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R e a l    A u d i o

Internet Music Software


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Real Audio Overview

Real Audio (ra, ram, rm, etc.) is the world's most popular format for audio streaming.  The term "audio streaming" came about in the early 90s when web designers realized that internet media would be allot more accessible if it didn't take 5 hours to download an audio or video file.  So programmers developed the concept of a format which could be viewed while it was downloading, and after it was played it would be dumped from the RAM.  On one hand, this is a wonderful advancement for the internet; on the other, it greatly sacrifices the audio & video quality.  This is why distributing Real Audio files of copyrighted music is rarely considered illegal -- the quality is so poor.  But, you are always capable of converting a CD track to wav, then to Real Audio, and then uploading it to your homepage where you can listen to your music anywhere in the world!


  • For more information regarding Real Audio or anything else found on this page, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions Section of this page.


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File Size


File Info


Real Audio Software
Real Audio G2 2.60 MB

RA/RAM Player

An excellent little program for live streaming.  My favorite real audio player. star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)

Real Audio Encoder

824 KB


(mono & stereo)

This is the BEST real audio encoder out there.  Grab it now 'cause it's hard to find.

star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)

RA 2 Wav

1.41 MB


Not a bad converter... It includes 4 different versions to optimize your computer.

star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)star.gif (973 bytes)

Goto the MISC section to find more Real Audio software.

For more information regarding Real Audio please visit the Frequently Asked Questions Section of this page.

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