Steph (not familiar to Hilary’s mad side): Whoa. Where’d this come from? Chill out he was gonna tell you. I just told you first.

Hilary: Steph, come on. You are taking his side. How long has she been there?

Steph: About a week.

Hilary: OH MY GOD! THAT LONG AND HE DIDN’T TELL ME! (Chris comes in)

Chris: What’s going on?

Hilary(pissed): I just need to talk to Steph for a little bit. Don’t mind the shouting.

Chris(scared a little): I’m gonna leave you two alone for a little bit. Good-bye. (Chris left)

Hilary(still angered): He is in such deep shit when I get a hold of him.

Steph: Wait a second. You are getting hyped up about something that is being taken care of as we speak.

Hilary: CAN YOU HEAR ME!? SHE HAS BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL FOR A WEEK AND I’M JUST NOW HEARING ABOUT IT! I should have known the second she was admitted. Don’t you find that a little strange?

Steph: Yes, I do. But you have to understand that he only wants the best for you, he’s your brother.

Hilary: Tomorrow I’m going home and staying with my mom till she comes home. You and Kristin can stay if the guys want, but I can’t right now. It’s not right.

Steph: That’s cool with me. But you’ll be coming back right?

Hilary: Maybe. I gotta get some fresh air. I’ll talk to you later. Ok?

Steph: Cool.(Hilary left the room)

Hilary was sitting on a benched area outside a rest stop they were at for a while. I can’t believe he wouldn’t tell me. After calling everyday, he lied. What am I gonna do, What am I gonna do? God, will you please help me? So, for about fifteen minutes she cried. She didn’t know what to do. What was gonna happen next. Hilary started to walk back to the bus and decided that now was the time they can know. She walked up the steps. And was about to open herself to everyone. She gathered everyone up in the lounge area. And began.

Hilary(standing and talking calmly): Some of you know about my mom, and some of you(looking at the quizzical faces) don’t.(sigh) She has lung cancer.(she tried not to cry) She was doing ok for a while, buy some days are good and some days aren’t so good. I’ve been keeping it from you because most of the friends I had, started to pity me when they found out(sigh)and I don’t want that from anyone. So I kept it to myself. I just found out that my brother has been lying to me. My mother has been in the hospital for a week now, and I didn’t know. (large sigh) So tomorrow morning, I’m going home and staying with my mother till she comes home.

Lance: When we met your mom she looked ok.

Hilary: Like I said, some days are good, and some aren’t. So, if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna be outside for a bit. (she went outside)

Justin (whispering in JC’s ear): What am I gonna do?

JC: I don’t know man. I don’t know. I’ll be right back. (walks outside and sits next to Hilary) Hey.

Hilary (sitting with her back arched and elbows on her knees): Hey.

JC: So, you made your decision.

Hilary: Yep. (quoting the bible)The truth shall set you free. It’s the only way out.

JC: Amen. I hope you have a safe trip home.

Hilary: I’m not worried about that. It isn’t gonna go away. It’s getting too hard for her.

JC: God has a plan for everyone.

Hilary: Hers went sour. She shouldn’t go out like this. (starting to cry) She was gonna video-tape my wedding when my brother walks me down the isle. (still crying) She was gonna play with her grandkids (she couldn’t speak any more. She put her head in her hands and cried)

JC (putting his arm around her and slowly cried with her): She’ll be at your wedding and she’ll see your beautiful children. And she will love you no matter what, Heaven or Earth.

Hilary (she spoke with her head in his shoulder): Thank you. I am so thankful that I have someone like you to talk to (and they cried).

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