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Heat on WGCB-TV 49 of Red Lion
March 31 at 2:30pm!

The Flame's Bowling Party with
the Harrisburg Heat

The Bowling party was held on Sunday, February 4 at
the Red Crown Bowling Center in Harrisburg.

Bernie Lilavois showing off his bowling form.

Chris Mormon tries to finesse the ball into a strike,
as Mike Henning makes his approach.

That's Gino and one of David Bascome's sons working the lanes.
(along with a great shot of the back of Mike Henning's head)

The style and grace of team captain Kyle Swords.

Lester Felician going for a spare.

Booster Club Secretary Lori Wiest going for a strike!

Mike Henning snapping off one of his strikes!

Video of Bernie Picking Up A Strike!

Video of Mike Henning Picking Up A Spare!

Video of Lester Felician Leaving A Tough Split!

Video of Chris Mormon Getting Robbed By The Pins!

Video of Mike Henning Missing An Easy Spare!

Video of Lori Weist Picking Up Her's!

Video of Meshach Wade Picking Up A Tough Spare!