Hilary(calling Steph): Come on. Pick up.

Steph: Hello?

Hilary: Hey girl. Wuz up?

Steph: Nothing, very boring. People are being asses.

Hilary: Oh, anywayz, I need you to do me a favor.

Steph: As long as I don’t have to get knocked up.

Hilary: Would I ask you to do that now? That’s for college.

Steph: Good point.

Hilary: Well, I need you to go check on my mom.

Steph: Ok, I’ll make brownies.

Hilary: I would like my mom to live.

Steph: Funny, so how’s road life?

Hilary: Wait, you’re not your hyper-self. What’s wrong?

Steph: Well, if you were bored for two weeks you wouldn’t be hyper either.

Hilary: Well, after you check on my mom, how would you like to visit your favorite female blonde?

Steph: What do you expect me to do? Run, and hope I’ll get to you all by Christmas?

Hilary: There is such a thing as “A Bus”. Some people use them to get to places quicker. Ever heard of one.

Steph: WOW! That’s a Jeopardy question. Can’t say I have.

Hilary: Well, you’ll get a close look at one cause that’s what you’ll be riding to get here and what you’ll be on while you are here. Any more questions?

Steph: Well, actually…….(cut off by Hilary)

Hilary: Well, I gotta go. So, see ya soon “Wild One”. Later.(clicks off)

Steph(looking at the phone): I know she didn’t.

~ Steph went over to Hilary’s and Justin answered the door ~

Justin: What do you want?

Steph: Well hello to you too, Anywayz is your mom here? I need to get a recipe from her.

Justin: No, um she’s not here.

Steph: Do you know where she is?

Justin: Yeah, she’s in the hospital.

Steph: Does Hilary know where she is?

Justin: No, I’m going to tell her soon.

Steph: Ok bye.

Justin: Bye.

~ Later That day ~

Steph had just arrived at the bus station and was absolutely puzzled at what she was gonna tell Hilary. The bus ride was ok. She had time to catch up on some needed sleep. It was about an eight hour ride so when it was time to abort the bus she was more hyper than a hyena that didn’t take it’s medicine. Hilary was more than happy to see her good friend. On the other hand Justin was a little afraid of what he might have to go through with Hilary’s quite hyper friend. No one knows how it happens, but when Hilary and Steph get together something is bound to happen. She couldn’t be worse than Kristin, was a hopeful scenario Justin was thinking.

Steph: Hey guys what’s up? (she yells across the bus)

Hilary: Shut up! JC and Joey are sleeping.

Steph: My bad! (Hilary walks right up to Steph and slapped her not really hard) thanks for the welcome.

Hilary: What’s your problem? (Justin entered)

Justin: What the hell is going on?

Steph was so amazed at Justin looks, She was almost speechless.

Steph: I’m so sorry.

Justin: Just don’t yell again. Ok?

Steph: Ok. Anywayz Hilary I really need to talk to you.

Hilary: Ok. (looks at Justin) We’ll be back in a minute. (They walk outside)

* * * * * *

Chapter 11
Hosted Fiction