I Love You Came Too Late


Angelina slid down the bathroom room until she was seated on the cold tile floor. She once again started balling again. She closed her eyes.


"Come on Cora. Sing along," Angelina said singing with her headphones, trying to get Cora *her best friend* in a better mood. Cora had just been dumped by her long time boyfriend. Angelina sang loudly to the music while they walked. They were walking down the train tracks. They had decided to go for a walk and the train tracks was always the quickest way.

"I don't want to," Cora replied to Angelina's attemps.

"What?" Angelina asked, not being able to hear Cora because of her headphones.


Angelina got shrugged it off and continued singing along. Cora suddenly heard something and it wasn't the music. She turned around to see a train coming straight towards them at a very high speed. She quickly turned to Angelina to warn her. She could tell that Angelina hadn't noticed the train because she was still singing.

"Ange," she screamed loudly. But she was unheard, between the loud train coming straight towards them and Angelina's singing, she couldn't even hear herself. The train got louder as the tracks started to vibrate. Angelina felt the tracks moving and looked down at her feet. She looked back up at Cora and gave her a strange look. She could tell that Cora was saying something, but she couldn't make out the words. All she knew was that Cora had a really worried look on her face.

"What?" Angelina screamed loudly over the music.

"Train.....coming......this way," Cora screamed. She pushed Angelina of the tracks as the train came closer. Angelina fell to the ground just a little ways from the tracks. Cora went to jump from the track and tripped on her shoelace that had gotten caught in the tracks. Angelina looked up to see where Cora was.

"NOOO!!!" she started screaming. She got up and ran closer to the tracks but it was too late.

~*~End Flashback~*~

She opened her eyes quickly. "I killed my best friend," she thought to herself. "If only I had listened to her. And not been listening to my music. I should have listened. She would be here right now if I had." She was still crying while she placed her head in her hands. "What am I going to do now? I can't live without her."


Angelina leaned her head back against the wall and looked up at the counter. She spotted a small razor sitting next to the sink. She quickly got up. Picking it up and then sat back down. Taking a deep breathe, she looked from the razor to her wrist and then back. "If Cora can't be with me here. I can be with her there," she thought to herself. Slowly she raised th razor to her wrist.

"Honey, I 'm home!" Joey said jokingly as he walked inot the house. Him and Angelina lived together. But only as friends. They have known each other all their lifes. He was surprised by the quietness of the house. He looked back outside to see if he car was in the driveway, he looked and there it was. So he figured that she had to be home. "Ange?" he asked outloud, waiting for a reply.

"AHHHHHH!!!" he heard echo through the house. He knew it was Ange. He quickly followed the sound, running up the stairs. He saw that the bathroom door was closed, but the light was on. He flung the door open and his heart stopped at what he saw.

Parts 3-4
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