the background)

The faithful guardians of the dessert table at work.
(That's Gino DiFlorio & Gerson Escheverry being reminded by
Mike Henning about Coach Chinapoo's strict playoff diet.)

What's a banquet without speeches?
Booster Club President Jerry Holtry

Coach Richard Chinapoo addresses the crowd.

John Wilsbach, the radio voice of the Heat, taking his turn at the mic.

And then it was time for the DJ.
That's little Damian DiFlorio explaining to his mom
that the dance floor's where the action is!

Our Hometown Heroes without their uniforms.
(And Damian DiFlorio, who caught on to this picture-taking thing real quick!)

Heat players and fans learning the Electric Slide!
(With so much difficulty telling their left foot from their other left foot,
it's amazing any goals were scored this year!)

And the dancers' cheering section had even more fun watching!