Lexi was standing in front of her mirror, brushing her hair, when she saw JC through her mirror. It gave her time to prepare herself. She took a deep breath and spun around. She smiled, "Hi, Josh. I'm almost ready. Sit down."

JC was uncomfortable as he sat on the bed. He studied Lexi. She was wearing black dress pants and a black top with silver flowers across the hemline. Suddenly, a gray pile of fur flew into his lap. JC yelped in surprise.

Lexi smiled as she unconsciously slipped earrings in. "That's just Romeo. He's saying hello. He's coming on the tour with us. That's OK, right?"

As JC stroked the kitten, he nodded. "Yeah, it's fine. Chris's puppy comes with us."

Lexi was mumbling to herself. "Where are my shoes?" She scanned her room in thought.

JC teased her, "How could you lose your shoes, Alexis?"

Lexi stopped her search. "I can't find them. That basically accounts for me losing them." She snapped her fingers. "Music room! Follow me." She walked out of the room, JC reluctantly at her heels.

JC gasped as he followed Lexi into a room down the hall. The room was big and was a musician's dream. A baby grand piano sat in the middle of the room in all it's glory. An acoustic and an electric guitar, along with an amplifier. A set of keyboard and a synthesizer were tucked into a corner. A high-tech stereo system and a massive CD collection loomed against the far wall. Simple recording equipment sat next to the piano.

Running a hand across the surface of the piano, JC said simply, "Wow." Lexi smiled at him. "I know. It's my sanctuary. My brother built it for me, with the help of all my friends and family. It was a Christmas present. I really love music. But you knew that."

JC nodded. "It's gorgeous. But I didn't know you wrote music." Lexi shrugged. "I write almost all of Total Imperfection's songs. Purple Sky, for example."

"Purple Sky is a beautiful song. Well, we should go. Ready, Alexis?" Lexi pulled her backless, black flats out from under the piano bench and slipped them on. "Yes, Let's roll."

* * * * * *

Chapter 12
Hosted Fiction